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Kairos 14.1: Hanson, Interview of Scott McCloud - Home - 0 views

    An interview with Scott McCloud, who will be lecturing at the MU Great Hall Thursday, January 27, at 8pm. McCloud is a cartoonist and theorist. His work is important to the rhetoric of technology because he deals with new ways to present information that are better suited to the computer screen.

The Alternative - 1 views

    Ok, I can see how this will shape up. Half the class wants Delicious, and half the class wants Diigo. No problem. I'll support either one. Butt you'll have to join at least one of the two groups. Or, join both!

Wikipedia Mess-ups - 1 views

    Our book talked a lot about Wikipedia and the process of errors encouraging more people to edit. I thought it was kind of funny to see the biggest mess ups Wikipedia has had.
    This is also an example of what we were talking about yesterday. We can write the biography of anyone in an online encyclopedia where most people go for about power.

Monkeying around with the gorillas in our midst: familiarity with an inattentional-blin... - 1 views

    An article about the Invisible Gorilla experiment. I think this is interesting not only because of the content, but of how widespread the access to this experiment has been--the youtube video has something like 3,095,286 hits.

Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - 1 views

    Here is the article that Bilton references in Chapter 3 when talking about anchoring through Social Networking and how digital natives have mastered this in order to survive the information overload.

Flash mob gone wrong! - 1 views

    Tom Scott explains (in under five minutes) what happens when a flash mob goes wrong. Really interesting video!

White Bicycle Program Failure - 1 views

    As Clay Shirky states: "human nature has turned out to be fairly context sensitive...enough people's behavior becomes antisocial enoughto wreck things for everyone." Programs like this one will not work unless people are motivated to make it succeed.

Doctors Orders: Social Media, Children, and Adolescents - 1 views

    Really interesting article/video about the University of Kentucky's Children's Hospital child and adolescent behavioral health therapist and associate director of the Division of Adolescent Medicine and their views on social media and kids
    Thank you, Diana! This is very interesting! It is funny that part of their advice to parents is "Surf the web together with your child - there's a lot your child can teach you." I was expecting it to say something about parents teaching kids to proper ways to surf. LOL

Stephen Fry on Language/Grammar Police - 1 views

    Listen to what Stephen Fry has to say about the "grammar police" and what direction language seems to be headed today. Really interesting!

Another book I'm surprised we haven't been asked to read... - 1 views

    The title of it basically speaks for itself, don't you think?

The Rhetoric of Technology - 1 views

    Charles Bazerman defines the rhetoric of technology and contrasts it with the rhetoric of science.

Wiki: A technology for conversational knowledge management and group collaboration - 1 views

    Really interesting article about the idea of conversational knowledge and wikis as information systems managing that knowledge.

Social Websites Harm Children's Brains - 0 views

    Going along with the Shallow's argument about our changing ability to focus and shortening attention spans, this article addresses that, as well as communication problems.

In Defense of Distraction - 0 views

    The full text of an article cited by Nicholas Carr in The Shallows.

Wired Story: The Long Tail - 0 views

    Article referenced in our book. The tabs on the left are really interesting graphs like the one on page 12.

Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education - 0 views

    We can all read and Write...Here's the standards we need to worry about.

Peter Morville on Ambient Findability - 0 views

    An hour long talk by Peter Morville on his book Ambient Findability for GoogleTechTalks

How Social Media has Changed the Reading Experience - 0 views

    Amazon introduces the Kindle that lets you share ratings of and highlighted passages from books you've read with your friends through social media networks, and introduces "Kindle Singles" -- "short stories written by well known authors and published electronically by Amazon that come at a cheaper price than full-length books," for our shorter attention spans.

Teaching the iGeneration: It's about verbs, not tools - 0 views

    For the teachers and teachers-to-be in the group, a piece on the role technology (should) play(s) in the classroom.

The World in 2017 (CNN) - 0 views

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