This page gives 20 tips for proper netiquette that will remain useful for personal and business settings. Some of these include the common sense aspects such as starting an email with 'hello' and limiting or eliminating the use of all caps because that is viewed as yelling in internet terms.
I think this is interesting coming from people who develop and release email software what they find appropriate and deem 'good' to do in a business related email setting.
This was my favorite website out of all the one that I came across. This list was very well put together and it is presented in a very professional manner.
The best tip given is to not use email to avoid personal contact. Face to face time with a person is valuable and most of the time allows for better communication understanding.
In advertising, association (or the "association principle") is: A. a persuasion method that links the product with a setting, person, cultural concept, or positive feeling.
These steps will provide you with enough encouragement to build up your brand and use your online identity for self-promotion, and to gain a little well-deserved recognition. << This resource assists with creating and managing a personal identity online.
Alignment used on business cards. The telephone and email addresses are clumped together with the name and the title of the person separated in the middle.
I know I already shared one page but I thought that this was a good one as well. This blog post really talks about remediation and how it is used in the creation of new digital media as well as what remediation means to the lay person.
Tile is a small object including an RFID as described in Chapter 3 of "The Computer." The advantages of these devices are easily understood, but privacy could be a concern, as well. As suggested by Ince, many individuals are uncomfortable with their personal locations can be monitored. Tile's ability to send your location to other Tile users could make some uncomfortable with the concept. As someone who misplaces my keys regularly, I am willing to take the privacy risk!
This is a personal application of what we read about in the chapter about Texture. There are many different texture packs used in the game of Minecraft to help the player feel more connected with the world they want to create.
These beautiful abstract designs really keep the viewer's eye engaged and make the viewer think about their potential meaning. My personal favorite is the one for Conductor Universal. The colors really pop making it very aesthetically pleasing.
This You Tube video goes over the concept of unity. It goes over the different components that are involved in creating unity. It helped my learn more about unity because there are examples of unity and the person is talking about the different images.
This You Tube video is all about color balance. The person in the video took a photo that was already balanced and created different variations of the same photo.
I like what the person in this video said about repetition. For example, mentions to give your project some variety by moving some parts of your project around. Or you could give it a new color or texture in order for it to catch the audiences eye.
This is a really good site that provides lots of plug-ins that will help you not only to improve your WordPress blog but to make it more accessible to others. It gives yout alot of plug-ins that you can use to link the blog to Facebook or Twitter and also provides a couple of plugines that will let provide a link to social bookmarking sites (Diigo) to the blog. It also provides plug-ins to put picture and videos on your blog. Overall, if you want to use your wordpress blog beyond this class, this website gives your idea to make it more personal and one of a kind.