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Contents contributed and discussions participated by jessicacookman


Drinking & Driving - 0 views

    This article was full of statistics proving that no one should get behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming alcohol. There are laws that are trying to be passed to mark the vehicle in some way or revoke your license. We all know that the punishment come gradually but could it change these mind blowing statistics if we put the revoking law in effect for a first time offender? We are talking about the lives of innocent people. Very interesting. it gives me something to consider.

Live Together Before Marriage - 0 views

    This article was written about the risks concerning cohabitation. There are more and more families living in cohabitation today. This article was written to determine if there is in fact a higher divorce rate among couples that live together before marriage and among couples that get married right away.

Hospitals support or are against breastfeeding - 0 views

    This article discusses the dangers in hospitals not supporting new mothers to breastfeed. There are some very interesting facts concerning rising costs in the hospital due to the lack of breastfeeding. There are also a number of statistics providing information on baby friendly hospital facilities. Very good resource for facts.

Should you save a dog that bites? - 0 views

    This article is a one sided opinion of a celebrity that owned a pit bull that attacked his toddler, wife and guest in their home. Now that the dog is quarantined and scheduled for euthanasia the pet owner feels remorse. He began looking into facilities that would be willing to take on the troubled pet. Many of these facilities have little or no vacancies available. Many of the facilities would rather take non biting dogs than dogs with behavior issues with humans.

The right to spank your child or not...... - 0 views

    This article was a perfect example of equally divided opinions of this topic. The doctors say it is damaging causing depression and anxiety later on in life. The doctors are also saying that it will teach your child to react to situations in their lives with the same anger and resentment. On the other hand there are parents that live and breath everyday with their children. There has to be a middle ground for discipline. A great deal of interviewed mothers felt it was a necessary discipline tool while there were maybe a handful that felt it could be damaging. There is one question I am looking to have answered. Why is there such a gap between what doctors say and what parents practice?

Sex education lessons will start at the age of seven in new Government curriculum - 0 views

    There is a school that is teaching children as young a five years old about sexual matters. It is a "staged" program, meaning it is taught in stages. For instance, stage one would be for ages 5-7 years of age. Stage two would be from ages 8-11 and so on. What the article explained is that there is a level of education that is required to be taught. This was put in place by the national curriculum. There are certain subjects and areas our children have to be taught within the school system. Where does it say that this involves sexual intercourse? The children would start from age five learning about the body and life cycles and by age seven would be learning about intercourse. Many parents are outraged and looking for ways to meet this concerning issue head on. Parents are feeling that this type of teaching can lead their children to be faced with feelings they are not old enough to deal with responsibly. Other parents feel that school should be a pressure free place for their children.The bottom line is that schools have the right to decide what is taught within the nation curriculum's guidelines.It is up to parents to find out exactly what is being taught to their children and decide from there.

The Case for Teaching The Bible - 0 views

    This article is a two sided of opinion of a very concerning topic to many Americans today. Should we teach our children the bible in school? There are schools such as in Georgia that are for the first time allowing funds to be allocated to teaching high school classes the Old and New Testaments. The students say that there are many different reasons for them to take the classes, believers or not. It seems to be a rising trend proving that more and more students enjoy these classes. I am determined to answer my own question. If our founding fathers put our country in place basing it from morals and values found within God and His word, the Bible, who are we to take it away?

When is the right age to leave your child home alone? - 0 views

    As a parent we are all faced with the big question of, "When is my child old enough to be left alone?" There are laws of course that are put in place to help protect children from such instances as neglect. But, what if you are like me and happen to have a very responsible 11 year old? This article is a brief overview of things to consider before you leave your child(ren) home alone. There are also great tips that will assist you with setting up healthy scenarios. This type of practice helps set the feeling of safety for parents and children alike.

Do we have the right to say NO to drugging our children? - 0 views

    As parents do we have the right to say "NO" to drugging our children? I found this article to be very informative. This article suggests that we as parents need to question the responses given to us by our doctors. There are many cases of misdiagnosis. In some states there are schools that have rules in place if your child is diagnosed with ADHD and ADD they are required to take Ritalin. If you "opt out" the school can tell you not to bring your child to school anymore! Considering I have a child they are trying to get me to medicate, this issue hit home for me. There are many recorded deaths that have occurred as a result of taking this drug. That is a chance I am not willing to take.

A professionals opinon on spanking - 0 views

    This is a blog from Dr. Phil's website. It is interactive and people can add to the blog. Dr. Phil does not agree with spanking. He mentions that it leads to other feelings of destruction and distrust. He talks about his own personal experience with spanking and goes on to mention the repercussions for adults as well. Very interesting opinions from parents and a professional.
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