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Janine Sanford

Gender Change - 0 views

    If there is a man, or a woman, who feels they are the opposite what they were born, why should society and doctors put them through so many tests? It should be their right to change their gender, it should not be up to doctors and psychotherapists.
Kimberly Pogrant

Tuition Rising: Why College Cost So Much - 0 views

    This website pretty much goes straight to the heart about where and why the cost of tuition is 2-3% higher than inflation. The other good reason I didn't realize is that univerisites are striving to be the best so they will spend more money which we end up paying for.
Laila Syed

Underage drinking at home - 0 views

    Some parents have the idea that allowing their teenagers and friends to drink in their private homes as opposed to attending unsupervised parties is a safer alternative. However, adults can end up legally liable or even in jail for supplying alcohol to other people's children.

When is the right age to leave your child home alone? - 0 views

    As a parent we are all faced with the big question of, "When is my child old enough to be left alone?" There are laws of course that are put in place to help protect children from such instances as neglect. But, what if you are like me and happen to have a very responsible 11 year old? This article is a brief overview of things to consider before you leave your child(ren) home alone. There are also great tips that will assist you with setting up healthy scenarios. This type of practice helps set the feeling of safety for parents and children alike.
Emily Stevens

Smoking in public - 0 views

    This article goes over the California laws on smoking in public. States have been banning smoking in public due to health problems of second-hand-smokers. California has already set up a law stating that a child has the right to breathe in only clean air. So, the law is that no one is allowed to smoke in an area where there is a minor under 18.
Emily Stevens

Do Mandatory Seat Belt Laws Violate Individual Rights? - 0 views

    It is a well known fact that is is the federal law to wear a seatbelt when in a motor vehicle. This is due to the thousands that have died because they didn't wear one and got in an accident somehow. However, many feel that this law violated their personal rights. They are convinced that they should be able to wear one or not wear one. It should be up to them.
Emily Stevens

Bum Rap On Spanking - 0 views

    A lot of controversy comes up on the matter of spanking children. A growing number of parents are using rather calm approaches to their kids misbehaving. Yet, many still spank their children and unfortunately, some do more. In public, though, it is a different story. Most people these days feel uncomfortable spanking their children in public because they feel like they're being judged.
Joshua Fister

The Medical Arguments Against Legalizing Prostitution - 0 views

    From a medical view there are many reasons not to legalize prostitution. STD's could be tested for in advance but the testing could not keep up with the amount of partners a prostitute would have. The health risks are too dangerous to chance.
    Article on why prostitution should not be legalized using medical analysis.  Very short but very thorough with many cited works.
Jessica Ledford

School pregnancy test violates student's privacy rights - Gruenke v. Seip, 225 F.3d 29... - 0 views

    A swim coach required one of her students to take a pregnancy test. The swim coach did not want the student to harm the unborn child by being on the swim team but the student denied she was pregnant.
    A teacher at a Pennsylvania school violated a young students rights by demanding her to take a pregnancy test. This ended up going to court and just shows that schools need to buckle down on there privacy laws for students.
Sandy Coronado

Guilty in HOA Fraud Probe - 1 views

    During a recent court appearance, Triana who was on the Chateau Versailles HOA board, pleaded guilty to taking part in a plot between the years 2005 and 2009, to place HOA board members in a community where they in turn paid her to come up with construction defect lawsuits against home builders in order to generate money for her co-conspirators.

Should Obama make vaccines mandatory for all children? - 0 views

    This website is stating that childhood vaccines should be mandatory for all U.S. citizens. Diseases such as measals and many others have recently showed up again and are could potentially endanger the lives of many people. getting your vaccines as a kid as told could help strengthen your immune system.

Arizona's Other Crazy New Law - 1 views

    In an attempt to preserve all that they believe is great about a free and just America, Arizona has opened US culture to two words that previously were the exclusive province of Nazi Germany and the communist bloc: "Papers, please."
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    In an attempt to preserve all that they believe is great about a free and just America, Arizona has opened US culture to two words that previously were the exclusive province of Nazi Germany and the communist bloc: "Papers, please."
    This is crazy its about how the copscan arrest you on the spot if you can't prove your citizenship status. Further more it states that if you buy a gun made in Arizona you don't have to register it.
    The weapon of choose becomes their Constitution right to bear arms. Perhaps that prospect will make police a little more concerned about who they round up on the streets. We doubt it. Weapon's instructors in Arizona feel cheated by the state's law makers as they are killing their business.
    It is wrong to be stopped by patrol just because you don't seem to look like you're from the US. As for the weapons not having to be licensed also defeats the purpose. I think anyone who owns a concealed weapon should be trained on how to use it, and with that you have to own a license.
    I defiantly disagree with both of these laws. I don't think it is right that a cop can pull someone over just to make sure they are legal. I also think in order to be allowed to handle a gun people should go through safety classes.
    I think there should be a little more added to both these laws. If you want to search someone regardless of race, gender, religion or whatever you should need probable cause. Also I think if you are going to handle any type of weapon you should have some background with weapons handling; maybe off free weapons safety classes at public ranges?

Is Obamacare causing a surge in part-time work? - 0 views

    - Obamacare is still in its early stages and we have yet to see what it will do the job market in the long haul. The White House has pushed back the employer mandate that requires the employers that have 50-99 employees that care working full time to provide heath care coverage to them or have to pay a $2000 penalty. This could cause small businesses that make up a lot of the new jobs to hire less employees as the mandate goes in to play.

Prostitution -- Should prostitution be legal? - 3 views

shared by tinazamarron on 02 Sep 11 - Cached
    This article is split half and half. They have proven a lot of legit reasons as to why prostitution should be legalized, but many people feel so strongly against it at the same time.
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    I think prostitution should be illegal because then it would only further the spread of STIs and end up causeing a lot more problems in the future.
    It's definitely a touchy subject with both pros and cons. If it was legal they could regulate it with certain standards that brothels have to uphold. On the other hand, someone's body should not be for sale. If it was legalized then more questions would rise like should prostitution rings be legalized as well. And no matter what happens people will still continue to do it under the table (no pun intended) because they don't want to follow the regulations.
    First, nice one Phebs. Now when it comes to this it should definetly be illegal, because it only leads to more problems.
    I think it should remain illegal because it could lead to legalization of pimping and prostitution rings. The dirtbags who are willing to sell women for their bodies deserve to rot in jail. Even if prostitution became legal there would still be jerkoffs who won't want to follow the state regulated standards put in place.
Samantha Cooke

Hungry for a group to safely deliver leftover food to charities - 3 views

    Solutions to reducing food waste.
    I think it's really great that college students are coming up with a way to help reduce food. Giving food to charities would help in having the homeless eat and also not wasting good food.There needs to be more organizations like this worldwide.
Denisse Rodriguez

SAME sex Marriage - 1 views

    This yes or no article sums up why same sex marriage should or should not be legalized. With each yes and no they provide a detailed reason supporting it. When it came down to it, the yes column won with 9 reason why they should be allowed to marry while the no column only had 6 reason.
    Same sex marriage also want families just like traditional marriage. Adopt increases in gay couples because they can not have kids the natural way. This way benefits adoption and kids around the world. Although, people say that gay couples don't help childern develop. However, same - sex adoptions have yet to become widespread.
    Gay couples should be able to get married due to many reasons. First things first marriage is about love, and if a law is the only thing holding a couple back is wrong. It does not hurt anyone, and everyone should be allowed to be happy.

Compliance Assistance By Law - The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) - 1 views

    This webpage talks about the Family And Medical Leave Act that provides family with Unpaid leave for up to about twelve weeks. That is to say that the only law that was set in place and only amended a couple of years ago doesn't provide full coverage leave.

Social media: - 2 views

    The article talks about how social media has no security. Explains threats on social media
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    The article talks about how social media has no security. Explains threats on social media
    When people sign up for an account on a social media website, they agree to terms in which it states that your information could be used for anything they wish for.
    Social media is similar to high school, both false information and information you don't want getting out can and will spread fast and the truth doesn't always get out.

Alternative Education - 2 views

    Alternative education, also known as non-traditional education or educational alternative, describes a number of approaches to teaching and learning other than traditional publicly- or privately-run schools. These approaches can be applied to all students of all ages, from infancy to adulthood, and all levels of education.
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    Alternative education is very beneficial because people have different methods of learning but i dont think that they are being publicized enough for people to think about trying.
    I do think alternative learning is very important. Not everyone learns the same. But at the same time I don't really agree with homeschooling for a child's whole life. Yes homeschooling may be necessary sometimes but I am a strong believer of social interaction and think it is very important.
    I think it is really cool that they are coming up with multiple forms of education. It makes it so much easier to learn, and it takes some of the anxiety out of the learning process when you can find the best way that fits your learning needs.

Planned Parenthood Pros & Cons - 0 views

    A big part of planned parenthood is the abortion aspect. It's more than just that. About 3% of people that go through them are there for abortions. The most popular part of planned parenthood is the contraception which makes up about 33%. People should have the options that planned parenthood gives you. Someone out there has too give people the services they provide and taking away the funding isn't right.
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