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Dane Raffle


    Abortion has two very strong sides, pro life and pro choice Pro life individuals believe that the fetus has the right to live , as the mother has a right to live. Pro choice argues that the mother has the decision whether to terminate per pregnancy within the first 3 months.
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    Examines the different sides of the abortion argument. This article is an argument for the pro-life side of the abortion debate.
    This article is about the different views that people have on abortions. It gives the pros and cons of the situation. Also mentions that we as humans are responsible for are actions and we know the consequences that are actions can bring. Also how we should take the time to educated people on the the responsibilities that life has and how to care for a child. Its more than what we think but the right of all humans should be taking in concentration,
    This site has a list of positions on a very emotional topic, abortion.
Laila Syed

Breast-Feeding Controversy: The Fight to Nourish in Public - ABC News - 0 views

    This article discusses the controversy over breast-feeding in public. Although breast-feeding is healthy for both mother and child over half the American population is still uncomfortable with it. The author discusses the health benefits to babies that are breast fed and the barriers that mothers face.
Marshalette Dawkins

Breastfeeding in Public - 0 views

    The article discusses the rights of breastfeeding mothers to feed their babies in public. Many places do allow access for women to breast feed, but some places do not allow breastfeeding in public although it may be banned from the state law's indecent exposure laws. 
Nadine Borwege

SmackDown: Would You Publicly Punish Your Child? - 0 views

    when does punishing your child go to far? This is an article about a parent humiliating and shamming her son publicly. The first one by Jessica Samakow talks about a young man who was failing and the mother puts him out in public announcing his GPA and asking if he needs education. That is just down right embarrassing. Then when you though the mother could not go any further she did. She made her son stand on the street again but this time with his grades posted. There is punishing and then there is just abuse and humiliation that no person deserves.
Candice Zinke

Breast Feeding in the Workplace - 0 views

    Mothers don't have the time to breastfeed or pump while at work. Some workplaces don't have the right accommodations for these mothers. There are programs for the moms.
Mary Murray

Florida Mom Confronts Santorum Over Gay Son's Rights | News - 0 views

    The mother of a gay man questioned the Presidential candidate and asked him to justify his position that gays shouldn't adopt. Santorum inferred that gays and lesbians don't have the right because God only grants everybody some rights but the government is in charge of deciding the leftover rights. Florida banned same-sex adoptions in 1977 but the law was challenged and 2 gay men adopted a foster child in 2011
Erika Gorostieta Rojas

Abortion Freedom - 3 views

    as part of our personal freedoms women should be allowed to have an abortion, or as many as they want.Many American believe abortion freedom is as important as the right to free speech, and the right to vote.
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    I don't believe that, why should a woman be allowed numerous abortions? These women need to take precautionary measures so they don't end up in the same situation.
    I believe abortion is a personal freedom. Why is it anybody else's business of what YOU decide what to do with YOUR body? Don't get me wrong, I do not necessarily think that someone should do it, but it is not my choice. It is theirs. It's kind of like gay marriages - if it is not a problem in your everyday life, then don't worry about it! Also, people always protest it until they are put into the situation - it's scary and life changing and some people are just not ready for that kind of responsibility. To be honest, and as bad as this sounds, I rather allow abortions to be done if the individual knows for a fact that they can't take care of the child.
    Abortion has always been a tough topic and I still have yet to decide on a solid answer. When you hear of women getting raped and pregnant its hard to tell them that they should have the baby. That would probably be the only case in which I believe abortion would be some what okay. On one side I believe it is a woman's right to do as she pleases with her own body, but at the same time she's not only making a decision for herself but also for what could be a baby. Your stopping a human from having a chance at life. I understand that some women may not be ready to take on such a responsibility but I would rather support adoption over abortion. As far as numerous abortions go, I think that if a women would ever need more than one then she should probably take a sex education class.
    The freedom for a women to choose to have an abortion is her personal freedom its should remain her and only hers. This freedom has been allowed to women by the scarifice of thousands of women before us.
    This topic is a difficult one to discuss. I feel as if birth and pregnancy is a miracle and its such a beautiful thing. Women able to be pregnant should be proud and feel blessed as some women aren't as grateful. I feel as if their is no excuse to take an infants life for the mothers fault. The only time i feel that there should be a debate about it is if the woman was raped.
    The right for a women to get an abortion or even several abortions is ultimately one of her personal freedoms. There are many different scenarios that happen that lead to an abortion and who are we to questions anyone about to get one? Its a woman's private decision and freedom and should be left that way.
Laila Syed

Public Breast-Feeding Sparks Controversy - 0 views

    In this brief article, a woman was reprimanded by her employer for breast-feeding her 3-month-old son in a Fort Brag mini-mall. Someone who was offended by the woman breast-feeding filed an anonymous complaint and a few days later the woman was told by her manager that the Army and Air Force Exchange Services, which manages military malls, has banned breast feeding. Although the employee did not want to make anyone uncomfortable or cause any further issue after her reprimand both North Carolina and federal law, allow women to breast-feed in public, even if their breast is exposed.
    This was an issue 11 years ago when I was a breastfeeding mom. I had no choice but to take my 8 week old baby with me to a mandatory work meeting. I had a "cover" that is made to drape over me like a pancho. You could see nothing. Not even the baby's feet! I was asked to leave the meeting. That also came with repercussions, obviously out of my control. The mind blowing part of this entire story is my boss was a mother that had nursed her baby when he was little. Wouldn't you think she would understand more than anyone? This article is interesting to me due to the fact that there are laws in place to keep mothers from breastfeeding their children. That is outrageous! You should not feel pressured to bottle feed your child. It is a personal choice. I as a parent, had weighed out the pros and cons of both. And I made the decision to give my daughter a healthy head start. Why should we as human beings, be punished for taking proper care of our children. In my opinion, people need to find something else to complain about. And they will!
Tori Hill

Mother Jones Arizona's Other Crazy New Law - 0 views

    This article by Adam Weinstein really jumped from topic to topic and personally I don't see the connection between illegal immigration to concelled-carry permits. The right to bear arms is a personal right I find important.
Natalie Hanson

Articles: The End of Women's Rights in America? - 0 views

    This article had some comparisons between US and China, how in China if a mother was having a girl the pregnancy would be terminated and that is true in Kenya as well. It also talks feminists and how they have embraced an ideological construct which declares loudly and clearly that any woman can decide that her unborn little girl is worth less than a little boy.
Kelsey Ashworth

Breastfeeding State Laws - 0 views

    Forty-five states, the District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands have laws that specifically allow women to breastfeed in any public or private location. Each state has different laws pertaining to breastfeeding in public.
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    This site gives the actual state laws that support breastfeeding. As of right now, there are 45 states that have laws to protect breastfeeding mothers.
    This site includes the many different laws about breastfeeding throughout the states. This is useful to check your sources and use this information in an argument about breastfeeding in public. It includes laws about breastfeeding in public, pertaining to public indecency, breast feeding in the workplace, etc.
    This just might be what you need to make this a good topic for this class. Good find.
Khelil Beidoun

Pregnant teens can't be forced to have abortions - by anyone - 0 views

    This article describes how pregnant mothers cannot be forced into having or not having an abortion. The article tells a story in relation to this about a texas teen and what rights she has and how they could be violated.
    However, they can be forced to have the baby in most states.

Educational freedom is today's civil rights issue - 0 views

    Mothers who are trying to give their children a brighter future are being convicted and in one case sent to jail. As the title states, educational freedom is our new civil rights issue.
jeffrey hinton

6 Arizona laws limit HOAs' power - 0 views

    It is pretty bad in this day and age when you purchase a house but you have a small group of people that tell you what you can and can't do to it. Where is the ownership in that? Since when should you have to ask your mother if you can put pavers down next to your driveway? Apparantely you have to when it comes to an HOA.
Nadine Borwege

Censorship and Book Banning in America - 0 views

    This article breaks down why drugs should not be legalized. One of the main issues being that they are illegal and harmful and that's why they are illegal already. The government is looking out for you and some people should learn when to say "no". This gives 10 nicely detailed facts on why it should not be legalized and it is very informative.
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    Everyday books are being banned from school because a particular parent did not like a topic in the book or a certain word. In this case the article discusses an 11th grade class reading the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and a mother called up demanding they stop reading it because she did not want her son reading the "N" word. At what point where do we draw the line at censorship in school and just let the kids learn?
    I teach an online Banned Books class at GCC - ENH295. Good stuff.
    That sounds really interesting. I'll have to look into it. Never knew the school had that class.
Candice Zinke

Workplace Breastfeeding included in the Health Care Reform - 0 views

    Giving mothers un-paid break time to pump the milk for their nursing child. People don't realize that this is not only a health benefit it is an economic benefit.
Julia Laborin

Competing Claims of Religious Freedom - 5 views

    Naming your child after the "Messiah" should be a parents personal & religious freedom, but a Tennessee judge is forcing a mother to change her son's name to Martin. Religious freedom is for those who choose religion and those who oppose religion. How do we find a fair and equal balance for all.
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    I'd followed this case somewhat but never from the angle of calling a child "Messiah" could infringe on the religious freedom of others. While I don't think this was the parents intention, there should be some legal mechanism in place to prevent this infringement. I think the judge in this case got it wrong in her ruling, her justifications for changing the baby's name were wrong. I do foresee a more solid legal challenge to naming children "Messiah" pushing forward.
    There is somewhat of a controversial issue here that could have this child set apart in a religious community. There are certain sects of Jewish and Christian communities that would see this as an insult and have this child's back against the wall when he came of age and none of which would be his fault. Although this is the perfect example of what a name is or can be for example Mr or Esquire which are simply titles, judgments being made on the child's name are debatable.
    I think this is a great article about personal freedom. I think you should be able to name your child whatever you like. Every religion, culture has their own name for "Jesus." Why would you make anyone change the name. I understand why some people would be against it, for religious purpose. As a U.S citizen you have the freedom to Religion.
    Very interesting topic. I am religious and find this to be ridiculous. I understand the judge may find it to infringe on a person's religious beliefs, but come on, seriously?! I think a parent should be able to name their kid whatever they want.
    A couple should be allowed to name their child whatever they want, the court should have no say in it. A name is not breaking any laws.

The right to spank your child or not...... - 0 views

    This article was a perfect example of equally divided opinions of this topic. The doctors say it is damaging causing depression and anxiety later on in life. The doctors are also saying that it will teach your child to react to situations in their lives with the same anger and resentment. On the other hand there are parents that live and breath everyday with their children. There has to be a middle ground for discipline. A great deal of interviewed mothers felt it was a necessary discipline tool while there were maybe a handful that felt it could be damaging. There is one question I am looking to have answered. Why is there such a gap between what doctors say and what parents practice?
Tasha McNutt

Breastfeeding in public is legal - discreet nursing - 007 Breasts - 0 views

    Most of us are aware that there are significant benefits to breastfeeding. One should know the laws and the resources to go to if one is discriminated against for breastfeeding in public. One should also be considerate of others when breastfeeding in public.
    This site helps to clarify breastfeeding in public laws. Very informative, and interesting to know what rights a nursing mother has.
Katie Waite

Prenatal care and tests - 1 views

    This site is informative in giving women information about their prenatal care. It educates women about the different options they have in choosing a prenatal care provider along with the options for delivering the baby. It also takes you thru what to expect in your prenatal visits and the tests that should be run in order to provide essential good quality prenatal care.
    It would be smart for a pregnant women to know about the different options she has for the birth of her child. Women should seek the different specialized doctors to be educated on the healthiest way to give birth. More knowledge for the mother equals a healthier baby.
    this was really cool to read I mean obviously it is important for women to understand how this all works, but I think its equally as important for the guys to read and understand that way they can be more knowledgable and be more involved in the process.
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