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Convergence Composition - YouTube - 1 views

    Professor Gerchick's You Tube channel for English 102. Videos for class based discussions and research. 
Billy Gerchick

MCC Libraries' Research Guides - 2 views

    Check out this gateway of guides to help you with research. In-particular, check out "Google Searching" and the English 101 Argumentative Essay guide.
Daniel Opie

Vatican to finance adult stem cell research - Health - Cloning and stem cells - - 0 views

    Most people including religious persons oppose embryonic stem cell use but most if not all people are willing to experiment or allow adult stem cell use. It seems reasonable because adult stem cell research has been the only one that has proven to give effective results with out harming life. Will this prove to be the future of medicine and if so how soon will it be fully available and what price will the average person have to fork out for its use?
Daniel Opie

Lab-grown glands, eyes and brain parts | Mo Costandi | Science | - 0 views

  • Growing a complete, functioning brain is unfeasible, but there is real potential in growing functional neural tissue containing specific types of cells, for transplantation into the human brain.
    • Daniel Opie
      It may not be possible to regrow a complete brain but we may not have to. If medical science was able they could potentially regrow certain cells and parts of the brain that have degenerated that could prove to cure certain diseases like Alzheimers.  
    A study is being done in Japan that has regrown a pituitary gland that is fully funtional when it was transplanted into mice. How soon will it be before it is done on humans? Or is it already being done?
Daniel Opie

FAQs [Stem Cell Information] - 0 views

    This resource may help me to know the main stream questions and might be able to answer many of my own. If i plan on being a surgeon some day will i be doing surgeries that require transplants from organs grown from stem cells?
Daniel Opie

Stem Cell Research - 0 views

    This is showing me the different types of stem cells and how each one can be used for a different purpose. Can we grow stem cells from previous existing stem cells?
Daniel Opie

Stem Cell Of America | Breakthrough Stem Cell Treatment - 0 views

    Showing me personal videos of people having results of the use of stem cells. 
Daniel Opie - Fact Sheet: Adult Stem Cells (72) v. Embryonic Stem Cells (0) - 0 views

    This is showing me that the type of stem cells that i have chosen to focus on are the only ones that have shown any results in curing these illnesses. Will science do a way with embryonic stem cells and gear their efforts toward adult stem cell research or continue to try and use embryonic stem cells?
Daniel Opie

Education > Stem Cell Research | - 0 views

    This explains to me the different ethics people have towards embryo-tic stem cell research. But is using adult stem cell research as controversial and disliked as embryo-tic stem cell use?
Daniel Opie

Stem Cells Poised To Grow Organs For Transplant - 1 views

  • Grekos showed the successful engraftment of stem cells into damaged organs and subsequent regeneration of tissue.
  • Dr. Grekos also highlighted several case studies to illustrate his team's success with Adult Stem Cells. According to their findings, cardiac disease patients experience an average increase of 21% in ejection rates as well as measurable improvements in congestive heart failure class status, some in as little as one month post-treatment
  • Regenocyte Therapeutic is currently using Adult Stem Cells Therapy to treat Congestive Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathy, Peripheral Artery Disease, Coronary Artery Disease, Kidney Disease, Ischemic Heart Disease, Pulmonary diseases (COPD, Pulmonary Fibrosis, and Pulmonary Hypertension) and Early Senile Dementia. Patients can call 866-216-5710 or visit for information or consultation.
  • ...7 more annotations...
    • Daniel Opie
      I may want to contact this number for my research. 
  • Therapeutic, addressed physicians from around the world with a presentation on patients treated with pre-engineered Adult Stem Cells. In the presentation,
  • "This is the logical next step in harnessing the regenerative power of stem cells. This will be the next phase in turning science into medicine
  • PET scans confirm that Adult Stem Cells have the ability to engraft themselves into areas damaged by myocardial infarction (heart attacks) and turn into viable new heart muscle.
  • "Three months after treatment, cardiac nuclear scans of the areas treated reveal reversal of damage. We have been able to take patients off the transplant list, and we have been doing it consistently."
  • physicians at the Dominican Republic division of Regenocyte announced clinical results of a 46-year-old patient with pulmonary hypertension who was treated with Adult Stem Cells. His pulmonary artery mean pressure went from 41mmHg (severe pulmonary hypertension) to 24 mmHg (normal) in six months.
  • The patient's saturations are now consistently high and he no longer needs to be supplemented with oxygen continuously or considered for a lung transplant. Another patient was successfully treated for cardiac sequelae of Fabry's Disease, and is also no longer considered for heart transplant.
    A clinical essay on the use of stem cells on regrowing certain organs and its cit-effects. Is it more dangerous to use stem cells research? Does the benefits out weigh the risks of the procedures? 
Daniel Opie

The Procedure to Obtain Adult Stem Cells for Stem Cell Therapy - 0 views

    Can your body run out of stem cell? How does your body produce stem cells? What are the risks of doing a procedure like this and what is its success rate?
Daniel Opie

Scripps - 0 views

    How much money is stem cell research making off donations and how do institutes get people to donate their money? Has their money helped the advancement in stem cell research technology?
Billy Gerchick

Purdue OWL: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing - 0 views

    This handout is intended to help you become more comfortable with the uses of and distinctions among quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. This handout compares and contrasts the three terms, gives some pointers, and includes a short excerpt that you can use to practice these skills.
Billy Gerchick

Purdue OWL - 0 views

    The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional materia... Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.
    Valuable "go-to" for a broad base of writing skills, particularly for the WP2 project.
Billy Gerchick

Purdue OWL: "MLA Formatting Quotations" - 3 views

    A guide for incorporating quotes into sentences, in-text and parenthetical citations included. When considering incorporating quotes, consider if paraphrasing or quoting adds most to your sentence, paragraph, etc. When selecting a quote, consider the "10-word rule," to get to the most valuable information from the quote (anyone can cut-and-past paragraphs), decrease in conventions errors (less unnecessary words = less opportunity for errors), and fluency. Once you've incorporated a quote into your sentence, try reading the sentence out loud, same sentence, without the quotation marks. If it's unreadable, revise how you've placed the quote in your sentence.
Billy Gerchick

MLA Format Model Paper - 5 views

    Shared through Purdue's OWL (Online Writing Lab), this paper is a model for students struggling to write papers in MLA format. You can download the model for current and future writing assignments.
Billy Gerchick

EditMinion - 0 views

    Writing a paragraph from your paper to see areas where your writing mechanics can improve.
Billy Gerchick

Grammar Girl :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™ - 2 views

    Grammar Girl blog is a wonderful resource for short lessons and reviews on grammar essentials. I learned about this blog at the NCTE 2010 Convention in Orlando, FL.
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