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Billy Gerchick

100 social media statistics for 2012 | The Social Skinny - 0 views

    From author Cara Pring: "We all love statistics, specially when they are about social media. I've made life so much easier by compiling all the statistics I could find over the past month or so in one handy bulleted article..."
Billy Gerchick

Ethics in Social Media - YouTube - 0 views

    Slow-moving, but covers the basics of social media ethics.
Oluronke Salako

Internet Fraud: The Dangers You, as a New, Unsuspecting User, are Exposed to Online - 2 views

Internet frauds may not be apparent to you, if you are new to the Internet. But, make no mistake! It does not seem to be real until you are actually bitten by an on-line scam. Those who do fall pre...


started by Oluronke Salako on 12 Jul 12 no follow-up yet
Billy Gerchick

Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins - 0 views

    The author of Convergence Culture, Henry Jenkins is one of the world's most respected minds on media studies.
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