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Bloggers Beware: You CAN Get Sued For Using Pics on Your Blog - My Story - Bl... - 0 views

  • Bloggers Beware: You CAN Get Sued For Using Pics on Your Blog - My Story
    • anonymous
      Very important comment about Creative Commons
  • Here's what I learned about Fair Use: It DOESN'T MATTER... if you link back to the source and list the photographer's name if the picture is not full-sized (only thumbnail size is okay) if you did it innocently if your site is non-commercial and you made no money from the use of the photo if you didn't claim the photo was yours if you've added commentary in addition to having the pic in the post if the picture is embedded and not saved on your server if you have a disclaimer on your site. if you immediately take down a pic if someone sends you a DMCA notice (you do have to take it down, but it doesn't absolve you.)
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • NONE OF THAT releases you from liability. You are violating copyright if you have not gotten express PERMISSION from the copyright holder OR are using pics that are public domain, creative commons, etc. (more on that below.)
  • So what can you do? 1. If you've been using images without approval from the internet on your blogs, know that you are probably violating copyright and could be sued for it. Is the chance high? Probably not. Is it possible? I'm proof that it is. So you may want to consider going through your posts and delete pics that aren't yours. 2. Search for photos that are approved for use. Creative Commons licensed pics -- You can search for photos that are free to use (with some restrictions) through Creative Commons. Usually this means you have to attribute the photo to the owner and link back to their site. (All of my posts now have pics that are under Creative Commons license. And there are actually really great photos available.) Meghan Ward did a fantastic post on the breakdown of creative commons licenses plus listed some other photo sources.) Wikimedia Commons offers free media files anyone can use. Buy a subscription to a stock photo site -- This can be pricey up front but then you have access all year. There are also sites that you can pay per pic. (Here is one example of a subscription service. Thanks to Janice Hardy for that suggestion.) Use photos that are in the public domain. 3. Take your own photos and share the love. Almost all of us have camera phones these days. Instead of just taking photos of our family, think of images you could use on posts. See a stop sign. Snap a picture and save it. Whatever. And if you want to give back and not just take--open up a Flickr account (here's mine) and list your own images as creative commons so that you can share the love. (You can set it up to where whatever pic you load from you camera is under that license.)
  • 4. Use sites like Pinterest and Tumblr with caution. I have read way too many terms of service over the last two months. And I'm not a lawyer, so the legalspeak can be confusing and I am NOT giving legal advice. BUT both Pinterest and Tumblr (and most other social sites) say that if you load something into their site (i.e. Pin It or Tumble it) YOU are claiming that YOU have a legal right to that picture. And if the owner of that photo comes after the company, you will be the responsible party. And Pinterest goes so far as to say if you REpin something, you're saying you have the right to that photo. Yes, if that's enforced, it would mean that 99% of people on Pinterest are doing something illegal. Will that ever come up? Maybe. Maybe not. But I'm leaning on the paranoid side now. I don't want to be the test case. And I don't want to pin something the owner of the photo wouldn't want pinned.  So pin your own photos, pin things from sites that have a Pin It button (see discussion in comments about the Pin It button, it's not always a safe bet either.) I pin book covers and movie posters because I figure that it's advertisement for said movies or books. But other stuff? All those pretty mancandy photos? I'm going to look but not touch. *ADDED: Also see discussion in comments about posting and sharing pics on Facebook. Same rules apply. 5. Assume that something is copyrighted until proven otherwise. That's your safest bet. If you're not 100% sure it's okay to use, don't. This includes things like celebrity photos. Someone owns those. There are enough free pics out there that you don't need to risk violating someone's copyright. 6. Spread the word to your fellow bloggers. It was KILLING me not to be able to go tell everyone about all of this because I didn't want anyone else to get into this kind of mess. So if you know someone who is using photos in the wrong way, let them know. I wish someone had told me.
    Good discussion of copyright and image use online.

ImageChef - Customize Photos, Clip Art - 0 views

    Here is a great site that allows you do great things with pictures and words. Using templates, you can create word mosaics, YOu can also make photo frames, use the poetry blender, and create images with the sketch pad. They also have an iPhone app called Framed! that only costs $.99. They seem to have a Android app too.

BigHugeLabs: Do fun stuff with your photos - 0 views

    Free with ads. Great online tool for playing with images. You can make all sorts of thinks from posters to nametags. There is a color palette generator and a way to make trading cards.

Great Moments in Art: Harold ... - 0 views

    Using Google Calendar and Google Maps, students create a calendar of art images tied to a location and day/month. Make sure students choose yearly in the Calendar drop down so that they show in the current year. can be adapted for other subject areas.

Book Buddies: Lucie deLaBruer... - 0 views

    Using Google Presentations. 1st grade students and their older book buddies produce a digital storybook. They also use a free drawing program to create images for their stories. The younger students tell their  stories while their book buddies type the text.

A Place in Time with Google T... - 0 views

    Using Google Earth, Apps, and Sites, students will create a Google earth tour of images and their locations. Can be modified to create Lit Trips and book mapping too.

The Great Immigration Debate:... - 0 views

    Using Google Docs, Google News Timeline and Image Search. students research Immigration and present their finding to their peers.

GIFPAL - Make GIF animations online with webcam and images - 0 views

    Create Animated GIFs online - Great for mini-mulitmedia projects.

Cinch - Create and share micro podcasts, images and text updates on - 0 views

    Another (currently) free podcast creator. you can call and create a short podcast. From the folks at Blog Talk Radio

Education Week: International Test Scores, Irrelevant Policies - 0 views

  • Of the 30 occupations in the United States with the fastest rate of growth, only nine are in science and engineering fields, and 16 of the 30 do not require a college degree, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics projections.
  • of the 30 occupations expected to provide the largest numerical growth in jobs, only two (both in computer fields) are in science and engineering, and 23 do not require a college degree.
  • If we consider only occupations requiring a college degree or above, 15 of the top 30 fastest-growing occupations are in science and engineering; however, only eight (six in computer fields) of the 30 occupations expected to provide the largest numerical growth in jobs are in science and engineering.
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  • we have ignored the strongest evidence emerging from the international tests: the adverse effects of poverty and concentrations of poverty in schools on student performance in all countries.
  • Although countries can exacerbate or mitigate the impact of poverty through their social, fiscal, and education policies, and although some students do overcome the odds, the fact is the gap between high-poverty and more-affluent students remains a fundamental problem in virtually every country.
  • our rhetoric has assumed that test-score rankings are linked to a country’s economic competitiveness, yet the data for industrialized countries consistently show this assumption to be unwarranted. For example, the World Economic Forum’s 2010-2011 global-competitiveness report ranks the United States fourth, exceeded only by Switzerland, Sweden, and Singapore. Many of the countries that ranked high on test scores rank lower than the United States on competitiveness—for example, South Korea, No. 22, and Finland, No. 7.
  • Poverty, not international test-score comparisons, is the most critical problem to be addressed by our public policies. Unfortunately, our recent political polarization over budgetary priorities does not leave much room for optimism.
    Good analysis of the plotics tied to testing and job growth.Favorite quote: "When companies claim that they need to hire from other countries because they cannot find qualified U.S. graduates, it is more likely that they cannot find them at the wages they would prefer to pay and find it cheaper to outsource. 
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