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History of FNP - 10 views

These are the links that I used. They have some of the history going back as far as the 1800s. They were nurses but they were really practicing medicine and caring for patients in a NP role. https...

started by tammyralston on 19 Sep 16 no follow-up yet

How Nurse Practitioners Obtained Provider Status: Lessons for Pharmacists - 2 views

This website describes how and why RNs were able to transition into provider roles as nurse practitioners. It has a lot of the same information from the other resources that have been posted, but i...

APRN history provider status


Information on residencies for NPs - 1 views

These are two links for initial reading on NP residency programs. I have never heard about them until this assignment, so this seemed like a great place to start for me to get some information on w...

APRN residency practice role transition mentorship

started by atmaror on 28 Oct 16 no follow-up yet

Once Reserved For Physicians, Residencies Spread To Nurse Practitioners - 3 views

    Great article on nursing residency programs and the opportunities they provide. BONUS- includes insight from an Emory NP Alum who completed a residency program in Washington!!
    Faced with a shortage of primary care doctors, more and more clinics are relying on nurse practitioners to fill the gap. But that creates another gap, in the level of training providers bring to the job. Residency programs--once reserved for physicians--are popping up for nurse practitioners as well.
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