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Full Practice Authority for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses is a Gender Issue - 0 views

    In this article, author Lugo discusses the findings of her study relating limits on full practice authority for APRNs to issues of gender equality. She investigated the link between state support of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and laws in these states allowing APRNs full scope of practice and prescribing rights. Her study showed that states that have historically and currently supported the ERA in fact allow greater APRN scope of practice, and thus she draws conclusions about attitudes towards women's equality and the regulation of advanced practice nursing, which remains to be a woman-dominated profession.
    In this May 2016 article published in the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Dr. Nancy Rudner Lugo argues that advanced practicing nursing viewed through a gendered perspective due to nursing's history as a predominantly female profession; because of this, APRNS in states that are less accepting of women's equality have a more narrow scope of practice. There is not currently a national-level evidence based method used to determine APRN scope, and is instead decided at the state level. The author seeks to explain the cause of the discrepancy between differing APRN scopes of practice in different states by comparing the APRN scope of practice between states that did and did not vote to pass the Equal Right Amendment, positing that states with cultural attitudes that are more equitable between genders reflect this at the legislative level, thus explaining the wider or full practice authority given to APRNs in these states. In conclusion, Lugo advocates for increasing the number of women in legislative positions, forming relationships between women's equality organizations and groups working towards expanded health care access, and emphasizing the skills and competency of APRNs in achieving positive patient health outcomes.

APRN prescribing in Georgia: An evolving environment. - PubMed - NCBI - 0 views

    J Am Assoc Nurse Pract. 2015 Jun;27(6):300-7. doi: 10.1002/2327-6924.12203. Epub 2014 Dec 29. As of July 2006, APRNs are allowed to write prescriptions in Georgia. Even though it took a long time to achieve this, 40% of Georgia APRNs do not write prescriptions. Georgia is one of the most restrictive states for APRNs so policy changes are recommended to enhance to scope of APRNs.
    Georgia is one of the most restrictive states in terms of APRN scope of practice. This article identifies barriers that are common to APRNs nationwide and specific barriers to Georgia APRNs.

Patient Advocacy at the APRN Level: A Direction for the Future.pdf - 0 views

    This article present a gap in research regarding advocacy at the APRN level, despite the large amount of evidence surrounding advocacy at the RN level. The article calls for more research regarding if and how advocacy may differ at the APRN level and how exactly institutions are preparing APRN students for the advocacy role.

The consensus model for regulation of APRNs: Implications for nurse practitioners - Rou... - 1 views

    Diverse regulatory criteria, such as variable accreditation standards, disparate certification and licensing requirements, inconsistent population foci, and scopes of practice, represent barriers to optimized APRN function within today's complex healthcare system and, ultimately, reduced access to safe, quality care for patients. The Consensus Model for APRN Regulation promises to unify APRN education, practice, and licensure, promoting greater mobility among nursing professionals. Elimination of inconsistencies in APRN licensure, education, certification, and accreditation requirements will promote greater value and mobility for the APRN within the healthcare system. Rounds, L. R., Zych, J. J. and Mallary, L. L. (2012), The consensus model for regulation of APRNs: Implications for nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2012.00812.x

The consensus model for regulation of APRNs: Implications for nurse practitioners - 1 views Diverse regulatory criteria, such as variable accreditation standards, disparate certification and licensing requirements, ...

APRN Accreditation Certification Education Mobility Consensus Model

started by acmonda on 30 Aug 17 no follow-up yet
erdixon - 7 views

    In 2006, APRNS gained legal authority to write prescriptions in Georgia. It has been shown that nearly 40% of APRNS are still not writing prescriptions. Georgia is one of the most restrictive states in terms of APRN scope of practice. Policy changes are recommended to enhance the practice environment of APRNs to support the delivery of quality care
    This article discusses APRN's in Georgia and their prescriptive authority. Georgia is one of the most restrictive states regarding APRN scope of practice. After a lengthy battle, APRN's were granted prescriptive rights in 2006; although, many are still not practicing to their full scope.
    This article discusses the evolution of APRN practice in the state of Georgia, the barriers to practice, and the implications. As many of us know, the south, and Georgia specifically, is one of the most restrictive states in regards to practice.

APRNs Are Georgia's Answer to its Shortage of Primary Care Providers! https://uaprn.enp... - 5 views This article is specific to Georgia and touches on the history of the role of the APRN...

APRN history transition

started by mfdoss on 29 Aug 16 no follow-up yet

APRN Prescribing in Georgia: An Evolving Enviornment - 1 views

    This article describes past and current barriers to APRN prescribing abilities in the state of Georgia. While legislation has been passed in the state to allow APRN's to prescribe medications to their patients under a collaborating physician, Georgia remains one of the most restrictive states for APRN prescribing. A descriptive study was conducted to analyze the efficacy and safety of APRN prescribing and found that out of approximately 8000 prescriptions written by APRNs, only 0.003% of those were changed by the supervising physician. The study recommended that more data be collected to support the argument for full-prescriptive authority for APRNs in Georgia.

The role of physician oversight on advanced practice nurses' professional autonomy and ... - 1 views

    This article looked at the relationship between physician oversight and APRN autonomy and empowerment. It surveyed APRNs in Montana, to determine which factors most influence APRN empowerment and autonomy. Surprisingly, it found that high levels of physician oversight improve APRN empowerment, regardless of whether the oversight is regulatory or simply collaborative. A next step for this study would be to learn more about why physician empowerment increases APRN autonomy - are there certain qualities to the physician/APRN relationship that must be established?

Perspectives on Advanced Practicing Registered Nursing in Georgia - 3 views

While the role of an APRN has continued to grow nationally, Georgia's laws for practicing APRNs remains one of the most restrictive in the US. Some feel as though Georgia's laws regarding APRN prac...

APRN practice Role Transition Policy Georgia

started by kbensim on 26 Aug 17 no follow-up yet

History of APRN | NCSBN - 13 views

    This article presents the development of APRN in the recent 20 years. Really a giant step regarding to scope of practice and license issue.
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    This article gives a background of the development of certification exams for licensing APRNs.
    This article provides a brief history of the APRN role and how it has evolved over time. There are many links provided within the article that are intersting to better understand th initial thoughs about APRNs and how the role has changed and evolved over a relatively breif period of time.
    This article is a great resource for learning a little more about the history of APRNs. It provides some history about the use of certification exams for licensure.

The Care Model of the Future: Supporting APRNs Through an Innovative Transition to Prac... - 2 views

    An interesting article about an APRN fellowship. It is a yearlong program that has classroom sessions, simulations, and peer-to-peer support networks. The program is aimed at facilitating the APRN transition and reducing burnout. It seems to have some good results!

Overview and Summary: APRN Roles: Opportunities and Challenges for Practice and Education - 0 views

    This article discusses the challenges in standardizing the APRN scope and practice in order to increase the mobility between states for practicing APRNs. It also would increase access to APRN care nationwide. After the signing of the Affordable Care Act, there was an increase in care provided and the need for nurse practitioners increased with that.The Federal Trade Commission found that mandatory physician supervision for nurse practitioners led to higher costs and reduced quality of care.

Barriers to NP Practice that Impact Healthcare Redesign - 8 views

    This article discusses the barriers to NP practice with the current healthcare reform by addressing the shortage of primary care providers and the limitations of APRN practice. Barriers that were emphasized include state practice and licensure, physician related issues, education, and role perception. This article stresses that an APRN should be able to practice to the fullest extent of their training.
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    This article speaks to the many barriers to NP practice such as state regulations, lack of physician knowledge of scope of practice, payer policies not allowing full scope of practice, prescriptive privilege, etc. With the ACA and expanded healthcare coverage, it is necessary to address the barriers to NP practice since NPs will be essential to meeting the healthcare needs in the US over the next few years.
    This is an excellent overview of common barriers to APRN practice that effect the Triple Aim for healthcare: better care (individuals), better health (populations), and lower cost.
    This article first provides a brief history on APRNs. It also discusses barriers to the APRN scope of practice.

Addressing Issues Impacting Advanced Nursing Practice Worldwide - 1 views

    The APRN role is one that is continually evolving globally due to health care provider needs. This article looks specifically at barriers APRNs face that hinder them from practicing to the full extent of their scope and how to face these barriers to promote full scope of practice and address healthcare needs.
Nadine Noelting

The Intention of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to Remain in Positions at Family P... - 0 views

    This article discusses APRNs working in Title X Family Planning Clinics, what lead them to practice in these clinics, and why they remain practicing in these clinics as new opportunities for APRNs arise. APRNs are described by the authors as 'critical safety nets', as they play a major role in reproductive health services and provide care to vulnerable populations and rural communities. The findings of this study, which collected data through an online survey, can and will be used during policy change decisions to improve APRN satisfaction and retention.
Suzanne Staebler

NCSBN APRN webiste - 2 views

    The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide an organization through which boards of nursing act and counsel together on matters of common interest and concern affecting the public health, safety and welfare, including the development of licensing examinations in nursing. This includes the APRN Consensus movement. This website has multitudes of information related to APRN practice; as we get closer to the F2F classes in October, this will become a more valuabel resource.

FTC: Expanded APRN Scope of Practice Good for Competition and Consumers | Future of Nur... - 0 views

    Summary of key points and link to FTC paper (March 2014) addressing regulation of APRN scope of practice

Patient-Centered Cancer Care: Using the APRN Role to Decrease Delays. - 1 views

    The role of APRNs continues to expand when current gaps in patient care management and outcomes are identified. Central Arkansas Veteran Healthcare System created the role of Abnormal Radiology Findings APRN with the aim of improving patient outcomes by decreasing the length of time between abnormal radiology findings and decrease of care for our veterans. During the year of research since the advent of this position, the days until decision dropped on average from 38 to 7 demonstrating the efficacy of the role and the ways APRN are well placed within the health care system to provide patient-centered care.
MaryJane Lewitt

aprn-a-new-age-in-health-care.pdf - 5 views

    Good info about APRNs in the US
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