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leslie009 - An Open Marketplace for Original Lesson Plans and Other Teach... - 3 views

    Everyone you must check out this site. If you want to create and sell your products for education or buy them, this is the perfect site. I am in the process of creating some things now. Cool stuff check it out!
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    160,000 free and priced teacher-created materials for download including lesson plans, unit plans, novel studies, worksheets, printables, PowerPoint Presentations, quizzes, exams, workbooks, projects and more. Buy and sell used classroom resources.
    A great site for activities, centers, units, and ideas for all grades. They have things for free as well!!!!
    TeachersPayTeachers. $. Make sure to check out the free section!
    Because no one likes reinventing the wheel. This is a great resource to find free and reasonably priced resources for the classroom made by current teachers. A personal favorite that should be looked up is The Science Penguin!
  • -- 1,000,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download including lesson plans, unit plans, novel

Pricing | New Quick Key Mobile 'Pro' App Extends Digital Grading - 2 views

  • No Internet required to make, take, scan, or score a quiz
    Just in case you are interested in the features!!!
Tonga Ramseur | Wholesale Novelties, Crafts, and Seasonal Products. Your closeou... - 0 views

    This is a GREAT source for teachers to buy products for your class but at a GREAT price I buy all my products for my kids. Real god for getting treats and rewards for your students. Check it out!
Tonga Ramseur

Chemistry Activities and Kits - science and environmental education supplies for teache... - 0 views

    This website offers lots of chemistry and Physics activities and Kits and reasonable prices, along with good information on the subjects
Sarah Morse

The Ultimate Teacher's Guide To Creating Educational Apps | Edudemic - 0 views

    Article from Edudemic on how teachers can create apps. Includes various sites for beginners and pros, prices, and advice. The article is 2 years old, so I would use it as starting point.
Jodie Gustafson

EasyBib: Free Bibliography Maker - MLA, APA, Chicago citation styles - 0 views

    This site helps you correctly cite all forms of data for MLA free and APA for a yearly price. I highly recommend this site for students who have lots of papers and essays to write.
MP DeVelder

Teachers Pay Teachers - 2 views

    Teacher pay teacher is a wonderful site of both free and paid resources for teachers. Easy to use and current on the Florida standards
  • -- 1,700,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download including lesson plans, interactive
  • -- 1,900,000+ free and priced teaching resources created by teachers for instant download

Software/Apps : Teaching Math with Technology - 0 views

    eInstruction Workspace (comes with the Mobi, but I use it all the time instead of PowerPoint) Livescribe Desktop (free, but without the pen there isn't much you can do) Animationish (not free, but the most fun art animation program I have ever seen!) Hyperstudio5 (not free, but worth the minimum price - much more creative than PPT!)

Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET - 0 views

    I use CNET every time I make a major electronic purchase. It has recommended the highest quality items for my limited budget. A go to for the latest on computers and technology.
Danielle C

PowToon - Brings Awesomeness to your presentations - 0 views

    Unfortunately this site is only free for 14 day trial. The minimum price is $9.00/month. The cool about this site is that you can create animation. It is an animation site to create movie, stories. It is simple to use by dragging the cartoon from the tool box. this can be used with students to create digital stories.
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    Create animated videos and presentations in the classroom. This is great for digital storytelling.
    Create animated videos and presentations in the classroom. This is great for digital storytelling.
    PowToon is an online business presentation software tool that allows you to create free, cool, and awesome animated video explainers as an alternative to using powerpoint
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