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Carlos Harleaux

Samsung's Strategy Is Failing - 0 views

Samsung Gadgets Cell Phones S4 S5 Galaxy Hardware

started by Carlos Harleaux on 21 Jan 14 no follow-up yet

Internet in Iceland - 8 views

This is definitely an interesting article to look at after the readings for this week, I am a little surprised that the United States is only fourth on this list because I feel like we have a lot o...

research Internet Iceland

Lari Tanner

A day made of glass - 4 views

I remember this video in Cassini's class as well. It is pretty fascinating. Something that he pointed out that needs to be mentioned is not just the product but the way in which they market it, t...

Corning glass community gadgets software identity surveillance privacy technology

Amanda Sparling

NSA Programs - 4 views

"President Barack Obama announced today a revamping of the National Security Agency's vast surveillance powers by ending the government's bulk retention of records associated with every phone call ...

emac6300 privacy surveillance politics

started by Amanda Sparling on 17 Jan 14 no follow-up yet

Interesting article about Google making contact lens - 3 views

I thought this article was really interesting after reading "As We May Think" by Vannevar Bush as another way ...

started by anonymous on 17 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
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