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Why AT&T's New Patent Is Terrible For The Internet - 0 views

    "Such a system would fly in the face of net neutrality principles, which call upon Internet service providers to treat all types of websites the same -- whether they're big or small, complex or simple, corporate or independent." h/t aksparling
Suzanna Brooks

Wary NKorea struggles to stay afloat in info age - 0 views

    This article relates directly to some of the readings we had this week about infrastructure, protocol, and net neutrality. North Korea has strict control over what its citizens can access, but it does allow the tiniest trickle of real internet into the country... will that inevitably lead to raising citizens' awareness? "Still, some experts believe that as more North Koreans become familiar with the benefits of going online - a trend that would seem inevitable if North Korea is to keep afloat in the information age - it will become increasingly difficult for the ruling regime to keep the IT dam from bursting."

Unintended - and Anti-Social - Consequences of Social Media Use - 0 views

  • Simultaneously, though, we must understand that Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other profit-driven companies are not neutral platforms for these conversations.
  • tech industrialists are the Rockefellers of this century, with profit, not innovation or the social good, as their primary motive
  • The lobby group, brought to us by founders and investors of Facebook, LinkedIn and Spotify, among others, famously supported the Keystone XL oil pipeline with millions in pro-pipeline advertising
  • ...8 more annotations...
  •, an initiative launched by "sharing economy" companies like the home-subletting site Airbnb, have resisted government regulation, even as disability advocates fear services like the "rideshare" service Uber are increasing inequality between people with and without disabilities
  • they're doing everything they can to avoid paying taxes
  • gentrification
  • San Francisco has lost at least 40 percent of its black population since 1990, more than any other major city
  • But the fact is tech companies continue the practices of devaluation of racialized and feminized labor on a global scale
  • There are no easy answers
  • Another answer is for tech workers to, in tech lingo, disrupt the industry's exploitation by developing alternative tools for connecting us all. Firefox, LibreOffice, PirateBay, Wikipedia and WordPress are all widely used technology-based tools created by organizations that don't count profit as their foremost objective.
  • More important, we can organize with and support the media and activists that already are doing this work, like the Bay Area's POOR Magazine
    A more nuanced approach to the social media is anti-social argument
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