I thought this dictionary definition might help us with understanding what Determinism is. I thought the key would be the form of determine, but I was wrong. When I am determined to fix my broken sink, is not the same as determinism which is a theory or doctrine.
Ok, just another definition on another segment, Constructivism, we are to focus on this week for our class reading. Seeing the definitions really helps me understand so much more. Hope it helps others as well.
Welll, I was looking at the 2nd definition, but Yah, after I posted this and did some more of the reading, I realized it wasn't quite the right definition either. Sorry! :) I like your link much better! Although, it doesn't seem so clear cut to me. If I understand it correctly a person/s can construct something that is controlled and by society or culture but not necessarily by nature? Like making a robot puppy instead of having a real one? THe robot is more controlled. right? So is there a difference between Constructivism and Constructionism? Or are those just two words meaning the same thing? Sorry for the questions, just kind of typing and saying outloud to make sure I got it. :)
No need to apologize. In technological terms, it means that technologies develop in response to social conditions (vs. determinism which suggests that technologies determine social conditions). That is a reductive definition of both terms but gives you an idea of how the binary operates. But as we read in the Williams piece, it is actually a complex interplay of both.
Constructionism vs. Constructivism depends on the field. I admit to being a bit sloppy and probably using them interchangeably, about which I will try to be more mindful. In theories of education, there is a difference where Constructivism refers to what I'm describing above whereas Constructionism is the theory of learning through applied methods (making, or constructing, things).
And then to complicate everything even further, we have social constructionism.
This is a pretty good explanation of technological determinism vs. social constructivism
Hey everyone. I know this isn't exactly the content we're looking for here (?) but I just thought I'd share it in case anyone forgot. Also if you use my link.. I get a Amazon credits. Self-promotion is ok for one post, right? ;P
Ha ha Suzanna. I already signed up for Amazon Student, or else I'd help ya out. I wanted to comment on this to take it back up to the top. Why? I edited and added #emac6300 on all my comments just in case and it moved all my posts back up to the top again. SO, here ya go! :)