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Shaeley Santiago

Digital Text Bins « TWO WRITING TEACHERS - 0 views

    via Judie Haynes Digital text bins - collected sets of texts high tech book bins or text sets
Nathan Hall

Readability analyzer - 0 views

    Copy and paste any text into the box and submit for an analysis of the difficulty level. Ease of reading is divided into three categories: easy, average, and hard. It also provides a list of potentially difficult words and phrases. Good for quickly checking a text for class readability. 
Shaeley Santiago

LendMeYourLiteracy | Inspiring Young Writers -LendMeYourLiteracy | Inspiring Young Writ... - 1 views

  • And how much of their leisure time to do they spend reading nonfiction? Less than 4 minutes a day.
  • Even in classrooms, nonfiction appears to be in short supply
  • just 9.8 percent of texts in classroom libraries. The mean number of informational books per child was just 1.2 in low-income districts and a still relatively paltry 3.3 in high-income districts.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • For years, we've known that the amount of independent reading students do contributes to their reading skills. Students who read more tend to learn more vocabulary, become more proficient readers, find reading more enjoyable, and thus continue to read more and become ever better readers (Stanovich, 1986).
  • cite a compelling research base supporting the shift to more complex, nonfiction texts. They note, for example, that students who are able to answer questions related to complex text have a high probability of earning a C or better in an introductory-level college course in U.S. history or psychology.
  • helps students develop their background knowledge, which itself accounts for as much as 33 percent of the variance in student achievement (Marzano, 2000). Background knowledge becomes more crucial in the later elementary grades, as students begin to read more content-specific textbooks (Young, Moss, & Cornwell, 2007) that often include headings, graphs, charts, and other text elements not often found in the narrative fiction they encountered in the lower grades (Sanacore & Palumbo, 2009).
  • the goal is to get students to see how beliefs and biases can influence the way different people describe the same events.
  • the potential to motivate young children to read by tapping into their interests (Caswell & Duke, 1998)
    via @LiteracyNetwork
Shaeley Santiago

Education Week: Schools Face Shortage of Digital Curricula for English-Learners - 1 views

    • Shaeley Santiago
      The Best Practices sidebar here can be used as a type of checklist to help evaluate digital programs & materials for ELLs.
  • It's the only program that she knows of that addresses the literacy aspect of math for ELL students.
  • found a measurable increase in vocabulary knowledge and text comprehension,
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • gave HELP Math its highest rating for effectiveness after reviewing research on student improvement related to the program.
  • Because there's not a plethora of digital curricula designed exclusively for English-language learners, teachers often rely on digital curricula used for all students that help individualize lessons, as well as software programs tailored for English language learners,
  • researchers created multimedia folktales and informational texts that included clickable words with definitions in English or Spanish, along with images for students whose English proficiency was very low. The text contained built-in audio, so that students could hear it in English or in Spanish, as well as embedded activities for reflection in both languages.
  • "There's not a lot out there."
  • Very few digital products are backed by research proving they work, and that's important to educators,
  • That can be a problem with digital curricula not targeted for ELLs, Mr. Proctor said. "Most interventions like that exclude very limited-proficient-English students because they don't speak enough English to use them,"
  • Professional development to prepare educators to use digital curricula for English-learners is critically important, too.
Shaeley Santiago

Text Compactor: Free Online Automatic Text Summarization Tool - 0 views

    via @Sturgeonesl
Shaeley Santiago

Teaching ELs the Features of Nonfiction Text | TESOL Blog - 1 views

    via @JudieHaynes
Nathan Hall

Dinkypage | Disposable webpages for everyone - 0 views

    Great simple single webpage maker that doesn't require registration. Free. You can add text, flash, images, html, and more! Great for simple projects or for eportfolios.
Nathan Hall

WordSift - Visualize Text - 0 views

    Via Shaeley Santiago Visualize texts through word clouds, word connections, images, and related texts.
Shaeley Santiago

Text-Dependent Questions for ELLs (Part 1) | Colorín Colorado - 0 views

    via @JudieHaynes
Shaeley Santiago

Text Dependent Questions to Grow From copy.pdf - Google Drive - 0 views

    via @MrsYanong
Shaeley Santiago

Nonprint Text/Reading Skills Matrix - Google Docs - 0 views

    via @MaggieEssig
Shaeley Santiago

Teaching ELs to Read Nonfiction Texts | TESOL Blog - 1 views

    via @JudieHaynes
Nathan Hall

Goformat - Multipurpose Online Text Tool - 0 views

    Simple, free word processor that doesn't need registration. Includes spell checker, fonts, and some unique features such as removing carriage returns and applying capital letters.
Shaeley Santiago

My March Top Ten List: Nonfiction Reading Resources | - 1 views

    via Steffany Snell (@steff_snell)
Shaeley Santiago

Increasing ELL Student Reading Comprehension with Non-fiction Text | Colorín ... - 0 views

    via @JudieHaynes
Shaeley Santiago

Preview Challenging Topics With Students With Text Graffiti - 1 views

    via @AndreaHonigsfel
Shaeley Santiago

Standards-Based Social Studies for PreK-8 - Newbridge Educational Publishing - 0 views

    via @ESLMonica
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