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Shaeley Santiago

A3. Making Reading Visible to ELLs - Empowering ELLs - 1 views

    via @TanELLclassroom
Nathan Hall

pagebin - 0 views

shared by Nathan Hall on 10 Jul 12 - No Cached
    Create a simple single webpage without registering. Students can use this to create a simple eportfolio or to share research with other students.
Shaeley Santiago

Products » TextProject - 1 views

    via @ITeachDualLanguage
Shaeley Santiago

Home » TextProject - 0 views

    via @ITeachDualLanguages
Shaeley Santiago

Determining How Much Background Knowledge to Provide for ELLs | Common Core and ELLs - 0 views

    via @DIaneSF
Shaeley Santiago

Reading Comprehension and Considerate Text, Teaching Today, Glencoe Online - 1 views

    via @JudieHaynes
Shaeley Santiago

Our Cool School: "I PICK" - 0 views

    via @HSeslteacher
Shaeley Santiago

I Pick - A Reading Strategy for Choosing Books - 0 views

    via @JudieHaynes
Shaeley Santiago

Real and Fictional Wolves - 0 views

    via @JudieHaynes
Shaeley Santiago

Literacy 2.0: Tools for ELLs and Reluctant Readers - 1 views

    via @AlexHerrera_7
Shaeley Santiago

DLL Research Overview Papers - Child Development (CA Dept of Education).pdf - 0 views

  • teacher-directed or explicit instruction—is associated with better child academic outcomes on specific knowledge and skills (e.g., letter knowledge, vocabulary words)
  • Among school-age children,*reading interventions focusing on phonemic awareness, word recognition, and vocabulary tend to have comparable effects for DLLs (or English learners),
  • In schools and classrooms where English immersion is the only feasible option, there are ways that teachers can still bring the home language into the classroom that might contribute to helping children experience home–school continuity, provide opportunities for continued use of the home language, and encourage parents to continue developing children’s native language skills.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • The quality of preschool for young DLLs does not end with the richness of the instruction itself. Teacher–child relationships appear to be important to academic outcomes as well.
  • Teachers’ attention to individual academic and emotional needs appears to be related, in particular, to successful mathematics development
  • found that rich explanations of target vocabulary, coupled with frequent home reading and higher initial vocabulary in English, made significant contributions to the learning of sophisticated vocabulary from story reading.
  • Interactive or dialogic reading is a strategy that engages children in discussions of texts.
  • guided instruction—such as explicit vocabulary support—is important for DLLs to make further progress in language development
    • Shaeley Santiago
      Excellent suggestions for incorporating PLS, especially in classrooms where multiple lgs are present and/or teacher doesn't speak other lgs. 
  • The principal point is that students who are learning content in a language they are simultaneously learning to speak and understand probably need additional supports to make the content comprehensible to them. Teachers must therefore consider using modifications, such as interactive approaches targeting both content and language; graphics, illustrations, and other visuals; direct teaching to help students learn skills and concepts; material with familiar content (in addition, of course, to teaching new content); and using the home language to support concept and language development
  • one implication is that teachers need to allocate time and space for intentional interactions aimed at promoting English language use and development.
    • Shaeley Santiago
      Katie - See here for info about sign-language & language acquisition.
    • Shaeley Santiago
      Additional suggestions to include as resource for lit block
  • taking advantage of cognates can be of value in vocabulary instruction.
    • Shaeley Santiago
      See the link to the Reading Rockets summary of dialogic reading in the References.
Shaeley Santiago

National Geographic Young Explorer (Student Magazine) - 0 views

    via @RitaPlatt
Shaeley Santiago

Information about health, growth, and emotions for teens: - 0 views

    via @HSeslteacher
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