Egypt: Sweeping Reform Needed to Protect Workers' Rights | Human Rights Now - Amnesty... - 0 views
Egypt and beyond: Homophobic Unions? - 0 views
This strange piece of news was published in Al-Shourouq yesterday: The Egyptian Trade Union Federation refused a proposal by the ILO at its 98th session in Geneva to "give the right to homosexuals to enter the organizations" as well as the "migration of workers with HIV/AIDS between member states" which could "threaten the health" of other workers. These practices is against Islam, a representative of the state-controlled federation explained. The article also states that representatives of Arab and Muslim states suspended their participation in the conference because they regarded the calls of ILO to protect human rights "regardless of sexual orientation" as a "call to spread homosexuality in the world and give it official recognition."
Besides being a completely ignorant standpoint to start with, it is not clear exactly what proposals the article referes to. One of the items on the agenda of the conference was "to adopt an international labour standard on HIV/AIDS in order to increase the attention devoted to the subject at the national and international level, to promote united action among the key actors on HIV/AIDS and to increase the impact of the ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work, adopted in 2001." And just before the conference, the ILO released a report on discrimination and stigmatization of workers living with HIV and Aids, calling for the end of such practices.
It seems like the state-controlled unions are desperate to find any way to score cheap points - even by playing on and reinforcing prejudice, ignorance and homophobia - since they are unable and/or unwilling to take the fight for workers rights, even as they are challenged by growing calls for free unions in Egypt. Pathetic.
الفضائية - برامج القناة - بلا حدود - الأزمة الاقتصادية في مصر ودور رجال الأعم... - 0 views
أنا عندي 7 آلاف موظف.. أتطرد منهم 6 آلاف عشان كل الكلام اللي بيقال..
مصنع الأجهزة الكهربائية الموظفين فعلاً مش مدفوعين أكثر من شهرين
جموعة لكح رأسمالها قد أيه قل لي بس. رامي لكح: مليار و400 مليون جنيه
- ...1 more annotation...
ILO accuses Egypt of violating labor rights | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt - 2 views
Sacked workers stage protest outside rights council headquarters | Al-Masry Al-Youm: To... - 0 views
Egypt and beyond: Free union refuse to join state-controlled federation - 0 views
el-Badeel reports: The head of the state-controlled trade union federation (EFTU), Hussein Megawer, has announced that he would agree to let the free union of the real estate tax collectors join the federation. Union leaders refused this offer, saying they will not enter the official union structure since it is controlled by the ruling party NDP, stressing that they have the right to organize independently according to the Egyptian constitution and international treaties signed by Egypt.
Social movement in Egypt The labour movement and Farmers and , marginalized: Who will p... - 0 views
Experts: Temp workers lack basic rights | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt - 0 views
Bread, Freedom, Justice, and Working Class Rights First - 0 views
معاناة عمال طنطا للكتان بعد خصخصة الشركة - 0 views
عائشة عبد الهادى واحمد نظيف ومحافظ الغربية عبد الحميد الشناوى وعدوا العمال انهم سيتصلون بالمستثمر السعودى عبد الالة الكحكى لسرعة انهاء الازمة ولكن حتى هذة اللحظة لم يتلقى العمال اى رد من اى منهم لذا فهذا هو رقم تليفون الكفيل السعودى عبد الالة الكحكى 00966553010666 لمن يرغب فى سؤالة عن الاسباب التى تجعلة لا يولى اهتماما لاى مسؤل فى مصر خاصة رئيس الجمهورية حيث قال للعمال ان مبارك بتاعكم دة ما يقدرشى يعملى حاجة………….. وهذا ايضا رقم تليفون محمد عبد اللطيف الصيحى المفوض الخاص بالمستثمر السعودى والذى اعطى رشوة عبارة عن طقم معالق دهب وميدالية دهب لمحافظ الغربية فى نظير التواطىء معهم ضد عمال الشركة ..حاولوا برضك تتصلوا بية واسألوة ان كانت الهدية او الرشوة دى عجبت المحافظ ولا كان عايز زيادة .التليفون…….0106671618
اعتصام العاملين بـ«الكهرباء» احتجاجًا على تكليف «بلبع» بالوزارة | المصري اليو... - 1 views
وأشار العاملون إلى أن بلبع مسؤول عن التدهور الذي أصاب قطاع الكهرباء وتدني مستوى محطات الكهرباء وتفاقم العجز في قدرات التوليد بها، لافتين إلى أن عضويته السابقة بالحزب الوطني المنحل والبلاغات المقدمة ضده لدى النائب العام لم تمنع إسناده لمنصب وزير الكهرباء. .pane-block-116 .social_twitter_h iframe{ width : 90px !important; } .pane-block-116 span{ float:left; margin-right:5px; } .pane-free-tags-ar { margin-top:40px; } .free-tags-pane{ margin-top:80px; }