To support effective organization of information, mechanisms of flexible tagging
should be combined with list creation and sharing facilities
RSSinclude - Embed RSS Feed in Website, RSS Feed Widget PHP - 0 views
The end product of this rss to javascript converter is the nicest I've seen. You have to register for a free account. You pay money and you get extra features.
Christie found a better way. Diigo has their own, highly customizable, tool called link roll or something like that. It updates instantly and looks clean on the page.
Personal Learning Environments: Challenging the dominant design of educational systems - 1 views
Smart groups are used extensively in products such as iTunes [21] and enables organisation to structure itself based on simple user-provided rules
more value can be obtained by the user when the information of services is combined to enable sorting, filtering and searching
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Blackboard: A Tale Of 2 Companies | Gilfus Education Group - 0 views
"The Utah Education Network is a case in point. It left Blackboard, the market leader, for Instructure, a year old Utah-based developer with an open source product called Canvas. Consider the way messages are sent and received on Instructure's Canvas: The receiver has a choice between traditional university E-mail, gmail, Facebook and text messaging; Blackboard's system uses traditional E-mail and was designed before Facebook was created. For a student body that uses social media the way earlier generations used pencil and paper, the differences between the two competitors are profound."
Zebrazapps - 1 views
This is a new product from Michael Allen from Allen Interactions Inc. They were the makers of Authorware for anyone who remembers that far back. It is described as... ZebraZapps is a cloud-based...
Repeat: Work, Solitude, and Joy - January 1 & 4, 2012 | Spark - 2 views
Ever wonder how much work you actually do in a day? There can be a lot of distractions between meetings, your manager's questions, impromptu pot-lucks and gab fests. Some days it can feel like it's impossible to get anything done. That's because according to Jason Fried it IS. Jason is the co-founder of 37 Signals, a company that builds web-based collaboration tools. He's also the co-author of the bestseller Rework - a book all about how to make work work better. Although he himself is a manager, Jason has no problem blaming workplace inefficiencies on meetings and managers. (Runs 22:49)
10+ Free Tablet Apps to Help You Go Back to School | Android.AppStorm - 0 views
McElvaney - 1 views
Free and easy-to-use technologies offer new ways to find, organize, create, and interact with information.
The 2009 Horizon Report defines personal webs as "customized, personal web-based environments . . . that explicitly support one's social, professional, [and] learning . . . activities via highly personalized windows to the networked world" (Johnson, Levine & Smith, 2009, p. 19), and heralds them as an emerging learning trend.
This paper explores personal web technologies (PWTs) and their learning applications. Examples are given of commonly used, customizable technologies such as: social bookmarking, personal publishing tools, aggregators, and metagators.
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