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amanda kloster

Hoy Newspaper - 0 views

    This is a link to the web edition of the Spanish language newspaper "Hoy". It is useful because it allows students to read about local news in Spanish. It is also interesting to read an article on the same topic from an English language newspaper and a Spanish language newspaper and investigate the differences in opinion.
Halyna Sendoun

Edutopia - 1 views

    Edutopia by the George Lucas Foundation
James Davis

Tech Tonic: Towards a New Literacy of Technology - 0 views

    Something of a follow-up to the Fool's Gold publication, this document more specifically addresses the idea of "technology literacy". It takes a broader view of tech literacy, encouraging the reader to see it as a social thing, not just the ability to use different kinds of software. It contains a good critique of ISTE. Should be mandatory reading for any tech in education program.
    We will be talking about "technology literacy" on Monday -- I like this book because it takes a very broad look at what "technology literacy" means.
Linda Vorderer

New standards approved for Illinois for 2010, - 0 views

    math and English Language, common core standards.....a national movement to standardize core standards across the nation. Logically speaking, this movement will maybe help some achievement, but will most certainly hurt some, as in the case of Massachusetts. This state is proud of its achievement levels, and is very concerned that the common core standards will 'water down' their more rigorous curriculum. Illinois approved these as of June 2010. So get ready for change.
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