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Glotter - Create Custom World Maps - 0 views

    App that lets you create and share individual world maps, KML-files and Google Mapplets.

Havaria Information Services Alert Map - 0 views

    This interactive map displays data relating to severe weather conditions, epidemic alerts, and seismic incidents around the world.

Open Source Windows - Free, Open-Source software for Windows XP and Vista - 0 views

    Free and open-source software is good for you and for the world. This is the best Windows software that we know of. No adware, no spyware, just good software.

SkillsFeed - 0 views

  • is an open platform for creating e-learning sites and sharing your knowledge with friends, workmates and people around the world. SkillsFeed is a microlearning platform for course authors and students. It provides fast access to small chunk

Open Source Mac - Free Mac software, all open-source, all OS X. - 0 views

    Free and open-source software is good for you and good for the world. This is the best free Mac software that we know of. See my last bookmark on

Informal Learning :: Ageless Learner - 0 views

    • Sebastian Weber
      Tools wie z.B Diigo können informelles Lernen aus zwei Perspektiven unterstützen: a) wenn man einen Text gefunden hat und durcharbeitet, kann man seine Gedanken strukturieren und mit existierendem Wissen in Bezug bringen. Durch die Annotationen is es weiterverarbeitbar (Mashup) und auch besser wiederfindbar (tagging). b) Durch die Annotationen und Meta Informationen und den Sharing-Mechanismus profitieren auch andere informelle Lerner davon. Sie können die annotierten Texte als Basis verwenden und ergänzen. Das fördert kollaboratives informelles Lernen
    • Sebastian Weber
      Web 2.0 Technologien fördern die Bereitschaft und die Qualität vom informellen Lernen, weil man weniger Hürden hat, "hochwertiges" Lernen zu betreiben. Am Beispiel Anstatt einen gefundenen Artikel ausdrucken zu müssen, und mit textmarker usw zu bearbeiten, kann man das vorteilhafter direkt im Browser machen. Man hat auch dann die vorteile des Sharings und Wiederfindens (tagging).
    • Sebastian Weber
      Das eigentliche Wissen steckt in den Köpfen der Menschen. Man kann es am besten nur in Gesprächen teilen. Direkte Gespräche sind aus mehreren Gründen nicht immer möglich: * räumliche Distanz * der Zeitaufwand neben der Arbeit ist zu hoch * man geht ja nicht zu den "richtigen" Leuten (die, die das Wissen gebrauchen könnten; diese kennt man u.U. ja auch garnicht) und erzählt denen die neusten Erkenntnisse. Mit Tools, wie Diigo ist es möglich, die eigentliche Lernqualität und -effizienz (aufgrund des Reflektieren und in Bezugsetzen mit existierendem Wissen) zu verbessern und sein Wissen mit anderen zu teilen. Man stellt es im Prinzip in ein Repository und ggf. findet es jemand und kann es nutzen. Im Unternehmen sollte man dafür sorgen, dass es Mechanismen gibt, Wissen zu speichern (z.B. wie bei Diigo über Gruppen und Sharing-Mechanismen) und dass sich Leute für bestimmte Bereiche registrieren können (RSS-Feeds für tags / themen, Gruppen, usw.)
  • ...11 more annotations...
    • Sebastian Weber
      Diigo ist ein Mashup in dem Sinne, weil man (über das Web Frontend) Chunks von Informationen (Highlights, notes, usw.) zusammenbringen kann zu einer Lerneinheit. Der Vorteil ist, dass man das normalweise mühsam und zeitaufwändig manuell über copy&paste in Dokumente machen müsste, die zusätzlich auch nicht für andere verfügbar wären (und keine Web 2.0 Konzepte wie tagging usw. nutzen würden)
  • Most learning doesn't occur during formal training programs. It happens through processes not structured or sponsored by an employer or a school. Informal learning is the term I use to describe what happens the rest of the time.
  • To truly understand the learning in your organization you might want to recognize the informal learning already taking place and put in practices to cultivate and capture more of what people learn. This includes strategies for improving learning opportunities for everyone and tactics for managing and sharing what you know.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Informelles lernen wird unbewusst das ganze Leben lang durchgeführt. Ziel ist es jetzt, die Erkenntnisse (das Wissen), das beim informellen Lernen gelernt wird, so abzuspeichern, damit man es besser wieder finden kann, darauf aufbauen kann, und es anderen zur Verfügung stellen kann. Im Unternehmen soll Informelles Lernen unterstützt werden, damit Leute gegenseitig lernen.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Weiterführung des Konzepts von Diigo: Hypermedia-basierter Ansatz; baumartige Strukturen; Verlinkungen aus Texten, aus Graphiken, aus Timelines/Szenen innerhalb von Videos
  • Often, the most valuable learning takes place serendipitously, by random chance.
    • Sebastian Weber
      "Our Shared Playground: An Interview with Michael Schrage," Marcia Conner. LiNE Zine, Winter 2001.
  • Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school-like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, from the market place, the library and the mass media. Intentional learning is the process whereby an individual aims to learn something and goes about achieving that objective. Accidental learning happens when in everyday activities an individual learns something that he or she had not intended or expected.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Dimensions of learning
    • Sebastian Weber
      there is far more potential with informal accidental learning than any other single type of learning
  • reading journals or magazines, reading book(s), talking with experts, talking with peers, email or other written correspondence, and through a coach or mentor.
    • Sebastian Weber
      result of a survey, "What is your favorite way to learn outside of formal programs?"
  • "Still think learning means school? Expand your definition of learning to include conversations with your peers and your children, from books, articles, informal networks, Internet searching, television, and what you learn through trial and error. Use everything that happens in your world as a resource to learn more now." Learn More Now, Informally. Marcia L. Conner, May 2005.

Web 2.0: A Pattern Library - 0 views

  • Iterative launches The best way to launch web products is to first release the smallest parts that will be useful and which can stand up as a "product." Then, follow this up by watching user behavior closely and letting your users steer the product toward the real demand while adding more features. Leave your product in "beta" for a year or more if you want.
  • The biggest problem with the old "big release" model is that it required design and development teams to go quite far down the road of development before seeing any real-world user action, which meant that the builders had to make many more predictions about how users would behave before seeing real user behavior.
  • Mashup-ability Mashups add value when two or more web apps have more meaning mixed together than the component parts did separately. If the mashup doesn't add considerable value, it's not worth doing. Unless you're doing it for fun.

Web 3.0: When Web Sites Become Web Services - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Web 3.0, which is likely to be a pre-cursor of the real semantic web
  • What we mean by 'Web 3.0' is that major web sites are going to be transformed into web services - and will effectively expose their information to the world.
    • Sebastian Weber
      definition of Web 3.0
  • The old perception is that closed data is a competitive advantage. The new reality is that open data is a competitive advantage.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The likely solution then is to stop worrying about protecting information and instead start charging for it, by offering an API. Having a small fee per API call (think Amazon Web Services) is likely to be acceptable, since the cost for any given subscriber of the service is not going to be high.

SEO Service « Uncategorized « - 0 views

    Internet marketing has created a buzzword around the world. Interests among the businessmen are increasing rapidly about internet marketing. Therefore, the number of people wanting to optimize their websites through SEO service has also increased. If you intend to do online business you will definitely want your website to be in the first page of a search.
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