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Reading Bear - learn to read for free! - 0 views

    A language learning resource for children from the co-creator of Wikipedia

Informal Learning :: Ageless Learner - 0 views

    • Sebastian Weber
      Tools wie z.B Diigo können informelles Lernen aus zwei Perspektiven unterstützen: a) wenn man einen Text gefunden hat und durcharbeitet, kann man seine Gedanken strukturieren und mit existierendem Wissen in Bezug bringen. Durch die Annotationen is es weiterverarbeitbar (Mashup) und auch besser wiederfindbar (tagging). b) Durch die Annotationen und Meta Informationen und den Sharing-Mechanismus profitieren auch andere informelle Lerner davon. Sie können die annotierten Texte als Basis verwenden und ergänzen. Das fördert kollaboratives informelles Lernen
    • Sebastian Weber
      Web 2.0 Technologien fördern die Bereitschaft und die Qualität vom informellen Lernen, weil man weniger Hürden hat, "hochwertiges" Lernen zu betreiben. Am Beispiel Anstatt einen gefundenen Artikel ausdrucken zu müssen, und mit textmarker usw zu bearbeiten, kann man das vorteilhafter direkt im Browser machen. Man hat auch dann die vorteile des Sharings und Wiederfindens (tagging).
    • Sebastian Weber
      Das eigentliche Wissen steckt in den Köpfen der Menschen. Man kann es am besten nur in Gesprächen teilen. Direkte Gespräche sind aus mehreren Gründen nicht immer möglich: * räumliche Distanz * der Zeitaufwand neben der Arbeit ist zu hoch * man geht ja nicht zu den "richtigen" Leuten (die, die das Wissen gebrauchen könnten; diese kennt man u.U. ja auch garnicht) und erzählt denen die neusten Erkenntnisse. Mit Tools, wie Diigo ist es möglich, die eigentliche Lernqualität und -effizienz (aufgrund des Reflektieren und in Bezugsetzen mit existierendem Wissen) zu verbessern und sein Wissen mit anderen zu teilen. Man stellt es im Prinzip in ein Repository und ggf. findet es jemand und kann es nutzen. Im Unternehmen sollte man dafür sorgen, dass es Mechanismen gibt, Wissen zu speichern (z.B. wie bei Diigo über Gruppen und Sharing-Mechanismen) und dass sich Leute für bestimmte Bereiche registrieren können (RSS-Feeds für tags / themen, Gruppen, usw.)
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    • Sebastian Weber
      Diigo ist ein Mashup in dem Sinne, weil man (über das Web Frontend) Chunks von Informationen (Highlights, notes, usw.) zusammenbringen kann zu einer Lerneinheit. Der Vorteil ist, dass man das normalweise mühsam und zeitaufwändig manuell über copy&paste in Dokumente machen müsste, die zusätzlich auch nicht für andere verfügbar wären (und keine Web 2.0 Konzepte wie tagging usw. nutzen würden)
  • Most learning doesn't occur during formal training programs. It happens through processes not structured or sponsored by an employer or a school. Informal learning is the term I use to describe what happens the rest of the time.
  • To truly understand the learning in your organization you might want to recognize the informal learning already taking place and put in practices to cultivate and capture more of what people learn. This includes strategies for improving learning opportunities for everyone and tactics for managing and sharing what you know.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Informelles lernen wird unbewusst das ganze Leben lang durchgeführt. Ziel ist es jetzt, die Erkenntnisse (das Wissen), das beim informellen Lernen gelernt wird, so abzuspeichern, damit man es besser wieder finden kann, darauf aufbauen kann, und es anderen zur Verfügung stellen kann. Im Unternehmen soll Informelles Lernen unterstützt werden, damit Leute gegenseitig lernen.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Weiterführung des Konzepts von Diigo: Hypermedia-basierter Ansatz; baumartige Strukturen; Verlinkungen aus Texten, aus Graphiken, aus Timelines/Szenen innerhalb von Videos
  • Often, the most valuable learning takes place serendipitously, by random chance.
    • Sebastian Weber
      "Our Shared Playground: An Interview with Michael Schrage," Marcia Conner. LiNE Zine, Winter 2001.
  • Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school-like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educative influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, from the market place, the library and the mass media. Intentional learning is the process whereby an individual aims to learn something and goes about achieving that objective. Accidental learning happens when in everyday activities an individual learns something that he or she had not intended or expected.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Dimensions of learning
    • Sebastian Weber
      there is far more potential with informal accidental learning than any other single type of learning
  • reading journals or magazines, reading book(s), talking with experts, talking with peers, email or other written correspondence, and through a coach or mentor.
    • Sebastian Weber
      result of a survey, "What is your favorite way to learn outside of formal programs?"
  • "Still think learning means school? Expand your definition of learning to include conversations with your peers and your children, from books, articles, informal networks, Internet searching, television, and what you learn through trial and error. Use everything that happens in your world as a resource to learn more now." Learn More Now, Informally. Marcia L. Conner, May 2005.

Online Business Schools - 0 views

    Business school and degree resource. Includes info on business careers, salaries, employment, plus online business degrees and MBA programs.

Andrew Mortimer |Chairman & founder of Superstructure - 0 views

    Andrew Mortimer is the Chairman and founder of Superstructure. With a background in law and metallurgy as well as experience in investment markets, Superstructure was the natural progression for Andrew as a resource-based consultant.

What is Informal Learning? - Informal Learning Blog - 0 views

  • People acquire the skills they use at work informally — talking, observing others, trial-and-error, and simply working with people in the know.
    • Sebastian Weber
      activities of knowledge workers
  • Informal learning is the unofficial, unscheduled, impromptu way most people learn to do their jobs. Informal learning is like riding a bicycle: the rider chooses the destination and the route.
    • Sebastian Weber
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  • Formal learning is like riding a bus: the driver decides where the bus is going;
  • Mature learners, typically a company’s top performers, never show up for the bus. They want pointers that enable them to do things for themselves.
  • Informal learning is a profit strategy. Companies use it to: Improve knowledge worker productivity 20% - 30% Increase sales by Google-izing product knowledge Generate fresh ideas and increase innovation Transform an organization from near-bankruptcy to record profits Reduce stress, absenteeism, and healthcare costs Invest development resources where they will have the most impact Increase professionalism and professional growth Cut costs and improve responsiveness with self-service learning
  • Many a knowledge worker will tell you, “I love to learn but I hate to be trained.”
  • Knowledge workers thrive when given the freedom to decide how they will do what they’re asked to do.
  • Images+words communicate twice as much as words alone. Pictures translate across cultures, education levels, and age groups.
  • This informal, spontaneous, vernacular knowledge sharing is not just for surfers. Imagine having an in-house learning and information environment as rich as the internet. You’d have blogs and search and syndication and podcasts and more. You’d also have a platform just about everyone knows how to use. Some companies are already doing this
  • As work and learning become one, good learning and good work merge to become a single activity.
  • Formal learning takes place in classrooms; informal learning happens in learnscapes.

The Power of Informal Learning - 0 views

  • Although more formal forms of instruction such as the classroom and e-learning will be around for years, it’s becoming more and more important to watch and harness the more informal methodologies that our students are utilizing. Most of these methods have been around for years, but have gone unnoticed by the training community.
  • Informal methods of learning are often found right in the work environment. They are seen as techniques that a learner can take advantage of right away and with work-related resources. Another reason these methods are so popular is because they are often very short. Advanced learners tell us that they don’t have the time or budget to attend more formal learning. Even the immediacy of e-learning is seen as something that will take too much valuable time. Finally, learners have matured to a point where they want to drive their learning in a more meaningful and self-directed manner. These informal methods are seen as more student-driven and job-relevant than most formal options.
  • Two of the most common informal environments used today are e-communities and, of all things, the learners’ neighbors sitting all around them. E-communities, often called communities of practice, are made up of threaded message boards, frequently asked question (FAQ) Web sites and chat environments. They have existed under the radar screen of most training programs for years. Many have grown to have huge followings of subject-matter experts (SMEs) and super-users.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Establish a expert request mechanism PID supports to find experts for topics Web 2.0 supports the concept of SMEs (e.g., EduFire)
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  • The easiest way to control and encourage these communities is to sponsor them within the corporation itself. “Brown-bag” lunches and meet-the-expert days are some examples of ways organizations are formally tapping into what used to be an ineffective and costly method of learning.

Make Space for Informal Learning - 0 views

  • A new challenge for e-learning is to create collaborative learning spaces in which informal learning can thrive.
  • Stephanie Pace Marshall notes in her "Principles for the New Story of Learning." Learning is an incremental process of acquiring information. Learning should be credentialed by the amount of time spent acquiring information. The purpose of formal learning is to acquire information rapidly, cover content, and reproduce facts. Content segmentation is the more efficient and effective way to learn a discipline. Only that which can be quantitatively and easily measured is true knowledge. Competition and external rewards are the most powerful motivators for learning.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Informelles lernen untersützt lebenslanges lernen. Informellen lernen erfolgt kontinuiierlich. Das lernen ändert sich, es bezieht sich auf den aktuellen Kontext (z.B. aktuelles Projekt) und es berücksichtigt existierendes Wissen. Dazu ist kontinuiierliche Information Acquisition notwendig (wird durch Web 2.0 technologien wie z.B. netvibes unterstützt)
  • As organizations rapidly move their training focus to virtual environments, a proliferation of methods to support formal learning has appeared: teleconferencing, videoconferencing, e-meetings, and online courses
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • On a parallel track, however, there's a growing recognition that valuable learning often takes place through informal learning. Informal learning is based in conversations, social interactions, and team projects, in which learning is part of the interactions between people.
    • Sebastian Weber
      Informelles Lernen erfolgt über Kommunikation mit Menschen, denn das eigentliche Wissen steckt in den Köpfen der Leuten. Das beste Mittel dieses Wissen zu erlangen ist über direkte Kommunikation mit dem Experten. Web 2.0 Technologien können unerstütztend wirken, da man erst einmal relevante Experten finden muss. Manchmal ist auch direkte Face to Face Kommunikation nicht möglich.
  • Informal learning isn't limited to a predefined body of knowledge, but rather emerges from the interaction of people. At the heart of it is the transfer of tacit knowledge--knowledge that's not articulated but is acquired by individuals through experience.
  • Informal learningis based in conversations, social interactions, and team projects, in which learning is part and parcel of the interactions between people.
  • Through forming relationships, knowledge is diffused. He alludes to the image of the village square, where people hang out in a social space. That social space is the setting in which social relations are reinforced, trust is developed, and informal learning takes place. In sum, informal learning is that which allows the tacit knowledge resident in a group to emerge and be exchanged, sometimes by serendipity, sometimes in the course of accomplishing a specific project, through the construction of spaces that support learning.
  • Temporary learning systems: groups of people brought together for a short period of time to learn about a specific topic
    • Sebastian Weber
      Web 2.0 kann das Finden von Experten unterstützen
  • Communities of practice: groups of people that share "ways of working" or professional or personal interests and who meet together to exchange knowledge and share resources
    • Sebastian Weber
      Communites of practic ermöglich informelles Lernen, weil eine Gruppe von Menschen diese selben Interessen vertreten müssen, über die sie kommunizieren können und somit den Lernprozess ermöglichen.

Top 10 Online Schools for Criminal Justice - 0 views

    If an online degree in criminal justice is what you're after, these schools are the best places to look.

10 Best Schools for Criminal Justice - 0 views

    The following well-known schools offer a comprehensive, seasoned education in the field of criminal justice.
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