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Alice T

Time Management Tips for Writing an Essay - Connect Writers and Fans - - 0 views

    Essays and written work have become the primary form of coursework assessment students need to complete. The problem is that when you receive the assignment, you feel safe because you have weeks and weeks until you have to hand it in. However time goes by very quickly, and it turns out that you are left with a day or two before the deadline. If this student sounds like you then here are 5 tips about Time Management Tips for Writing an Essay that will usher in a new era in your academic life.
Alice T

How to Become Web Master: Basic SEO Tips for New Bloggers in 2013 - 0 views

    Blogging is gaining popularity day by day in order to get any product promoted online. Effective blogs with proper updating increases the popularity of any website. However, it takes lots of energy and time to write an effective blog and manage it. Writing a blog about any topic, does not mean that you have to write some random lines and then post them. One should be creative, full of knowledge and an effective writer. Some of the important SEO tips for new bloggers are given below:
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