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Florence Dujardin

Applying Common Identity and Bond Theory to Design of Online Communities - 0 views

    Online communities depend upon the commitment and voluntary participation of their members. Community design - site navigation, community structure and features, and organizational policies - is critical in this regard. Community design affects how people can interact, the information they receive about one another and the community, and how they can participate in community activities. We argue that the constraints and opportunities inherent in online community design influence how people become attached to the community and whether they are willing to expend effort on its behalf. We examine two theories of group attachment and link these theories with design decisions for online communities. Common identity theory makes predictions about the causes and consequences of people's attachment to the group as a whole. Common bond theory makes predictions about the causes and consequences of people's attachment to individual group members. We review causes of common identity and common bond, and show how they result in different kinds of attachment and group outcomes. We then show how design decisions, such as those focused on recruiting newcomers versus retaining existing members, constraining or promoting off-topic discussion, and limiting group size or allowing uncontrolled growth, can lead to common identity or interpersonal bonds among community members, and consequently to different levels and forms of community participation by those so motivated.

How to Follow Up With New Customers to Grow Your Business - 0 views

    Are you ready to expand your network, want to follow up with new customers or make new connections, in short, wants to grow your business? But, thinking about How to follow up with new customers. or why we need to follow up? What are you doing to get new customers back to your business? Read this Article and Learn How To Stay in Touch With new Clients? or How to Show that how much you care about them even after they're gone?
abu yousuf

How to stop procrastinating - Procrastination? - 0 views

    Do you need to learn how to stop procrastinating? How you manage your time often determines the quality of your life. Your time management abilities and organizational skills are critical factors in your success as a seller. The keys to time management In sales, the real work is when you are face to face with a potential customer or
    Do you need to learn how to stop procrastinating? How you manage your time often determines the quality of your life. Your time management abilities and organizational skills are critical factors in your success as a seller. The keys to time management In sales, the real work is when you are face to face with a potential customer or

Tips on How to do Object-Oriented Programming with Python - 0 views

    Tips on How to do Object-Oriented Programming with Python Also, read… List of Best 8 Python Libraries For Machine Learning Best Open-Source Tools for Data Mining Techniques Top programming languages for data science language to learn Conclusion- So, this was all about the Tips on how to do object-oriented programming with python, and some of the things were discussed here. If you found those interesting and if you have learned something from them they share this with your friends. And let them know about the tips on how to do object-oriented programming with python. So, that they can learn something new from this, and increase their knowledge. As a result, Our computer science homework help and computer science assignment help experts are available for you to 24*7. If you want Programming Assignment help or any Python programming, assignment, and homework help. Submit work now, and get an instant solution.
Lucas Cook

Alternatives to standardized testing - 74 views

So as to make my response more accurate and make sure I understood all of your points I am parsing your argument out and responding to each point in turn and will attempt to address each in turn. ...

alternatives standardized testing


How to study for the exam in best ways guide for the students? - 0 views

    Know how to study for the exam in the best ways guide for the students? CodeAvail experts are available to explain to you how to study to score higher

How to Get Good Grades in Exams Tips by Experts - 0 views

    Now you know the tips on how to get good grades in exams. If you want to get instant computer science assignment help or computer science homework help or have confusion in how to get good grades in exams. Hire Codeavail professional experts at an affordable price.

Digital Marketi - 0 views

Digital Marketing For Social Media     Social Media management is all about effective communication and engagement with the audience while still delivering the right content to the right ...

Digital marketing way of success

started by wasim07 on 26 Sep 21 no follow-up yet
Florence Dujardin

Understanding Learning Analytics and Student Data | MindShift - 0 views

    There's a lot to unpack about learning analytics - everything from how student data is captured to how it will be used. For all of its promises - and there are many, as evidenced below - the two biggest areas of concern regarding using student data are around issues of privacy, as in who has access to student information and what are the possible negative ways that information could be used, and how student data might be used against educators. Privacy is addressed in this otherwise mostly positive infographic, created by Australia's informED, which takes a crack at explaining all the different aspects. What else would you add to it?
abu yousuf

How to stop procrastinating - Procrastination tips? - 0 views

    Do you need to learn how to stop procrastinating? How you manage your time often determines the quality of your life. Your time management abilities and....
abu yousuf

How to stop being lazy - "Overcome laziness"? - 0 views

    How to stop being lazy - It is so easy to become lazy on your day off instead of doing something useful. While it is essential to relax and enjoy doing.....
Florence Dujardin

Learners' reflexivity and the development of an e‐learning community among st... - 0 views

    The experiences of Chinese learners on two e‐learning programmes in China were investigated, focusing particularly on the formation of learning communities. Data were collected using a range of instruments to access the learners' perspectives in depth and detail. Archer's account of reflexivity as the mediating power between structure and agency is applied to understanding how learners succeeded in one programme in forming a learning community, through their negotiated responses to the existing structural and cultural conditions, whereas little evidence was found of the emergence of learning community in the other case. Further understanding emerges from reappraisal of Confucian philosophy of learning and social relationships, how these influenced the participants' prior learning experiences and how they play a part in their responses to the e‐learning experience.

How to Balance Life, Work, and Study - 0 views

    Are you struggling with study, work, and a personal life? Bookmark these great balancing tips for how to balance work and study, change the mood of your journey.

How to Make Easy Notes for Exam preparation - 0 views

    Do you want to know about the benefits of notes making? This blog explains how to make short notes for competitive exams while studying. Click here to learn more updates.

Why the Cisco CCIE 350-401 Certification is Essential for Network Engineers - 0 views

What is the Cisco CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure 350-401 Exam? The Cisco CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure 350-401 exam, also known as Implementing Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR), ...

350-401 Written Exam Questions Answers Test Prep CCNP Enterprise Actual Implementing Cisco Network Core Technologies (ENCOR) PDF Online Practice Dumps Study Material Preparation Valid Real

started by examsbrite-it on 01 Jul 24 no follow-up yet

How to swap faces in Photoshop CS6 Easily | - 0 views

    Have you ever desired to cover your body with your friend's face? This tutorial demonstrates how to use Photoshop CS6 to create a FACE SWAP! You won't believe how simple it is, and it's great for jokes and laughter with friends!

How to Remove the Background from an Image Using Adobe Photoshop 2024 - 0 views

    Learn how to remove backgrounds in Photoshop with this easy guide. We'll show you how to use the right tools and techniques to create professional-looking images.
abu yousuf

How to stop being lazy? - 0 views

    How to stop being lazy - It is so easy to become lazy on your day off instead of doing something useful. While it is essential to relax and enjoy doing…
    How to stop being lazy - It is so easy to become lazy on your day off instead of doing something useful. While it is essential to relax and enjoy doing…
abu yousuf

What is a computer server and how to install it? - 0 views

    Each of you had heard such a word as "server". At this time, we will look at what is a server, its objectives and how to install it. Server - is an integral

Changing education paradigms - 0 views

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  • Highlighting can also be accomplished from the context pop-up. After the Chrome extension is installed, whenever you select text on a webpage, the context pop-up will appear, allowing you to accomplish text-related annotation. Highlight Pop-up Menu – After you highlight some text, position your mouse cursor over it and the highlight pop-up menu will appear. The highlight pop-up menu allows you to add notes to, share, or delete the highlight.
  • Sticky Note Click the middle icon on the annotation toolbar to add a sticky note to the page. With a sticky note, you can write your thoughts anywhere on a web page.
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