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Nancy Noah

Premium Writing Agency - 0 views

    Are you a student in high school,college or university and you are in problem of writing your academic term papers? Are you finding essay writing services to assist you write your term papers? You are in the right academic services company because here is where you belong. Our company will help you with writing services such as term paper writing services, essay writing services, review writing, report writing, case study writing, dissertation writing, research paper writing, coursework writing,thesis writing services, Solving Maths Problems, Business and Accounting problems. What you need to do is send us your assignment with all specifications and deadline date. Our writers will provide you quality essay writing services that will enable you get the exact requirements your tutors want. Our writers will offer you high-quality essay writing guidelines on how to go through your coursework assignments. We have 24/7 customer care support line where you can place your order of custom written research papers, custom essays, your assignments, custom term papers, admission essays, scholarship essays, and any other essay writing services any time of the day. Our professional writers will assist you with essay writing services that suits what your assignment requires. Through our customer care support line you are able to communicate with our writers when your term paper, dissertation, research paper, report, speech, review, and any other academic paper work is in the process of writing. . Our custom Academic writing services offers you with properly cited academic work that enables you get better grades for your degree. This is because we have qualified writers who are graduates from recognized universities. Our essay writing service writers are familiar with writing style such as MLA, Harvard, Chicago, APA, and Turabian. Our writers will follow your instructions when writing your academic term paper, review, thesis paper, research paper, essays, and speech papers. We h
HB Arif

I Will Ppc Adwords Keyword Research Of Competitor Website - 0 views

    PPC Adwords Keywords Research and Competitor Analysis Get Most Effective Keywords for PPC AdWords Campaign for $5. Getting the PPC keywords that your competitor is using would save you both time and money. No need to spend hundreds of $$ to test and find what is effective. Instead get what your competitor has already spent $$ to test. For just $5, I can provide you with a detailed PPC report, for any website. - PPC Keyword report

Spanish Multinational Telefonica to Grant Blockchain Access to 8,000 firms in Spain - 0 views

    As per news reports, Telefonica, the telecommunications giant, will soon grant access to its blockchain to 8,000 firms in Spain, through its partnership with the local Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE). As per a report published by TotalTele, the telecom news outlet, Telefonica will be deploying Hyperledger-based blockchain nodes at APTE's 52 sites.
Eloise Pasteur

The Jigsaw Classroom: Overview of the Technique - 0 views

  • Here is how it works: The students in a history class, for example, are divided into small groups of five or six students each. Suppose their task is to learn about World War II. In one jigsaw group, Sara is responsible for researching Hitler's rise to power in pre-war Germany. Another member of the group, Steven, is assigned to cover concentration camps; Pedro is assigned Britain's role in the war; Melody is to research the contribution of the Soviet Union; Tyrone will handle Japan's entry into the war; Clara will read about the development of the atom bomb. Eventually each student will come back to her or his jigsaw group and will try to present a well-organized report to the group. The situation is specifically structured so that the only access any member has to the other five assignments is by listening closely to the report of the person reciting.
  • To increase the chances that each report will be accurate, the students doing the research do not immediately take it back to their jigsaw group. Instead, they meet first with students who have the identical assignment (one from each jigsaw group). For example, students assigned to the atom bomb topic meet as a team of specialists, gathering information, becoming experts on their topic, and rehearsing their presentations. We call this the "expert" group. It is particularly useful for students who might have initial difficulty learning or organizing their part of the assignment, for it allows them to hear and rehearse with other "experts."
  • What is the benefit of the jigsaw classroom? First and foremost, it is a remarkably efficient way to learn the material. But even more important, the jigsaw process encourages listening, engagement, and empathy by giving each member of the group an essential part to play in the academic activity. Group members must work together as a team to accomplish a common goal; each person depends on all the others. No student can succeed completely unless everyone works well together as a team. This "cooperation by design" facilitates interaction among all students in the class, leading them to value each other as contributors to their common task.
    The Jigsaw classroom can be applied to give structure to group work at any level with a bit of imagination and just might be a good tool to use in Second Life - it certainly rings many of the bells for good class practise that I can think of.
Michael Ryan

Important Considerations To Look Before Availing No Credit Check Loans! - 0 views

    When you know your credit report is tagged with blemished record than it might be tough to choose the loan option to face the difficult financial situation.
Nancy Noah

Academic Research - 0 views

    Why should you purchase research papers online from our system? One of the reasons why students should purchase research papers online from us is that we develop quality writings which suits their needs unlike most companies which offer poor quality essays. We write premium academic research papers in all disciplines of academics including solving Math Problems and this has made our system to have more clients who purchase research papers online from us. Our research writers have been trained on how to develop research essays that are original thus if you have problems with your writing activities, let our qualified academic writers write papers which are genuine. We not only write essays but also we have other academic services such as editing services, formatting, rewriting, and proofreading services among others. When you are looking for a research paper writing company, you want to be sure that the company you choose have proven custom writing and research record. is a recognized and renown custom research paper provider. We have been providing students with essays, research papers, dissertations, book reports, movie reviews, term papers and thesis' for more than eight years. We have professional writers who craft original and quality papers to our customers and this is what has kept us afloat in this highly competitive custom writing business. If you have problems completing your research paper, coursework or any college assignments, Academic Research Papers writing service is ready to give you a helping hand. The most common nature of service offered by academic writing companies is researching and delivering academic papers which may be given as term papers or assignments from school. These are extremely short research writings services and they are often graded as academic and most are given in the course of learning hence a student can present more than two orders for academic writing service of this kind. The assignments and te
Pt Umesh Chandra Pant

Astrologer, Horoscopes-Astrology, Famous and best Astrologers in Delhi India - 0 views

    Site provides information of astrology and horoscope readings. Offers horoscope predictions, astrology-horoscopes report, advice, practical suggestions with effective remedies on various aspects of life. Best vedic astrology services by renowned Indian Astrologers.
    Welcome to Pavitra Jyotish Kendra, we provides accurate Indian astrology predictions, online astrology services, online astrology predictions, astrology reports, vedic astrology, career astrology, horoscope reading, phone consultation, remedial astrology, kundali matching, match making, kundali, janampatri, pandits, computerised horoscope and more. Astrologer Umesh is the famous vedic astrologer and provides predictions, insight and guidance.
Eloise Pasteur

About - Virtual World Watch - 0 views

  • Virtual worlds in UK Higher and Further Education
  • Second Life is by far the most widely used virtual world in education.
  • Research underpinning the May 2008 snapshot revealed that over 80% of UK universities were developing or teaching within the Second Life virtual world.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • A specific comment that is frequently repeated is that these reports have provided the only authoritative, reliable or comprehensive source of information on: The extent of virtual world use in UK universities. Which academics and institutions are using virtual worlds. What, exactly, virtual worlds are being used for. The reports have also been used by academics as proof or evidence that virtual worlds should at least be investigated more thoroughly as teaching and learning technologies.
Eloise Pasteur

Research Article: A Second Life PCR lab evaluation - 1 views

  • This study examines students’ reactions to the virtual biosciences laboratory developed in Second Life® (SL) at the University of East London. Final year undergraduates and masters students studying biotechnology took part in a trial of a virtual Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) experiment in Second Life and evaluated their experience by anonymous questionnaire. Learning gains were measured at various points during the study using pre- and post-tests, and interaction with demonstrators was monitored and compared during the real life (RL) practical. Both groups showed a significant increase in learning gain over the pre- and post-tests, although no difference in gains between the two groups was detected. However, students who conducted the PCR experiment in SL required significantly less demonstrator assistance during the subsequent RL practical. The SL practical was well received by students, with 92% of participants reporting that they would like to use the system again and many requesting other experiments to be made available in this manner in the future.
  • The aim of this study was to determine whether conducting the PCR experiment in the virtual world of Second Life produced similar learning gains to those observed in the physical world laboratory and to see if working in the Virtual Lab enhanced students understanding of the experiment. The student perceptions of the Virtual Lab as a teaching mechanism and the perceived impact on their learning was examined through questionnaires.
  • The SL group completed a pre(virtual) Lab quiz and then individually registered for Second Life to create an avatar under instructor supervision. Each student completed some orientation exercises on UEL Island to become adequately skilled in using the Second Life environment (e.g. flying, putting on clothing etc.). The student avatars then met in the Virtual Lab to perform the PCR experiment. This was initially demonstrated by a member of staff before each student completed the virtual experiment themselves. Throughout this teaching session the students received face to face and virtual communication from their instructor.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Participants in both groups then completed the physical world PCR practical individually in the laboratory. During the physical world practical the number of questions asked of staff and demonstrators by students in each group was recorded. After the real-world practical all participants completed the in-class quiz once again as a measure of overall learning gain.
  • Pre-, mid- and post-tests were used to examine the learning gains seen in the students at each stage of the teaching process. The learning gains of each group at the three stages of testing are illustrated in Figure 2. Using a mixed (or split-plot) ANOVA there were found to be no significant difference between the learning gains achieved by the SL and non-SL groups, with both groups achieving the same mean increase in test score between the pre and post tests. Interestingly however, there was a significant difference between the scores achieved by students in the SL and non-SL groups overall (p<0.001), with the initial average pre-test score of the SL group being significantly higher than the initial average pre-test score for the non-SL group. Quiz scores increased significantly across the study for students in both groups (p<0.001).
  • The number of questions asked by students during the physical world laboratory practical was recorded for the non-SL and SL groups. As can be seen in Figure 3, the non-SL group (Demonstration) asked significantly more questions (p<0.001) during the practical than the SL group. Furthermore, the staff supporting the practical sessions reported the SL group students to be more organised in their conduct during the class and appeared to take less time to complete the task.
  • Overall, satisfaction with the Virtual Lab was high. Ninety-two percent of respondents said they would use Second Life again and many had commented during the teaching session that they would like to see other experiments in the Virtual Lab. There were no significant differences in opinion between the sexes and between those who are re-sitting the module (11 students) and those that were not. Students who had already completed one Semester of the course joining the programme in October 2008 (21 students) found the in world instructions on how to complete the Virtual Lab experiment more useful than those (29 students) who started in Semester B, February 2009 (p<0.05).
  • A moderate negative correlation was found between age and overall satisfaction (r= -0.54, p<0.001). Younger students were generally more satisfied with Second Life than older students.
  • Those who had used Second Life before the study (16 out of 50 students) differed significantly in their expectation of in-world feedback whilst undertaking the Virtual PCR experiment from those who had no prior Second Life experience (p<0.05). Of the 16 students that had used SL before 6 students answered Q11 of the questionnaire (Table 1) with 3 or lower while only 4 students out of the 34 who had not used SL before answered Q11 in this way. Those who had used Second Life before thought that they had not received sufficient feedback during the experiment.

Blockchain To Soon Become A Reality In Maharashtra - 0 views

    The state government is adopting a cutting edge technology to help enhance efficiency in governance. Already the government has completed its first blockchain pilot in the fields of health, supply chain, documents and SSC certificates. A detailed report has been prepared to go in for extensive use of blockchain technology in various government departments. A regulatory sandbox, which will be a common framework for adopting blockchain technology, will be prepared in the next five to six months."
HB Arif

Help you rank first in google,55 pr10 backlinks,40 days seo campaign by Arifulislam958 - 0 views

    Fiverr freelancer will provide SEO services and Help you rank first in google,55 pr10 backlinks,40 days seo campaign including SEO Audit & Report within 3 days
HB Arif

Google first page rank your website 1st page rank by Arifulislam958 - 0 views

    Fiverr freelancer will provide SEO services and Google first page rank your website 1st page rank including SEO Audit & Report within 29 days

Everything You Must Know About PAN Card As Issued By IT Department - Rajan Modi & Associates - 0 views

    Income Tax (IT) Department, India has been making a number of improvements in its services as of late, especially in regard to digitization. To contribute its fair share to the same, the department is starting the online service of issuing instant e-PAN (electronic Permanent Account Number) quite soon, reports the Times of India.
Eloise Pasteur

An educator reports on Google Lively - 0 views

  • “People who work within SL will find it not a lot of fun, to work in an area where you can’t create the content yourself,” Andrews said.  Andrews did state frequently that Lively is a good introduction to a virtual world for someone very new to this experience.More information about ASU's use of Lively is available at
    A very brief comparison of Lively and SL for education.
Eloise Pasteur

Dusan Writer's Metaverse » Educational Institutions Spread Their Wings in Second Life - 0 views

  • At George Washington University in Washington State, a graduate-level course in instructional design was created by David Cillay, an assistant dean for distance education, as reported on The course was taught completely in Second Life, with the students, using their avatars, communicating with Cillay and one another through the course’s island (learning space) in Second Life. Cillay was impressed with the level of text and voice interaction between the students, even if they were only avatars onscreen. The students discussed what ‘instructional design means’ and took field trips to other SL locales such as a nuclear power plant.
  • Across the pond, City College Norwich in the UK is forging ahead with its own island. The location will give users a virtual tour of the campus and access to training and job vacancies. The school also hopes, down the line, to develop an educational presence. “Second Life has fantastic potential for learning,” said Dick Palmer, the principal, “which we will be starting to use more fully next year. For example, our new diploma students will come from lots of different areas, but Second Life will allow students to get together in an informal learning zone. We are excited to be embarking upon such an innovative initiative.”
  • After the experiment with virtual education at GWU, Cillay offered three recommendations to those thinking of entering the virtual education realm: - Temper your expectations. “There’s a tremendous wow factor for people just discovering ‘Second Life,’ ” he said. Students need some time to adjust and learn how to move and operate in that world. - “Understand what your expectations are,” Cillay said. Rather than expect huge gains in a classroom environment, consider it a first step in educational experimentation. - Give yourself and the students time to explore. “Do some research ahead of time, so you know the environment and find out what other educators are doing there,” said Cillay.
    Summary of comments from the US and UK about education in Second Life
Eloise Pasteur

How the Google generation thinks differently - Times Online - 0 views

    • Eloise Pasteur
      Another take on Digital Immigrants v Digital Natives and a term I find I prefer if you're going to distinguish on age - the Google Generation. Although I'm sure our parents and teachers wondered the same about us, does the width of knowledge that is accessible lead to deep learning and the ability to reflect?
  • Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner- Centred Design at the London Knowledge Lab and a visiting professor at the University of Sussex, is working on a study examining the internet's impact on pupils' critical and meta-cognitive skills. “The worrying view coming through is that students are lacking in reflective awareness,” she says. “Technology makes it easy for them to collate information, but not to analyse and understand it. Much of the evidence suggests that what is going on out there is quite superficial.”
  • This year, researchers at University College London reported the results of a five-year study into the “Google Generation”. When they examined the behaviour of those logging on to the websites of journals, e-books and other sources of written information, they found widespread evidence of “skimming activity”. Users viewed no more than three pages before “bouncing out”. This wasn't just the norm for students. “The same has happened to professors and lecturers. Everyone exhibits a bouncing/flicking behaviour, which sees them searching horizontally rather than vertically. Power browsing is the norm.”
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The difference, though, is that as a digital immigrant, my mind has baseline skills in concentration, contemplation and knowledge construction. My fear - and the reason why I wrested my son's laptop away from him - is that the acquisition of those skills is being lost in the twitch-speed of our new Web 2.0 world.
  • I can see that that broadens his knowledge, but does it deepen it? “Education has always been about absorbing the facts first and reflecting on them second. Technology is not hampering that, but take away his laptop and you are just setting him up for a rebellion,” Kelly says. “The technology tide is unstoppable.”
  • “Because they have been using digital technology all their lives, our children feel they have authority over it,” says Rose Luckin. “But technology cannot teach them to reflect upon and evaluate the information they are gathering online. For that, the role of teachers and parents remains fundamentally important. You are in the hot seat. They still need you to open that conversation.”
  • NATIVES v IMMIGRANTS Digital natives Like receiving information quickly from multiple media sources. Like parallel processing and multi-tasking. Like processing pictures, sounds and video before text. Like random access to hyperlinked multimedia information. Like to network with others. Like to learn “just in time”. Digital immigrants Like slow and controlled release of information from limited sources. Like singular processing and single or limited tasking. Like processing text before pictures, sounds and video. Like to receive information linearly, logically and sequentially. Like to work independently. Like to learn “just in case”.
    A discussion of the learning style and depth of learning of the Google Generation, this time from a parent and journalist, but with some interesting quotes from those that study the youngsters

Report - Google Docs - 1 views


luciferase assay plasmid - 0 views

    Luciferase is a general term for enzymes that can produce bioluminescence in nature, with the most representative ones are F-Luciferase from fireflies and R-Luciferase from renilla. Under the catalysis of luciferase, luciferin can efficiently convert to oxidized luciferin and emit strong fluorescence at the same time. Therefore, researchers used luciferase to develop a highly sensitive and convenient gene reporter system. Currently, this system is widely applied in various fields, including transcription factor binding site and promoter activity analysis, RNA degradation, signal transduction, drug screening, and in vivo animal imaging.
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