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Multi-Store Shopping Cart | Multi-Vendor Ecommerce Solution - 0 views

    Are you looking for the multi store shopping cart and multi-vendor ecommerce solution? provides best shopping cart software which serves a number of roles on a business website. multi-store shopping.
Gaby K. Slezák

LLL3D: Scenario Development for Lifelong Learning in 3D multi-user environments - 0 views

    Lifelong Learning - Lebenslanges Lernen in 3D multi-user environments

adw210 - 1 views

    Features of ADW210 Multi Circuits Three Phase Energy Meter ADW210 series multi-loop power meter is mainly used for the measurement of all electric parameters of three-phase circuit. Colleagues can select the current input of the maximum four circuits. ADW2XX series products are connected by split core current transformer, easy to install on site, and realize remote wireless communication through wireless communication module.
    Measurement: kWh, kVarh, Current, Voltage, Power, 2~31st Harmonic and etc
smartbook chennai

Smart Books - Enterprise Management Software| ERP Solution| Business Management Softwar... - 0 views

shared by smartbook chennai on 22 Aug 12 - No Cached
    White House Business Solutions (WHBS) offers a comprehensive ERP Solution, Smart Books (Enterprise Version), a foundation for a completely integrated set of end-to-end business management application. Business Management Software Smart Books is an integrated system of all business applications such as order processing, procurement, finance and inventory and payroll management. It provides real time business solutions to the clients, with easy access to information since it is user friendly. With its multi-tiered technology, SmartBooks allows you to efficiently increase the functionality and capability as your business grows.

Ecommerce Shopping Cart Software | Online Best Shopping Software - 0 views

  • is one stop solution for ecommerce shopping cart software and multi store shopping cart. Get online best shopping cart software to build your online ecommerce store at competitive price.
Mike Gahms

Ethernet over fiber - The Right Internet Solution For Your Business - 0 views

    MPLS networks are highly secure, versatile, cost-efficient, and designed to provide committed bandwidth levels. Ethernet MPLS network delivers high level of service to serve multi-location network needs. It allows you to provide your customers, partners, and employees with secure access to your business's networks.
Mike Gahms

Metro Ethernet - Best Choice For Your Metropolitan Business - 0 views

    Metro Ethernet is attractive solution for small to medium-sized businesses due to its simplicity and cost-efficient features. Metro Ethernet connections is continuing to rise as customers discover that they make a sophisticated choice for companies with multiple city-dwellings within the area.
Eloise Pasteur

Drawing a Roadmap: Barriers and Challenges to Designing the Ideal Virtual World for Hig... - 0 views

  • So why should higher education be concerned about virtual worlds for those under eighteen? There are several reasons.
  • First, an increasing number of colleges and universities are enrolling students who are younger than eighteen.
  • Second, allowing interaction between high school and postsecondary students increases the potential for mentoring and outreach. As institutions become more competitive, many are trying to attract high school students earlier, sometimes starting when they are freshmen.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Third, a secure multi-age virtual world would provide educators with a rich environment in which to study instructional practices.
  • Individuals using computer resources belonging to The University of Arizona must act in a responsible manner, in compliance with law and University policies, and with respect for the rights of others using a shared resource. The right of free expression and academic inquiry is tempered by the rights of others to privacy, freedom from intimidation or harassment, protection of intellectual property, ownership of data, and security of information.” Although this policy seems fairly straightforward, the ten “Acceptable Use Guidelines” meant to clarify this policy instead introduce confusion. For example, Guideline 3, which instructs the computer user to “clearly and accurately identify one's self in electronic communications,” adds: “Do not forge or misrepresent one's identity. Concealing or masking the identity of electronic communications such as altering the source of an email message by making it appear as if the message was sent by someone else is a violation of this policy.”14 So a student knows that altering the sender of an e-mail is against policy, but what about creating an avatar? And what about the faculty member who asks students to create an avatar with a totally fictitious name? Are the faculty member and the students in violation of this policy?
  • an instructional technologist at the University of Arizona,was supporting the implementation of Second Life in a General Education class. She was concerned about the interesting style of dress, or lack thereof, that is often seen in Second Life and felt she needed to develop a dress code for the virtual class.15 But when the vice-provost for instruction and I were discussing the process for modifying the current dress code of the university, we discovered that the university does not even have a dress code for everyday life.16
  • For example, at the University of Arizona, faculty have expressed frustration because they cannot learn how to sit down in virtual worlds or because they cannot figure out how to correctly set the hair on their avatar. Because of these frustrations, they tend not to invest the time needed to explore the world as an instructional resource. However, as the NMC’s Levine has pointed out: “In our first life, it generally takes us maybe eighteen years . . . to get to be fully functional adults. It’s an evolutionary process. A virtual world that had a short learning curve would be something not very interesting. So I think an ideal virtual world needs some of that complexity.”17 The challenge thus becomes how to select a virtual world that has the necessary complexity to keep users engaged while developing strategies and structures to support them as they learn.
  • Even more important is that if an institution wants to implement a virtual world of any type, it needs to convince faculty that the early adopters are, in fact, not all mad and that the tool does have value. Instruction may just be in a form with which the faculty is unfamiliar. Therefore the institution must begin by offering faculty, staff, and students the time and support to perform simple tasks like learning how to navigate the environment. Faculty must then be assisted in visualizing something outside of their understanding of what it means to be a teacher.
  • Perhaps as important as setting goals and providing resources is developing realistic assessments of the project’s success. For example, in a virtual world such as Second Life, what are the metrics that will be used to determine the institution’s return on investment?
    A thoughtful analysis of the education institution's barriers to engaging in Second Life or other virtual worlds.
Eloise Pasteur

Dusan Writer's Metaverse » Findings Published about Virtual Learning in Seco... - 0 views

  • Second Life and other virtual worlds can never fully replace in-class learning, but that virtual learning is reshaping what happens in the classroom and will be a valuable add-on learning tool in the future.
  • There are benefits in face–to–face education and in real physical presence that are difficult to achieve in other learning environments.
  • Education in Second Life is closer to face–to–face education than traditional methods in distance education that are based on asynchronous communication and two–dimensional media. Second Life provides options for multi-modality in communication (voice, chat, gestures, space) that make learning fun — always a desired outcome.
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  • the concept of interreality - the integration of physical and virtual worlds - is ‘an advantage in distance education, if it can bring distance education closer to face-to-face education.’
  • It is also worth noting that of the 30 students that participated, only a few had difficulty navigating through Second Life and most felt that it was superior to other Web-based learning environments.
    Quick summary of a paper about teaching IRL.
Eloise Pasteur

How the Google generation thinks differently - Times Online - 0 views

    • Eloise Pasteur
      Another take on Digital Immigrants v Digital Natives and a term I find I prefer if you're going to distinguish on age - the Google Generation. Although I'm sure our parents and teachers wondered the same about us, does the width of knowledge that is accessible lead to deep learning and the ability to reflect?
  • Rose Luckin, Professor of Learner- Centred Design at the London Knowledge Lab and a visiting professor at the University of Sussex, is working on a study examining the internet's impact on pupils' critical and meta-cognitive skills. “The worrying view coming through is that students are lacking in reflective awareness,” she says. “Technology makes it easy for them to collate information, but not to analyse and understand it. Much of the evidence suggests that what is going on out there is quite superficial.”
  • This year, researchers at University College London reported the results of a five-year study into the “Google Generation”. When they examined the behaviour of those logging on to the websites of journals, e-books and other sources of written information, they found widespread evidence of “skimming activity”. Users viewed no more than three pages before “bouncing out”. This wasn't just the norm for students. “The same has happened to professors and lecturers. Everyone exhibits a bouncing/flicking behaviour, which sees them searching horizontally rather than vertically. Power browsing is the norm.”
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  • The difference, though, is that as a digital immigrant, my mind has baseline skills in concentration, contemplation and knowledge construction. My fear - and the reason why I wrested my son's laptop away from him - is that the acquisition of those skills is being lost in the twitch-speed of our new Web 2.0 world.
  • I can see that that broadens his knowledge, but does it deepen it? “Education has always been about absorbing the facts first and reflecting on them second. Technology is not hampering that, but take away his laptop and you are just setting him up for a rebellion,” Kelly says. “The technology tide is unstoppable.”
  • “Because they have been using digital technology all their lives, our children feel they have authority over it,” says Rose Luckin. “But technology cannot teach them to reflect upon and evaluate the information they are gathering online. For that, the role of teachers and parents remains fundamentally important. You are in the hot seat. They still need you to open that conversation.”
  • NATIVES v IMMIGRANTS Digital natives Like receiving information quickly from multiple media sources. Like parallel processing and multi-tasking. Like processing pictures, sounds and video before text. Like random access to hyperlinked multimedia information. Like to network with others. Like to learn “just in time”. Digital immigrants Like slow and controlled release of information from limited sources. Like singular processing and single or limited tasking. Like processing text before pictures, sounds and video. Like to receive information linearly, logically and sequentially. Like to work independently. Like to learn “just in case”.
    A discussion of the learning style and depth of learning of the Google Generation, this time from a parent and journalist, but with some interesting quotes from those that study the youngsters

Single Page Applications vs Multiple Page Applications - [Ultimate Guide] - 0 views

    Understand the differentiation between single page apps and multiple page apps. And see what would be the ideal choice for your business.

acrel adl400 - 0 views

    Features of Acrel ADL400 MID Three Phase Smart Energy Meter ADL400 three-phase electric meter is designed for three-phase energy measurement on a low voltage system. The meter meets the related technical requirements of electronic meter in the IEC62053-21 and IEC62053-22 standards.
    ● Measurement: 3-phase AC kWh, kVarh, U, I, P, Q, S, PF, F and etc ● Accuracy: 0.5% (kWh) ● Frequency: 45~65Hz ● Rated Voltage: 3x380~456Vac L-L (direct connect); 3x100~120Vac L-L (via PTs) ● Rated Current: 3x10(80)A AC (direct connect); 3x1(6)A AC (via CTs) ● Communication: RS485 (MODBUS-RTU) ● Harmonic: 2~31st and total Harmonic ● Standard&Certificate: IEC; CE;CE-MID; EAC ● Multi-rate: 4 Tariff Rates and etc ● Data Function: Frozen Data,Max Demand,etc
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