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Sergin Brown

Understand The Vital Features Attached With Long Term Payday Loan Before Borrowing! - M... - 0 views

    Always check the lending terms before commitment as it give you satisfaction that you are taking home the right offer. Do check the legality of the lender before giving your details as it helps to avoid any possibility to struggle with trap of fraud lenders. Get more information related long term loans -
Sergin Brown

Long Term Payday Loans: Avail Instant Cash Loans Which Gives You Peace Of Mind! - 0 views

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Eloise Pasteur

Gamasutra - Analysis: Games Create 'Passion Communities' For Learning - 0 views

  • Gee sees the current U.S. educational system as inadequate to the task of addressing the problems of an increasingly complex world. He stated that “21st century learning must be about understanding complex systems,” and he believes many video games do a better job at this than the antiquated sender-receiver teaching model that dominates American classrooms.
  • Gee sees two separate educational systems operating today: one a traditional approach to learning; the other what Gee calls “passion communities.” In Gee's view, the latter produce real knowledge. Video games, virtual worlds and online social networks provide environments in which these passion communities can form and thrive
  • Passion communities encourage and enable people of all ages to do extraordinary things. Gee believes the 'amateur knowledge' that arises from this immersive involvement often surpasses 'expert knowledge,' and cited fantasy baseball as an example. The boundaries between the 'fantasy' game and the 'real' game have been blurred because fantasy players' expertise in statistical analysis has had a measurable impact on how MLB teams evaluate players.
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  • Passion communities exist, according to Gee, to “give people status and control, not always money.” He recounted the story of a young girl who began making clothes for her Sims characters. When she wanted more textures than the game provided, she taught herself to use Photoshop to create her own. Eventually, she moved to Second Life and began selling her own original designs. When asked if she planned to pursue her interest in fashion, she said no. “I want to work with computers because they give you power.”
  • “This is an alternative learning system that teaches more effectively than most schools,” Gee observed. “We need to learn how to organize a learning, passion system community. Game designers know how to do this.”
  • “Education isn't about telling people stuff, it's about giving them tools that enable them to see the world in a new and useful way.”
  • Gee sees broad implications for students in this regard. “Give students smart tools and let them use them and modify them to suit their purposes.” Such self-motivated learning moves students away from merely consuming knowledge and encourages them to produce knowledge and apply it in meaningful ways.
  • Gee clearly situates video games within an overall theory of learning and literacy with genuine power to transform students and equip them to address complex problems.
    Video games are better learning environments than traditional classrooms (to those on the "education in SL list, "Well, D'uh!") but still worth reading and thinking about. Derived from a lecture by Prof. Gee

Machine Learning Online Training | Machine Learning Course-Kernel - 0 views

    Machine learning is a field of computer science that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed. Certified Machine learning Online Training gives an advanced level understanding of algorithms like regression and clustering. Enrol in Machine Learning Course to get a free live demo.
Eloise Pasteur

The Jigsaw Classroom: Overview of the Technique - 0 views

  • Here is how it works: The students in a history class, for example, are divided into small groups of five or six students each. Suppose their task is to learn about World War II. In one jigsaw group, Sara is responsible for researching Hitler's rise to power in pre-war Germany. Another member of the group, Steven, is assigned to cover concentration camps; Pedro is assigned Britain's role in the war; Melody is to research the contribution of the Soviet Union; Tyrone will handle Japan's entry into the war; Clara will read about the development of the atom bomb. Eventually each student will come back to her or his jigsaw group and will try to present a well-organized report to the group. The situation is specifically structured so that the only access any member has to the other five assignments is by listening closely to the report of the person reciting.
  • To increase the chances that each report will be accurate, the students doing the research do not immediately take it back to their jigsaw group. Instead, they meet first with students who have the identical assignment (one from each jigsaw group). For example, students assigned to the atom bomb topic meet as a team of specialists, gathering information, becoming experts on their topic, and rehearsing their presentations. We call this the "expert" group. It is particularly useful for students who might have initial difficulty learning or organizing their part of the assignment, for it allows them to hear and rehearse with other "experts."
  • What is the benefit of the jigsaw classroom? First and foremost, it is a remarkably efficient way to learn the material. But even more important, the jigsaw process encourages listening, engagement, and empathy by giving each member of the group an essential part to play in the academic activity. Group members must work together as a team to accomplish a common goal; each person depends on all the others. No student can succeed completely unless everyone works well together as a team. This "cooperation by design" facilitates interaction among all students in the class, leading them to value each other as contributors to their common task.
    The Jigsaw classroom can be applied to give structure to group work at any level with a bit of imagination and just might be a good tool to use in Second Life - it certainly rings many of the bells for good class practise that I can think of.
Eloise Pasteur

Advantages of Second Life over web-conferencing - Eloise's thoughts and fancies - 1 views

  • Advantages of Second Life over web-conferencing
  • Experience - whereas video is a one-way, passive experience, SL is a group one. This is a completely different dynamic, if the presentation makes use of it. If they just passively show a video, they might as well be on the web. Think of it, when done well, as comparing sitting in a movie vs at a comedy show where the audience can yell out comments that are instantly worked into the skit. Collaboration - participants get a completely different experience when they 'see' each other. It is more involving and interactive. This gives the speaker a chance to gather instant feedback, adjusting the presentation on the fly. There is even software for SL that allows participants to give feedback at specified times via their keyboard. Also, we find that "leaders" emerge in virtual focus groups, who often bring out information from others but don't dominate as they might in a "real" focus group. Screening - starting with a larger group, sub-groups can be created based on criteria such as beginners, those giving great feedback, gender, etc. These avatars can be instantly transported into other prepared rooms or SL environments for follow up, further Q&A, take a tour, etc. Also, participants can click on each other's profiles and learn about each other, something many like to do.
  • Spatiality - in a three-dimensional space people can move, and use proximity and distance to each other or to objects (for example for group building, voting by feet, to 'physically' separate collaboration tasks from one another, or just to non-verbally communicate preferences). In video conferencing, all you see is somebody else's mimics. There is no concept of space at all - which is crucial, however: remember Nonaka's Ba. Embodiment - being virtually embodied as an avatar can augment the feeling of co-presence, the feeling of being there together with your colleagues, peers, or collaboration team, etc. Directing your virtual representation, you visualize where your attention is at every point in time. In a video conference, nobody knows if you are paying attention or just looking at a totally different application on your screen. Configurability and scriptability - a virtual world can be more than a container for space, physics and avatars. Realized as a reactive, interactive and maybe even intelligently behaving environment it can harbor, support, and augment rich user experiences.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 'Applying it right' would mean here: not to use the virtual world as just a fancy chat system with some visuals in the background provide real interactive experiences instead not to make as many people as possible sit down and watch yet another 2D powerpoint presentation in a 3D world encourage them to use / make them use the new possibilities offered by the system (move, discover, create, modify, interact, ...) not to try to teach them how to use all the menus in the SL software rather let the interactive objects speak for themselves on a simple click (->establish new forms of 'dialogs') leave 2D 'flatland' (info walls, in-world powerpoint presentations) embrace 3Dimensionality

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Brett Kevin

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Nancy Noah

Academic Research - 0 views

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Eloise Pasteur

Dusan Writer's Metaverse » Educational Institutions Spread Their Wings in Se... - 0 views

  • At George Washington University in Washington State, a graduate-level course in instructional design was created by David Cillay, an assistant dean for distance education, as reported on The course was taught completely in Second Life, with the students, using their avatars, communicating with Cillay and one another through the course’s island (learning space) in Second Life. Cillay was impressed with the level of text and voice interaction between the students, even if they were only avatars onscreen. The students discussed what ‘instructional design means’ and took field trips to other SL locales such as a nuclear power plant.
  • Across the pond, City College Norwich in the UK is forging ahead with its own island. The location will give users a virtual tour of the campus and access to training and job vacancies. The school also hopes, down the line, to develop an educational presence. “Second Life has fantastic potential for learning,” said Dick Palmer, the principal, “which we will be starting to use more fully next year. For example, our new diploma students will come from lots of different areas, but Second Life will allow students to get together in an informal learning zone. We are excited to be embarking upon such an innovative initiative.”
  • After the experiment with virtual education at GWU, Cillay offered three recommendations to those thinking of entering the virtual education realm: - Temper your expectations. “There’s a tremendous wow factor for people just discovering ‘Second Life,’ ” he said. Students need some time to adjust and learn how to move and operate in that world. - “Understand what your expectations are,” Cillay said. Rather than expect huge gains in a classroom environment, consider it a first step in educational experimentation. - Give yourself and the students time to explore. “Do some research ahead of time, so you know the environment and find out what other educators are doing there,” said Cillay.
    Summary of comments from the US and UK about education in Second Life
Uyendt (*-*)

Play Free In Space Games for Kids</ - 0 views

    : In an evolving world, high speed space highway ware built. Drive your high speed sport car to destination without crashing it. You have to be very skilled and with quick reflexes to be able to reach the finish. Give it a try now! . Hope you enjoyed In Space Games Control: Use Arrow keys to drive your car.
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Advantages of Educational Loans - 0 views

    The times have passed when students had to give up education, especially higher education due to monetary constraints. Educational Loans have emerged as a boon, helping different students of different backgrounds to fulfill their dreams of further education. Educational loans offer several benefits to students, the major one being good amount at lower interest rates.
Andrew Tyler

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Brett Kevin

No Credit Check Unsecured Loans - 0 views

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