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Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Invasion of participative culture - 0 views

    Slideshare presentation by Jeff Hurt
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Assessment for Learning Helen Barrett. - 1 views

    This Google Site is being developed by Helen Barrett to focus on Assessment for Learning, especially in ePortfolios, with a lot of resources to support the process. The Google Site tool is being used so that others interested in this topic could contribute to the development of this site. In addition to samples of rubrics, this site could provide links to examples of portfolios used for different purposes for assessment (both formative and summative).
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Instructional Design and Learning Theory. Brenda Mergel - 1 views

    Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism - The Basics
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Resources @ eLearn.Org - 0 views

    eLearn Space. George Siemens. Everything elearning resources guides
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Instructional Design Resources ( - 1 views

    Overview Instructional design (ID) has gained prominence in elearning due to its systemized approach to creating and evaluating the student learning experience. While the term itself might sound complex, in reality, all teachers follow some process of designing instruction already. Often, when a teacher first encounters ID, the response is "Oh, I already do that...". So, for many ID is just naming an existing process. Why is ID so important online? In a classroom, challenges and concerns can be addressed in "real time". If some component of a course or lesson is unclear, students can get immediate clarification. Online, however, this is not possible. In order to eliminate student frustrations, potential ambiguities and concerns need to be addressed before the course goes live. ID is the process that enables and verifies quality. Instructional design anticipates and plans for student experiences in a static environment where teacher feedback and clarification may be delayed.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Systemic Changes in Higher Education - 0 views

    George Siemens, Kathleen Matheos A power shift is occurring in higher education, driven by two trends: (a) the increased freedom of learners to access, create, and re-create content; and (b) the opportunity for learners to interact with each other outside of a mediating agent. Information access and dialogue, previously under control of the educator, can now be readily fulfilled by learners. When the essential mandate of universities is buffeted by global, social/political, technological, and educational change pressures, questions about the future of universities become prominent. The integrated university faces numerous challenges, including a decoupling of research and teaching functions. Do we still need physical classrooms? Are courses effective when information is fluid across disciplines and subject to continual changes? What value does a university provide society when educational resources and processes are open and transparent?
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Open for Learning: The CMS and the Open Learning Network - 0 views

    Jon Mott, David Wiley The course management system (CMS) reinforces the status quo and hinders substantial teaching and learning innovation in higher education. It does so by imposing artificial time limits on learner access to course content and other learners, privileging the role of the instructor at the expense of the learner, and limiting the power of the network effect in the learning process. The open learning network (OLN)-a hybrid of the CMS and the personal learning environment (PLE)-is proposed as an alternative learning technology environment with the potential to leverage the affordances of the Web to dramatically improve learning.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Knowing Knowledge. G. Siemens (PDF) - 0 views

    Book by George Siemens (2006)
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Connectivism. G. Siemens - 0 views

    Blog by George Siemens.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Handbook of emerging technologies for learning (PDF) - 0 views

    Siemens, G., & Tittenberger, P. (2009)
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Three Generations of Distance Education Pedagogy - 0 views

    Terry Anderson and Jon Dron Athabasca University, Canada Abstract This paper defines and examines three generations of distance education pedagogy. Unlike earlier classifications of distance education based on the technology used, this analysis focuses on the pedagogy that defines the learning experiences encapsulated in the learning design. The three generations of cognitive-behaviourist, social constructivist, and connectivist pedagogy are examined, using the familiar community of inquiry model (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) with its focus on social, cognitive, and teaching presences. Although this typology of pedagogies could also be usefully applied to campus-based education, the need for and practice of openness and explicitness in distance education content and process makes the work especially relevant to distance education designers, teachers, and developers. The article concludes that high-quality distance education exploits all three generations as determined by the learning content, context, and learning expectations.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

60 Seconds - Things That Happen On Internet Every Sixty Seconds [Infographic] - 0 views

    World Wide Web is growing at rapid pace. On average, more than a billion new pages are added to it every day. To give you an idea of how big world wide web is, our Infographic 60 Seconds will cover some really interesting facts about websites that we use on day-to-day basis.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

The Learning Review - 0 views

    Revista. España
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje: Del e-learning al MyLearning - 1 views

    Para la "edificación" cognitiva, los entornos personales de aprendizaje (PLE - Personal Learning Environment) tienen una función vertebradora en el diseño de nuestra propia vida, en tanto en cuanto somos lo que aprendemos. Esto último podría resultar una afirmación algo simplista pero nada más lejos de la realidad, ya que hablo de aprender, no de memorizar, aludiendo por tanto a procesos de orden superior como reflexionar, relacionar conceptos, interpretar, integrar, etc. Cada fragmento de conocimiento moldea nuestra conducta, nuestras actitudes, incluso nuestros gustos en un continuo proceso evolutivo que dura toda la vida.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Googlios - 0 views

    Google Apps + e-folios
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

The Tweeted Times - 0 views

    The Tweeted Times is a real-time personalized newspaper generated from your Twitter account
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Is Google Makeing us Stupid? Nicholas Carr - 0 views

    What the Internet is doing to our brains
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Nicholas Carr (Blog) - 0 views

    A former executive editor of the Harvard Business Review, Nicholas Carr writes and speaks on technology, business, and culture.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Generadores Online de materiales educativos - 0 views

    En esta sección encontrarás más de 150 herramientas gratuitas que permiten crear materiales didácticos (información, ejercicios, actividades, etc.) sin necesidad de tener que bajar un programa a tu ordenador. Si buscas herramientas que precisan la descarga de un programa o aplicaciones web gratuitas para crear material didáctico que no entran dentro de la categoría de "generadores", consulta nuesta sección dedicada herramientas de autor y aplicaciones web gratuitas.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

RSA Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Paradigms - 3 views

    YouTube Video (Spanish subtitles) "Hay 3 tipos de personas en el mundo: los inamovibles, los movibles y los que se mueven"
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