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Luciano Ferrer

Micro Hidroeléctrica usa un remolino para generar energía limpia - 0 views

    "La empresa belga Turbulent está apostando por usinas hidroeléctricas de pequeño porte para generar energía renovable con bajo impacto para el medio ambiente. En este sentido ellos desarrollaron una turbina de remolino que se puede instalar en ríos, arroyos y canales, aprovechando el agua corriente para generar energía para hasta sesenta casas. El objetivo de esta empresa belga es hacer la energía hidroeléctrica sostenible y aplicable a pequeña escala. A diferencia de las grandes represas, su turbina de baja presión requiere una diferencia de altura de tan solo un metro y medio para funcionar a toda capacidad. Probado en ríos en toda Bélgica, el dispositivo se puede ampliar para generar 15, 30 y hasta 100 kilovatios."
Luciano Ferrer

Low tech website solar powered - 0 views

    "Our new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. Low-tech Magazine was born in 2007 and has seen minimal changes ever since. Because a website redesign was long overdue - and because we try to practice what we preach - we decided to build a low-tech, self-hosted, and solar-powered version of Low-tech Magazine. The new blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. Why a Low-tech Website? We were told that the Internet would "dematerialise" society and decrease energy use. Contrary to this projection, it has become a large and rapidly growing consumer of energy itself. In order to offset the negative consequences associated with high energy consumption, renewable energy has been proposed as a means to lower emissions from powering data centers. For example, Greenpeace's yearly ClickClean report ranks major Internet companies based on their use of renewable power sources."
Luciano Ferrer

Sistema operativo Collapse OS. Que el apocalipsis no te deje sin PC - 0 views

    "El sistema operativo Collapse OS está pensado para una temible crisis. No la crisis que temen otros de falta de agua o guerra nuclear. La crisis a la que me refiero es la que más nos preocupa a quienes amammos la tecnología. Que por falta de componentes nos quedemos sin computadoras."
Luciano Ferrer

This Air Conditioner for Homes and Offices Uses No Electricity - 0 views

    "Evaporative coolers have been known to purveyors of low-cost, sustainable technologies for years. Without the need for electricity, these cold containers have kept produce fresh from farms to tables, protecting against post-harvest losses in the field and food spoilage in hot pantries worldwide. Now the concept has been applied to air conditioning. Manoj Patel Design Studio in Vadodara, Gujarat (India) has built evaporative air conditioners that can cool a room for days on a single tank of water. The studio designs new products from recycled materials, and they built their air conditioners from ceramics and stone, integrating them with potted plants. By filling rows of ceramic tubes with water, the prototypes maximize their surface area for optimal evaporation while retaining a small footprint. ..."
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