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Productivity and online learning redux - 5 views

    • Diane Gusa
      How does the present rubric contribute to learner support and assessment? How does the present rubric interfere with your learning?

Productivity and online learning redux - 2 views

  • Instructional MOOCs (xMOOCs) have basically removed learner support, at least in terms of human (instructor) support, but this has resulted in a very low number of MOOC learners passing end-of-course assessments of learning. Indeed, prior research into credit-based learning has established that instructor online ‘presence’ is a critical factor in retaining students. So far, it has proved difficult to scale up learner support on a massive scale, except through the use of computer technology, such as automated feedback. However, Carey and Trick (2013) and indeed faculty at elite institutions who are offering xMOOCs (see Thrun and ‘the Magic of the Campus‘) have argued that such computer support does not support ‘the learning that matters most’.
  • computer-based approaches to learner support to date has been inadequate for formal assessment of higher order learning skills such as original, critical or strategic thinking, evaluation of strategies or alternative explanations.
  • In cMOOCs that are more like communities of practice and thus contain many participants with already high levels of expertise, that expertise and judgement can be provided by the participants themselves
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • ‘disruptive’ innovation, where a new technology results in sweeping away old ways of doing something.
  • Thus knowledge management becomes more important than mere access to knowledge. If we look at xMOOCs though we have taken a new technology – video lecture capture and Internet transmission – and applied it to an outdated model of teaching. True innovation requires a change of process or method as well as a change of technology.
  • .Content is only one component of teaching (and an increasingly less important component); other components such as learner support and assessment are even more important. Care is needed then because changes in methods of online content development and delivery could have negative knock-on cost and productivity consequences in other areas of course delivery, such as learner support and assessment. I

TOOC - 4 views

started by Ilicia Kelly on 18 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

Connecting Dots - 3 views

started by anonymous on 16 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

Connecting Dots - 3 views

started by anonymous on 16 Mar 14 no follow-up yet

Learning and Ownership Realized | Alex Nana-Sinkam - 2 views

    "A couple examples, from Howard's The Art of Hosting Good Conversations Online:  A good online learning community: has a shared commitment to work together toward better communication, better conversations. is a place where everybody builds social capital individually by improving each other's knowledge capital collaboratively. a spirit of group creativity, experimentation, exploration, good will. enables people to 'entertain' themselves rather than being just the passive consumers of canned 'entertainment'."

JOTS v32n2 - The Pedagogy of Technology Integration - 3 views

  • Using technology to enhance the educational process involves more than just learning how to use specific piece of hardware and software. It requires an understanding of pedagogical principles that are specific to the use of technology in an instructional settings…Pedagogy-based training begins by helping teachers understand the role of learning theory in the design and function of class activities and in the selection and use of instructional technologies. (pp. 2 and 6)
  • In a broad sense, technology integration can be described as a process of using existing tools, equipment and materials, including the use of electronic media, for the purpose of enhancing learning
  • When you go to the hardware store to buy a drill, you don’t actually want a drill, you want a hole, they don’t sell holes at the hardware store, but they do sell drills, which are the technology used to make holes. We must not lose sight that technology for the most part is a tool and it should be used in applications which address educational concerns. (p. 87)

Connecting Dots - 5 views

started by anonymous on 25 Feb 14 no follow-up yet

If You Build It, They Will Come: Building Learning Communities Through Threaded Discuss... - 1 views

  • Assessing Effectiveness of Student Participation in Online Discussions Student Name _______________________________________________________________ Unit _____
  • Promptness and Initiative
  • Delivery of Post
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Relevance of Post
  • Expression Within the Post Does not express opinions or ideas clearly; no connection to topic
  • Contribution to the Learning Community
  • Does not make effort to participate in learning community as it develops; seems indifferent
  • Does not express opinions or ideas clearly; no connection to topi
  • Posts topics which do not relate to the discussion content; makes short or irrelevant remarks
  • Does not respond to most postings; rarely participates freely
  • Utilizes poor spelling and grammar in most posts; posts appear "hasty"
  • Responds to most postings within a 24 hour period; requires occasional prompting to post
  • Few grammatical or spelling errors are noted in posts
  • Frequently posts topics that are related to discussion content; prompts further discussion of topic
  • Opinions and ideas are stately clearly with occasional lack of connection to topic
  • Frequently attempts to direct the discussion and to present relevant viewpoints for consideration by group; interacts freely
  • Responds to most postings several days after initial discussion; limited initiative
  • Consistently responds to postings in less than 24 hours; demonstrates good self-initiative
  • Errors in spelling and grammar evidenced in several posts
  • Consistently uses grammatically correct posts with rare misspellings
  • Occasionally posts off topic; most posts are short in length and offer no further insight into the topic
  • Consistently posts topics related to discussion topic; cites additional references related to topic
  • Unclear connection to topic evidenced in minimal expression of opinions or ideas
  • Expresses opinions and ideas in a clear and concise manner with obvious connection to topic
  • Aware of needs of community; frequently attempts to motivate the group discussion; presents creative approaches to topic
  • Occasionally makes meaningful reflection on group’s efforts; marginal effort to become involved with group
  • Facilitator’s Comments:

Creating Social Presence in Online Environments - 7 views

    Benefits of Social Presence Strategies for Creating Social Presence

5 Progressive Paper Scoring Rubric - 4 views

    Progressive Paper Scoring Rubric

Building your wall ... - 3 views

shared by Diane Gusa on 23 Jul 13 - No Cached
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