I looked through today’s articles on The Daily and found an opinion piece about the possible death of chain bookstores (which I may very well blog tomorrow when I have more time to type), a piece about Milton Berle (because, naturally, comedians of the middle 20th century have great relevance today), something about Michael Jackson’s estate serving to enrich lawyers, a whole lot of stuff about the Superbowl, and not a whole lot else that sticks in my memory.
Classroom 2.0 - 0 views
The Daily first impression: Eh, seen better | TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libr... - 0 views
Perhaps the biggest indicator of the app’s half-bakedness came when I decided to share the bookstore article on Facebook. I hit the share icon in the upper right corner of the screen easily enough, and shared it through to Facebook—and what showed up on my wall was a picture of The Daily’s app launch icon along with the text “I want to share the web version of an article from The Daily, the tablet-based original news publication.” plus a bit.ly URL. That’s it. No indication of what the actual article was about.
Dionna Harvell: Introduce Yourself to the Class - 0 views
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