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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Reuven Werber

Reuven Werber

Life on the Screen: Visual Literacy in Education | Edutopia - 26 views

  • When people talk to me about the digital divide, I think of it not being so much about who has access to what technology as who knows how to create and express themselves in this new language of the screen. If students aren't taught the language of sound and images, shouldn't they be considered as illiterate as if they left college without being able to read or write?
  • But there are rules for telling a story visually that are just as important as grammatical rules or math terms, and you can test people on them as well. There is grammar in film, there is grammar in graphics, there is grammar in music, just like there are rules in math that can be taught. For instance, what emotion does the color red convey? What about blue? What does a straight line mean? How about a diagonal line?
  • If you're going to put together a multimedia project, you need to know that you can't have a fast rhythm track if you're talking about death. It just doesn't work. You're not communicating well.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • All these forms of communication are extremely important, and they should be treated that way. Unfortunately, we've moved away from teaching the emotional forms of communication. But if you want to get along in this world, you need to have a heightened sense of emotional intelligence, which is the equal of your intellectual intelligence.
  • You're already seeing it. You often see very educated people -- doctors and lawyers and engineers -- trying to make presentations, and they have no clue about how to communicate visually and what happens when you put one image after another. So their lectures become very confused because, from a visual perspective, they're putting their periods at the front of their sentences, and nobody understands them.
  • The education world, it seems, thrives on stability and limiting change. There seem to be an awful lot of people protecting the status quo.
Reuven Werber

Playing more twitter games - NeverEndingSearch - Blog on School Library Journal - 0 views

    Description: A discussion of information fluency, teaching, and learning in the 21st century.
Reuven Werber

Israeli PicApp dresses your blog as a powerful news outlet [VIDEO] - ISRAEL21c - 0 views

  • gers are getting all the attention lately - and gaining credibility in the world of journalism while making money too. But the big question of image rights in the Wild West of the online world has been a challenging one for photographers, until now.
  • Blog gers are getting all the attention lately - and gaining credibility in the world of journalism while
    Israeli PicApp dresses your blog as a powerful news outlet
Reuven Werber

PresenTense - 1 views

    Particiipative discussion on visions of education in Israel - web2.0 style
Reuven Werber

A Step-by-Step Guide to Global Collaborations | always learning - 0 views

    A Great guide for planning and running collaborative projects with students
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Reuven Werber

The Connected Classroom: Copyright Confusion - 1 views

    Questioning the use of accepted copyright guidelines in an educational environment - one which is transformative.
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