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Nik Peachey

Phraseum - language learning online #elt #esl #efl #edtech #voc... - 6 views

    Phraseum - language learning online #elt #esl #efl #edtech #vocab #ell #ela #mfl #edapp
J Black

Save The Words - 0 views

    Very clever vocab builder that is flash based. I only wish that it would have a built-in audio file for each word (I don't think I saw one -- could have missed it).
cheryl capozzoli

Babbel: Vocabulary trainer - 0 views

    Use the vocab trainer for free language help
J Black

Vocabulary Videos and Flash Cards for SAT, ACT and GRE - > Home - 0 views

    A video/illustration approach to learning vocab effectively. Thumbs up!!
Ced Paine

toolsSpellingQuiz - 0 views

    Audio spelling quizzes (with pictures) for vocab categories and phonics families or create your own list.
Fred Delventhal

VerbaLearn - Study vocabulary for free - 0 views

  • VerbaLearn is jam-packed with great features to help you study more efficiently, track your progress, score higher and simply save you time! VerbaLearn's patent pending system will automatically remove words as you master them so you don't waste time studying like you used to. You can learn your words by listening to customized mp3 files or practicing examples online, track your progress, and even review all your words from your homepage whenever you need a brush-up.
    VerbaLearn is jam-packed with great features to help you study more efficiently, track your progress, score higher and simply save you time! VerbaLearn's patent pending system will automatically remove words as you master them so you don't waste time studying like you used to. You can learn your words by listening to customized mp3 files or practicing examples online, track your progress, and even review all your words from your homepage whenever you need a brush-up.

VocabGrabber : Thinkmap Visual Thesaurus - 0 views

    Vocab development site
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