INFOGRAPHIC: High Performance Learning Ecosystems - 8 views
RT COLLABORATIVE NETWORKS ENHANCED WORKFLOW x—–x—–x—–x—–x Designed by our Guest Blogger, Arun Pradhan Arun Pradhan has over 17 years’ experience in digital and blended learning. He currently works as a senior Learning & Performance consultant at DeakinPrime, helping to deliver 70:20:10 inspired solutions for some of Australia’s largest telcos, retailers, banks and insurers. In his spare time Arun blogs about learning, performance and 70:20:10 solutions at Design4Performance. x—–x—–x—–x—–x Copyright of posts written by our Guest Bloggers are their own. Published on 19-May-2016 Tin Can API & the Future of E-Learning
In the previous post arun written about the need to design learning & high-performance ecosystems here, and have been reflecting on some common ingredients for effective ones.
In the previous post arun written about the need to design learning & high-performance ecosystems here, and have been reflecting on some common ingredients for effective ones.