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Fred Delventhal

Free museums - Freepedia - 0 views

  • Below is a work in progress of every museum in the United States that offers free admission. If able, we've linked directly to the museum's website where the free admission policy is stated as well as noted where the museum is located; broken down by states, then cities. Also, you'll find a few commonly used acronyms throughout the list, but they're not too hard to understand!
    List of museums that have free admission
Ulrich Schrader

Europeana - Connecting Cultural Heritage - 0 views

    Europeana, Europe's digital library, museum and archive
Fred Delventhal

Flickr: Powerhouse Museum Collection's Photostream - 0 views

    Following the Library of Congress more museums and collections are using Flickr to get the image out. via Assorted Stuff -
Jennifer Maddrell

Milwaukee Digital Media Conference 2007 - 0 views

    A hands on conference in which educators will go behind the scenes of the Milwaukee Public Museum to work with instructors from The Stephens Group and museum curators to create digital content for the museum. Participants will learn about 21st Century tools such as podcasting, photo-editing and distance learning. Educators can recieve two graduate credits from Cardinal Stritch University at the conference. Registration is limited.
Darcy Goshorn

The Renaissance Connection, from the Allentown Art Museum - 1 views

    Interactive, flash-based webquest about the connections between Renaissance life and modern life. Has a lot of motivating features, and includes lesson plans for teachers. Excellent site from the Allentown Art Museum.
    very interactive, includes lesson plans!

OPI Nail Lacquer - You Don't Know Jacques - NL F15 - NAILMALL.COM svg-arrow-next svg-ar... - 0 views

    All Your Nail Salon Needs Nail shopping OPI CND opi dip powder kit,opi you don't know jacques, opi now museum now you don't , you don't know jacques opi , jacques opi ,

Sunrise at Montauk Point Lighthouse Museum: A Perfect Travel Plan - 0 views

    Sunrise at Montauk Point Lighthouse Museum: A Perfect Travel Plan - Watching the Sunrise at this iconic location is an experience that blends tranquility, awe, and a deep connection with nature.
Allison Kipta

MLA's 30 Books Every Adult Should Read Before They Die on Lists of Bests - 0 views

    United Kingdom - "a World Book Day poll conducted by the Museum, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA), in which librarians around the country were asked the question, 'Which book should every adult read before they die?' "
Fred Delventhal

Museum Box Homepage - 0 views

    If you could put a number of items into a box that described your life, what would you include? What do you think would be included if you were a Victorian Servant or Queen Elizabeth I. If you lived during the English Civil War, what items would you include to make a case for, or against, the parliamentarians? And what if you were an abolitionist and wanted to show that slavery was wrong and unnecessary, how would you create your evidence. Via Heather Hurley
Fred Delventhal

Flickr: Brooklyn Museum's Photostream - 0 views

    Following the Library of Congress more museums and collections are using Flickr to get the image out. via Assorted Stuff -
J Black

Wellcome-images - 0 views

    Database of images from museum in England. Licensed under Creative Commons - must attribute and also leave embedded meta data in file information. Some very nice images!!

Welcome to MW On-line | Museums and the Web On-line - 0 views

    Hallo guys. I am very happy to share here. This is my site. If you would like to visit here. Go ahead. I've made ​​About a $ 58,000 from my little site. There is a forum and I was very happy to announce to you. I also provide seo service. gratis datingsite datingsites‎ gratis datingsite gratis dating
Jerry Swiatek - 0 views

    Europeana is the European Union's effort to digitize millions of objects from the continent's museums, archives and libraries and make them available online.
Ced Paine

Ancient Egypt - 0 views

    From The British Museum

Edinburgh: A Tapestry of History, Culture, and Weather - 0 views

Perched majestically on Scotland's eastern coast, Edinburgh is a city that seamlessly blends its rich history with vibrant culture and ever-changing weather. From its ancient roots to its modern-da...

Edinburgh Culture Weather History

started by eyssant on 07 Apr 24 no follow-up yet
edtechtalk -- a museum of strange and rarely used HTML tags - 0 views

    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
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