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Class 8 NCERT Exemplar Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water | Swiflearn - 0 views

    Class 8 NCERT Exemplar for Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water with Solutions. Download FREE PDF of NCERT Exemplar for Class 8 Science (2020-21) - Swiflearn.
Fred Delventhal

Get feedback with Backboard - 0 views

    Backboard automates the process of getting feedback and approval on all your projects-it can handle almost any type of file, but it's especially good with mixed graphical and text media. It only takes a minute to start a Backboard. Upload the file you would like feedback on, choose a security level, and select the email addresses of one or more reviewers. Each reviewer will receive a link to your file, where they can come and leave feedback on your document. Every kind of document can be annotated and marked up in the same way, so reviewers do not have to learn several commenting systems. Better yet, you can view all reviewers' feedback in the same place, so you'll never again find yourself merging several documents with different "tracked changes." via

FIFACOINSZONE - Buy Cheap and Safe FIFA 18 Coins and FUT 18 coins - 0 views

    Best fifa coins seller, I love it.
Doug Holton

18 Enlightening iPad Experiments in Education | Online Universities - 34 views

    More than 600 school districts in America have brought iPads into the classroom. Had they waited a bit longer, they could have taken advantage of studies like these to know whether the iPad movement is the wave of the future of education, or a waste of valuable resources.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)

Discover What is Pangea Day and how film unites people to build a better future - 0 views

    The Pangea Day Mission & Purpose Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film. Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that - to help people see themselves in others - through the power of film. The Pangea Day Event Starting at 18:00 GMT on May 10, 2008, locations in Cairo, Kigali, London, Los Angeles, Mumbai, and Rio de Janeiro will be linked for a live program of powerful films, live music, and visionary speakers. The entire program will be broadcast - in seven languages - to millions of people worldwide through the internet, television, and mobile phones.
Jennifer Maddrell

Vote for Drupal in the CNet Webware 100 Awards! | - 0 views

  • Drupal has been selected as a finalist by the editors at CNet Webware in the first ever “Webware 100” Awards, from over 4,000 user-submitted nominations. Winners will be announced on Monday, June 18 and posted on
    #1Drupal has been selected as a finalist by the editors at CNet Webware in the first ever "Webware 100" Awardsjma
Abhijeet Valke

Top 47 eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views

    Find list of Top 47 eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs (in alphabetical order) that Upside Learning team follows. 1. Adventures in Corporate Education 2. Bersin & Associates : Blogs 3. Big Dog, Little Dog 4. Blogger in Middle-earth 5. Bozarthzone 6. Clark Aldrich On Simulations and Serious Games 7. Clive on Learning 8. Connectivism 9. Daretoshare 10. Dave's Whiteboard 11. Donald Clark Plan B 12. eLearning Blog // Don't Waste Your Time… 13. e-Clippings (Learning As Art) 14. E-Learning Curve Blog 15. eLearning in the Corporate Sector 16. eLearning Technology 17. eLearning Weekly 18. elearningpost 19. elearnspace 20. Engaged Learning 21. Experiencing E-Learning 22. Harold Jarche 23. ID and Other Reflections 24. In the Middle of the Curve 25. Informal Learning Blog 26. Internet Time Blog 27. Jane's E-Learning Pick of the Day 28. Kapp Notes 29. Learn and Lead 30. Learning Conversations 31. Learning TRENDS 32. Learning Visions 33. Learnlets 34. Making Change - Ideas for Lively eLearning 35. Mobile Learning 36. Nigel Paine 37. Stephen's Web 38. T+D Blog 39. Take An E-Learning Break 40. The Bamboo Project Blog 41. The eLearning Coach 42. The Learning Circuits Blog 43. The Rapid eLearning Blog 44. The Upside Learning Solutions Blog 45. TogetherLearn 46. Will at Work Learning 47. Workplace Learning Today
Abhijeet Valke

27 More Top eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs | Upside Learning Blog - 0 views

    After we posted a list of the Top 47 eLearning & Workplace Learning Blogs last month, we have received several more recommendations for adding more blogs to that list. Apart from these, we've discovered a few more blogs worth following - and these have been added to the list. A total of 27 blogs have been added to the original list. 1. Occasional Rants 2. Mind Leaders 3. Social Enterprise Blog 4. Discovery Through eLearning 5. Mission to Learn 6. Virtual Learning 7. Brandon Hall Analyst Blog - Janet Clarey 8. Speak Out 9. The Leadership Compass by Dr. Michael O'Connor 10. eLearning Roadtrip 11. Nancy White's Full Circle Blog 12. Business of Learning by Doug Howard 13. Aaron Silvers 14. Emerging Internet Technologies for Education 15. Langevin - Blog 16. Learning Technology Learning 17. PsyBlog 18. ZaidLearn 19. eLearning Acupuncture 20. Daan Assen's Learning 21. E L S U A 22. Electronic Papyrus 23. aLearning Blog 24. Lars is Learning 25. Writers Gateway 26. Free as in Freedom 27. Instructional Design: On the road to learning
Fred Delventhal

Shortie Awards - 6 views

    The Shortie Awards: International Film & News Festival is for students ages 7-18 and their teachers. Deadline April 9, 2010
Paul Beaufait

The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook - 4 views

    "The data for this chart was derived from my interpretation of the Facebook Terms of Service over the years, along with my personal memories of the default privacy settings for different classes of personal data. The population sizes are statistics from Google, the Facebook Data Team, and wild guesses based on what seemed reasonable..." (Matt McKeon, Data, ¶1, 2010.05.18).
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Paul Beaufait

Rewriting research / Special report: Social academia / Special Reports / Home - Broker - 8 views

  • Above all, to be successful, a wiki needs constant maintenance. ‘Group buy-in’ and ‘collective adoption’ are essential, which means that all members of the group must share an enthusiasm to make regular contributions.
  • Above all, to be successful, a wiki needs constant maintenance. ‘Group buy-in’ and ‘collective adoption’ are essential, which means that all members of the group must share an enthusiasm to make regular contributions. In contrast with academic blogs, where the identity of the main contributor is clear, wikis tend to downplay individual identity in favour of the group. They also feature research that often places equal value on academic and non-academic perspectives.
  • Proponents of wikis argue that such collaboration has the potential to ensure that the quality of research is higher than that produced by individual scholars. But in an academic setting this will happen only if Surowiecki’s collaboration and cooperation problems are resolved.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The most important requirement for a successful collaborative writing project via a wiki is that all those involved must be motivated to contribute.
  • Although it is difficult to argue that the quality of publications is actually improved through blogging or online collaborative writing, evidence from various scholars does suggest that this is a possibility.
  • Perhaps we are witnessing the start of an era of separation between what could become two realms of research. One is the realm of traditional ‘pure’ research where, independent of technologies like the internet, the goal is to achieve scientific discoveries that may eventually trickle down to the outside world. In the other, a realm that is much more closely focused on society and policy, practitioners communicate directly, and in real time, with that outside world.
    Ward, Janelle. (2009). Rewriting research. The Broker 15, 12-18. Retrieved February 21, 2011, from Source of recast: Online Collaborative Writing: How Blogs And Wikis Are Changing The Academic Publishing Process Link:
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
Messi karol

Masters in management consultancy from elite UK university - 6 views

    This Online MBA is designed to build essential modern management skills and knowledge and prepare you for best business practices of the world. Upon successful completion of the course you will be ready to accept challenges faced by corporate houses.
    MiM Key Features * 18-month program enabling students from any background to understand the management and business related subjects * Wide range of electives and optional present in the curriculum which makes the program academically very rigorous * Opportunity to customize the program in accordance to the student's needs * Internationally diverse class
tabeebeonline tabeebeo

العناية بالبشرة - 0 views

    طبيبي أون لاين : مصدرك للمعلومات الطبية
    العناية بالبشرة
    العناية بالبشرة
Clay Leben

How to Create a Community Resource Guide | TechSoup for Libraries - 10 views

    Example of library project to develop guide to local services and organizations. Demonstrates use of volunteers and collaboration of partner agencies.
David Wetzel

Why Use an iPod Touch in Science and Math Classrooms? - 0 views

    The iPod Touch brings a new dimension to teaching and learning in the science or math classroom - Mobile Learning! No longer are students required to only learn within the confines of their classroom when using this digital tool.
    This website is the best news site, all the information is here and always on the update. We accept criticism and suggestions. Happy along with you here. I really love you guys. :-)
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