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EdTech RoundUp

#uppingyourgame - 0 views

    Doug Belshaw's OpenBeta book: The Philosophy of Productivity Productivity & Motivation Productivity as 'getting on & doing' Productivity 2.0
EdTech RoundUp

Inbox Zero - 0 views

    improve your productivity at work with inbox zero
EdTech RoundUp

XMind - Social Brainstorming and Mind Mapping - 0 views

    XMind, combined with online sharing service, provides a revolutionary way to enable both team brainstorming and personal mind mapping. With this major upgrade, we bring Web 2.0 concepts on community sharing into a popular desktop application. New Gantt view allows project managers to easily track project tasks and schedules. You'll find many more useful and time-saving functions in XMind product family.
EdTech RoundUp

eduBuzz Training & Support wiki / roadshowlist - 0 views

    The 'unconference' approach to professional development, TeachMeet, involves short, sharp demonstrations of one technology, showing its whole potential in no more than seven minutes. We then reverse engineer what went into the product of the students' learning, leaving plenty of time to play and discover new skills. Crucially, we leave time at the end for planning your new skills into your next period of teaching and learning.
EdTech RoundUp

School AUP 2.0 | Main / HomePage browse - 0 views

    This is a dynamic document designed to support teachers, school media specialists, and education leaders in developing, maintaining, and enforcing policies designed to: 1. Promote the most effective, productive, and instructionally sound uses of digital, networked, and abundant information environments. 2. Provide safe digital environments for learners and to instill safe practices and habits among the learning community.
EdTech RoundUp

PostRank - 0 views

    PostRank™ measures audience engagement and provides integrated tools to enable you to customize your RSS subscriptions. Save time, boost productivity, and Read What Matters
Dai Barnes

TTS - Talk Time Cards - 0 views

  • These postcards contain a voice recording chip - simple record and play operation. A5 - slot any pictures in the plastic pockets from numbers to animals and record your own 10 second message.    Small - ideal for phonics work with a high quality 6 second chip.     The record button can be hidden if required. Simply take a photo of your display or model and record some information about it! Available in packs of 3, 10, 30 or 100.
    These postcards contain a voice recording chip - simple record and play operation. # A5 - slot any pictures in the plastic pockets from numbers to animals and record your own 10 second message. # Small - ideal for phonics work with a high quality 6 second chip. # The record button can be hidden if required. Simply take a photo of your display or model and record some information about it! Available in packs of 3, 10, 30 or 100.
Dai Barnes

VickyWiki Web2.0 assessment tools - 0 views

  • ...9 more annotations...
    Various methods of assessing work online
EdTech RoundUp

einstruction - 0 views

    The CPS Chalkboard gives you the freedom to teach from anywhere in the classroom. Navigate CPS, PowerPoint, or any of your computer's programs with this easy-to-use tablet and stylus. The CPS Chalkboard also lets you draw illustrations or notate questions without being bound to the blackboard.
EdTech RoundUp

Remember The Milk - 0 views

    Take your tasks anywhere with this feature-packed application. See tasks located nearby, add and complete tasks on the go, organize upcoming tasks, and sync it all seamlessly with Remember The Milk. Free download for Pro users!
Dai Barnes - 0 views

    web and handheld software that allows multimedia note taking on the go and collates it into one place to recall at convenience
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