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EdTech RoundUp

BarCamp London 8 - 0 views

    At BarCamp, a group of enthusiastic people gather to share their knowledge about technology and anything else they are interested in. They do this by attending presentations given by other attendees - and giving presentations themselves, of course
EdTech RoundUp

PodCamp Community UnConferences - 0 views

    A PodCamp is a usually free BarCamp-style community UnConference for new media enthusiasts
EdTech RoundUp

ETRU bookclub - 0 views

    At our weekly EdTechRoundUp meetings we often discuss ideas, opinions and case studies from books we've recently read. A few of us thought it would be a great idea to facilitate an informal book swap. This page exists for that purpose
EdTech RoundUp

TeachMeet Map - 0 views

    This is a map to show different teachers, advisers, education consultants etc in the UK (& around the world!). This might be used to help organise Teachmeets or it might just help to extend your network with local teachers.
EdTech RoundUp

TeachMeet Map - 0 views

    This is a map to show different teachers, advisers, education consultants etc in the UK (& around the world!). This might be used to help organise Teachmeets or it might just help to extend your network with local teachers
EdTech RoundUp

Micro Presentation for Teachmeet at the SHP Conference '10 - 0 views

    A seven minute exploration of some of the work we've been doing on handing the history curriculum back to the students.
EdTech RoundUp

Robocup Soccer 2010 Germany / Germany (Final) - 0 views

    Robocup 2010 Singapore: Day 4 (Final)
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