I enjoyed looking at this site because of its concise explanation. The video clip was a great way to get the point across. One thing that stood out to me is when the author said that the "view will continue to change as technology evolves." I feel that any networking used will change quickly and I am interested to see where PLN go in the next few years.
http://www.teachthought.com/the-future-of-learning/10-reasons-every-teacher-needs-professional-learning-network/ Summary: This site gives a great visual of ten reasons why teachers needs Professional or Personal Learning Networks. The options to collaborate and share lesson plans or resources allows teachers to expand their educational toolbox. Depending on the school or district, PLN provide support and problem solve particular issues. It also allows teachers to reach out globally and make connections or create global projects. Overall, it just gives teachers new ideas to make their classroom a better learning environment.
http://www.ideapartnership.org/documents/NewEyes-3-HTQ.pdf Summary: This article explains the importance of CoPs in education to help teachers communicate ideas and collaborate together to form a better learning environment. It addresses the need to be better teachers, not just for the average student, but also for the students with disabilities. CoPs allows teachers to address complex problems and collaborate to find effective solutions. The communities can be formed locally, state and beyond depending on the content group and need of teachers.
https://www.td.org/Publications/Blogs/Science-of-Learning-Blog/2017/02/3-Adult-Learning-Theories-Every-E-Learning-Designer-Must-Know Summary: This site explains the theory of CoPs, but the difference on this site compared to the other sites I have found is the table that compares that a Communities of Practice and Teams. In the education and business world people work in teams to accomplish a set goal, so what is the advantages to CoPs? The table highlights the differences in the objectives, membership, organization, termination, value proposition, and management.
https://www.edutopia.org/blog/how-do-i-get-a-pln-tom-whitby Summary: This article defines PLN as a social networking tool to learn and collaborate with other people with the same interests or professions. It lists three major barriers that deter teachers from connecting in PLNs. It is not just a PD day, it is a long-term form of learning. Some of them are wordy and too techy for the average teacher. There is a need for digital understanding beyond Google search to truly connect with PLNs. This article does address the positives and how to properly connect to a network that best suits you.
https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2011/05/19/5-personal-learning-networks-plns-for-educators/ Summary: This article explains the importance of social networking in education. One of the examples I enjoyed looking at more carefully was the EdChat since it started as a Twitter conversation #edchat. The idea that teachers can use PLNs to navigate through issues that they encounter or a place to reach out a share a good idea, is a great platform that was not available when I was student teaching. This article also discusses how to build a network and connect to existing networks.
http://www.teachhub.com/what-pln-why-do-i-need-one Summary: This site summarized the idea behind a Personal Learning Network (PLN), especially in the world of education. Teachers should connect with other teachers to share resources, ideas, and lesson plans to help each other become better teachers. This social network can connect educators around the world and allow teacher's with the same content background to problem-solve and find new ways to engage learners in the materials. The two benefits laid out are 1) personalized training and 2) the symbiotic relationship it allows. Ways to create PLN are through Twitter, Facebook, and teacher blogs.
https://www.edsurge.com/news/2015-09-15-is-education-technology-losing-its-humanity Summary: This article was interesting in its approach to how technology in education is being currently viewed. The author discusses the 1990s use of technology to help student access learning resources and material to enhance their learning. Now technology is changing how we learn, not helping us learn. There is a five element approach suggested to see the impact of the technology on the learner and should be revisited every five years to analyze.
https://www.learning-theories.com/communities-of-practice-lave-and-wenger.html Summary: This site was a great introduction of what Communities of Practice (CoP) are and how the learning theory developed. The idea that the Internet provides a social network to connect people with online communities to inspire creativity and understanding. It is when people with similar interests come together in an online community to share ideas and collaborate to help each other. This could include problem-solving and creating solutions to a share problem. Each group has its own specific domain to connect with others with the same interests.
https://www.edsurge.com/news/2015-09-02-hobbyists-scholars-and-their-learning-environments This article emphasizes the importance in ownership of learning with the success of the learner. What stood out to me in the article is the idea of the "good student" complying with the learning process, but not being fully engaged. The scholar is self-directed and fully engaged working towards future job skills.
https://www.edsurge.com/news/2016-02-04-robotics-and-vr-loom-on-the-higher-ed-horizon This article discusses the importance of connections between teachers and students through the use of technology. Groups are analyzing data to discover trends and ways that technology can work to help students learn. One way is BYOD, but discusses how technology can be used to help students learn other values like ethics.
One of my favorite websites to use in my middle school history classes is CNN 10. Its a daily current events news show that highlights important stories. Here's the link http://www.cnn.com/cnn10 Its done for the summer, but new stories will be back again in mid-August. All the old shows are available to watch.