This article is an overview on Connectivism and how it applies to today's learners. It explicitly discusses how other learning theories may be a thing of the past and no longer understand today's learners. The reason for this is the shift in technology and the application of that technology in all aspects of our lives. The article also goes in depth discussing how Connectivism not only applies to today's learners but to the learners of the future. Connectivism in its own right is progressive in thought - just like the technology being created for learners of today. The image below describes in one word what the learning theory encompasses. I think this image is very insightful in that Connectivism is concerned with distributed knowledge or knowledge gain from multiple sources and mediums all make connections.
Great article Jenni. I have saved it into my Mendeley app with other resources for my dissertation! As the authors stated, we are definitely shifting toward more autonomous learners. I am still trying to wrap my mind around Siemens' comment that, "The learning is the network."
Connectivism in its own right is progressive in thought - just like the technology being created for learners of today. The image below describes in one word what the learning theory encompasses. I think this image is very insightful in that Connectivism is concerned with distributed knowledge or knowledge gain from multiple sources and mediums all make connections.
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