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Jeff Bernstein

Will Schools Sort Society's Winners and Losers? - Living in Dialogue - 0 views

    "Our schools can be laboratories of democracy, controlled by local citizens, connected to the life blood of the community, preparing children to engage with and transform the world they are entering. The documentary series, A Year at Mission Hill shows what such a school looks like, and how it cares for the students, and nurtures their dreams as they grow. Most of us entered teaching with this vision in mind. But our schools can also be the place where dreams are squashed. A place where students are sorted into winners and losers based on their test scores. Students who are given academic tasks that are beyond their ability or developmental level become frustrated and discouraged. When I taught 6th grade math in Oakland, one of my greatest challenges was the many students who arrived and would write on my introductory survey, "I am bad at math." These self images form early, and the scientific precision of our tests creates a false portrait that becomes indelible when reiterated time and again come test time. What we are creating is a system that says "If you are bad at math, and these many other difficult things on our tests, you are not prepared for college or career, and you are worthless." Why do we have a system that compels us to label and sort our students in this way? "
Jeff Bernstein

Some inconvenient truths about charter schools | The Villager Newspaper - 0 views

    "Battles between charter school operators, like Eva Moskowitz, and public school parents and education advocates are nothing new to the mass media. Recently The New York Times ran an article on this topic, featuring Moskowitz and her Success Academy schools. However, too often this kind of media coverage does not accurately portray our side of the story. The SUNY board of trustees recently voted to approve 17 charter applications, 14 of them by Moskowitz, in New York City. It is more important than ever for the public to understand the reality of the charter movement."
Jeff Bernstein

Teacher tenure: Wrong target  - NY Daily News - 0 views

    "American public education desperately needs to be improved, especially for the most disadvantaged children. But eliminating teachers' job security and due-process rights is not going to attract better educators - or do much to improve school quality."
Jeff Bernstein

"Poster child for tenure": Why teacher Agustin Morales really lost his job - - 0 views

    "A teacher in Massachusetts spoke up when his students' rights were being violated. Here's how he paid the price"
Jeff Bernstein

How to Destroy a Public-School System | The Nation - 0 views

    "In Philadelphia, education reformers got everything they wanted. Look where the city's schools are now."
Jeff Bernstein

What It Takes to Unite Teachers Unions and Communities of Color | The Nation - 0 views

    "Overcoming years of tensions and divisions, parents and teachers are linking arms to save public schools."
Jeff Bernstein

The Tough Lessons of the 1968 Teacher Strikes | The Nation - 0 views

    "To building a lasting peace between teachers unions and communities of color, we can't forget their most painful battle of all."
Jeff Bernstein

5 Books to Build a Movement for Education Justice | The Nation - 0 views

    "A former public school teacher and union organizer picks his favorites."
Jeff Bernstein

What Happens When Education Serves the Economy? - Living in Dialogue - 0 views

    "If the mission of the education system is to serve the economy, and that means maximizing profits, then those profits will be highest if we have an overabundance of college graduates to do the technical work that must be done to keep the machinery of production running. And we have low wage service sector that is unable to raise its wages because they are unorganized and have no political clout. Those who are unemployed are informed over and over again by the school system that they are inadequate because they cannot pass the tests, and therefore to perceive their status as being the result of their own failure to make themselves useful to employers. They are unemployed not because manufacturing has been outsourced to cheap labor overseas, but because they were not "career ready," as proven by their failure to pass the new, much more "rigorous" Common Core aligned tests. Education reform becomes an exercise in rationalizing the shift of half the nation's workers into "surplus" status. It creates a new meritocracy, based on a false paradigm that defines the ability to do well on tests as merit."
Jeff Bernstein

How much time will new Common Core tests take kids to finish? Quite a lot. - The Washin... - 0 views

    "With prime testing time upon us, PARCC's newly released guidance to schools (see below) calls for: 9¾  hours testing time for third grade, 10 hours for grades 4-5 , 10¾ hours for grades 6-8 and 11 to 11¼ hours for grades 9-12."
Jeff Bernstein

A Response to Marc Tucker: Can We Win the Struggle For Democracy When Big Money Writes ... - 0 views

    "I have read with interest the dialogue between Marc Tucker, Diane Ravitch, Anthony Cody, and Yong Zhao on the establishment of an American test-based public education accountability system. Forty years of research on the impact of political structures on social systems,[1], [2] in particular public education,[3] leads me to categorize Marc Tucker's rhetoric as nothing more than political cant to protect the lucrative profits of poverty "non-profit" industry that is bent to the will of the powerful rich donor groups that are dominating education policy in the US and UK."
Jeff Bernstein

Why 'no excuses' charter schools mold 'very submissive' students - starting in kinderga... - 0 views

    "If you have heard the phrase "no excuses" charter schools but don't really know what they mean, here is an informative post about  them and the controversial philosophy under which they approach student discipline and achievement.  Joan Goodman, a professor in the Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania and director of the school's Teach For America program, explains her research on these charter schools to freelance journalist and public education advocate Jennifer Berkshire, who worked for six years editing a newspaper for the American Federation of Teachers in Massachusetts and who authors the EduShyster blog, where this Q * A originally appeared. Goodman is a former school psychologist whose article "Charter Management Organizations and the Regulated Environment: Is It Worth the Price?" appeared in the March 2013 issue of Educational Researcher."
Jeff Bernstein

Long Shadow Report: Strong Schools Require Strong Communities - Living in Dialogue - 0 views

    "An important new study, The Long Shadow: Family Background, Disadvantaged Urban Youth, and the Transition to Adulthood by Karl Alexander, Doris Entwisle, and Linda Olson, casts doubt on the current policy push to starve neighborhood public schools and fund charter schools that are not connected to supportive communities."
Jeff Bernstein

Venture Capitalists Are Poised to 'Disrupt' Everything About the Education Market | The... - 0 views

    "Venture capitalists and for-profit firms are salivating over the exploding $788.7 billion market in K-12 education. What does this mean for public school students?"
Jeff Bernstein

Lies My Corporate Ed Reformers Told Me: The Truth About Teacher Tenure and th... - 0 views

    "The champions of corporate education reform insist that efforts to strip teachers of the procedural guarantees of due process embedded in tenure are somehow an extension of the Civil Rights Movement. In the latest iteration of this make-believe history, former CNN anchor Campbell Brown and her ally, lawyer David Boies, wax philosophical about how their campaign to end tenure is really "about Civil Rights." While the rhetoric plays well in the press, it deliberately misrepresents the actual history of Civil Rights. In reality, teachers played a critical role in the movement. In some cases, they were able to do so because they were bolstered by tenure, preventing their arbitrary dismissal for activism."
Jeff Bernstein

Shanker Blog » What You Need To Know About Misleading Education Graphs, In Tw... - 0 views

    "But that's what makes oversimplified, sensationalist graphs like these so exasperating. Instead of promoting a discussion about finding better ways to spend money or the importance of tracking and understanding the factors that influence growth and productivity, these graphs seem intended to start a conversation by ending it, right at the outset, in a manner that typically is compelling only to those who already agree with the conclusions."
Jeff Bernstein

Four Common Core 'flimflams' - The Washington Post - 0 views

    "Since the standards were first introduced, Common Core supporters have created amorphous platitudes and spin to market it. Even as more Americans like me "wise up," do not expect the Common Core-ites to give up. Think tanks have received millions from Gates to support it and education companies are making millions on new Core-aligned materials. There is big money being spent - and big money to be made - in the Common Core. So, expect that when the happy bus pulls into your town, you will hear the same old arguments. These arguments, which I call the Four Flimflams of the Common Core, go like this:"
Jeff Bernstein

Too Cool for School | Jacobin - 0 views

    "Neoliberal education reform is plagued by a contradiction in its commitments - schools need autonomy to be responsive to communities, yet most charters are run by non-educators with no stake in these communities. Insulated from public, democratic bodies, charters are operated by "charter management organizations." These organizations often manage multiple schools and are governed by unelected boards in which philanthropists vastly outnumber teachers or parents. Few charter schools are unionized, so educators have little say in the governance of the school. As the public school system is slowly dismantled, school-by-school, charters open in their place. Naturally, this has caused tension between neoliberal reformers and teachers."
Jeff Bernstein

NYC Public School Parents: Egregious distortions in NYT article on Success Charters, sa... - 0 views

    "This Sunday's NY Times featured an outrageously one-sided article on Success charters.  It is not the first.  One remembers the Steve Brill article from 2010 on Harlem Success Academy which was so similar in tone that I had to keep checking to see that this was not the exact same piece. The Brill article was replete with many factual errors - claiming that the high-performing students at Success charters were exactly like those as the public schools with which it shared space, even though that was a clear falsehood that any reporter or editor could have checked if they had bothered to look at the data.  This time, the reporter Daniel Bergner admitted that the type of students enrolled may be different, writing in an offhand manner"
Jeff Bernstein

New York Times Ignored Teacher Input on Eva Moskowitz | Daniel Katz, Ph.D. - 0 views

    "Mr. Bergner DID speak with teachers who work in co-locations with Success Academy schools.  In fact, he spoke at length and clearly decided to disregard their input almost entirely. I am fortunate to know one of those teachers through local teacher advocacy groups, and she agreed to inform me about her discussions with Mr. Bergner and to share what it is like to be a teacher at a school where Ms. Moskowitz has claimed classroom space for her students.  Her name is "
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