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Monica Reed

ProTeacher! Teaching ideas and resources For Elementary School Teachers - 1 views

shared by Monica Reed on 30 Jul 08 - Cached
    This site offers a plethara of different information that ranges from teaching practices to child development. It also has a blog component to talk to other teachers and share experiences and thoughts.
Samuel Mizener

Classroom Support - 0 views

    This is a great website for providing teachers with interventions to support positive behavior in the classroom. The classroom management practices provided are to promote positive behavior and have also been researched and have been proven to be effective in the classroom. The website also points out the important factors to consider in order to encourage positive behavior in the classroom.
Tiffany Bailey

Education World ® Professional Development Center: Classroom Problem Solver: ... - 0 views

    Shore, K. (2005) The Unmotivated Student. Retrieved May 27, 2008, from This site is an excellent resource provided by Dr. Ken Shore. Dr. Shore has a Ph.D. from Rutgers University in Psychology. He provides practical information on how to deal with different classroom management issues through is articles "Classroom Problem Solver." This particular article focuses on a particularly difficult topic: Unmotivated Students. I have found personally that this is one of the most difficult issues to deal with. Dr. Shore promotes the philosophy of using positive reinforcements to show students that they can accomplish academic success.
Monica Reed

Tool Kit on Teaching and Assessing Students With Disabilities: Behavior - 0 views

    This site offers some teachers. It includes things like assessments, technical assisstance, instructional practices, behavior and additional resources for students with disabilities.
Samuel Mizener

Classroom Management - 0 views

    This website gives an excellent breakdown of issues and solutions that teachers can use on daily basis. It gives tips on preventing poor behavior before it even begins. It provides practical ways in dealing with students who can be disruptive and even a danger to other students in the classroom. It also provides a list of of positive and negative behaviors that can be handed out to students to make them more accountable to their fellow classmates and the teacher.
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