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Brenda Mckoy

Multimedia Artifacts for Improving Reading - 3 views

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started by Brenda Mckoy on 08 Mar 12
  • Brenda Mckoy
    EDUC-7107-1/EDUC-8847-1 Multimedia Technology to Facilitate Learning
    Multimedia Artifacts in improving reading
    All three websites incorporate Tumble book software, which accomplish offering learner- centered, and technology-centered learning. The website offers a collaboration of designing instruction that will use technology and the students capabilities .They focus on the cognitive capabilities and needs of the learner ( Resta & Laferriere,2012). The technology is easy to use and engaging for the learner.

    TUMBLEBOOK - eBooks for Kids

    This website offers an online library for Elementary Schools and Public Library. It is a collection Tumble books, animated, talking picture books. It utilizes the dual -code concept (Mayer, 2009) of offering an audio and visual story presentation. This is achieve through animation, sound, music and narration "to produce an electric picture book" (tumble book, 2012). Teachers can use the tools for reading enrichment, reading independently, and skill building, it also offers: Language learning, the ability to pre-set playlist of books, and games and puzzles to stimulate and encourage children.
    The Read-Along Collection -
    This website is an online collection of read-along titles that extends beyond eBooks for kids collection. It covers elementary, middle school and High school. The eBook features adjustable online text along with complete audio narration, with sentences highlighted. This along with several other feature automatic page turning, graphic novels, high interest, /low-level books. This site focus on all of Mayer's (2009) three Assumptions: dual-code, limited capacity and active processing. However, it focus on limited capacity by creating reading where the reader is given stories of an appropriate length , with cues, such as highlighted sentences and automatic page turning to help the learner make the sense of the story.

    This website utilizes the new educational technology of streaming audio books. It gives the educator and students access to hundreds of audio book library collections, unlimited number of simultaneous users and can been access from a computer or internet. This eliminates the problems obtaining books and creating lessons that entire class can benefit. Students and teachers become 'active processor' of learning. This program ignite there interest in reading without worrying about loss of book.
    Mayer, R. E. (2009). Multimedia learning (2nd Ed.). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
    Resta, P and Laferriere, T. (2012) Technology in Support of Collaborative Learning. Educational Psychology Review. Volume 19, Number 1, 65-83, DOI: 10.1007/s10648-007-9042-7

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