Ring the Bottle: A Math Carnival Game | Activity | Education.com - 0 views
Niki Smith on 18 Oct 14Mathematics: Multiplication and addition/ subtraction game for third grade students. Nothing chases the blues away like a trip to the boardwalk. Bring the fun home with this do-it-yourself version that sneaks in some math practice. This is a carnival game "ring toss", you can use either addition and subtraction or multiplication. Each child throws two rings and can add the two numbers to see who has the closet to fifty and reward the winner with a prize. If you want to use to practice multiplication facts you can have the children each throw two rings and see who has the highest number after multiplying the two numbers on the bottles, and this person wins a prize. The children go one at a time and you put a piece of tape down to be sure everyone throws from the same spot. This covers standard 3.C.5.
Niki Smith on 18 Oct 14Mathematics: Multiplication and addition/ subtraction game for third grade students. Nothing chases the blues away like a trip to the boardwalk. Bring the fun home with this do-it-yourself version that sneaks in some math practice. This is a carnival game "ring toss", you can use either addition and subtraction or multiplication. Each child throws two rings and can add the two numbers to see who has the closet to fifty and reward the winner with a prize. If you want to use to practice multiplication facts you can have the children each throw two rings and see who has the highest number after multiplying the two numbers on the bottles, and this person wins a prize. The children go one at a time and you put a piece of tape down to be sure everyone throws from the same spot. This covers standard 3.C.5.