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Aaron Davis

George Siemens Gets Connected - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

  • Learning is not just about the content of a lesson. It is about belonging to a community.
  • "If you're always moving away from something, you'll be lost," Mr. Siemens remembers a priest telling him. "Always be moving toward something."
  • "For me, we can't even talk like that," Mr. Cormier tells me. "It's messy, and it's always going to be messy, and those sort of clean lines are not even something we should strive for."
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • "If you care about it," he tells me, "you should make it something that can outlast you, that people can make their own."
  • 'Knowledge is ambiguous, you have to be able to understand that what the teacher tells you is a guidepost, a framework for you to develop your thinking,'
    An interesting piece on George Siemens and Connectivism. Good background to MOOC's and how the original concept is different from that offered by companies such as Coursera and edX.
Clay Leben

Welcome to CCK11 ~ CCK11 - 2 views

    Home page for 2011 Connectivism and Connective Knowledge, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) from Jan 17 to April 11, 2011.
Roland Gesthuizen

Reading Writing Responding: Tinkering, Passion and the Wildfire that is Learning - 0 views

  • whether you are creating an environment where learning can take flight - dry kindling, tall trees - or are you creating an environment where, with a lot of damp branches, there is a lot of smoke, but little fire?
  • As +George Siemens suggests while talking about connectivism as an answer for the digital age, "learning is a process that occurs within nebulous environments of shifting core elements – not entirely under the control of the individual."
    "In a fantastic discussion as a part of +Ed Tech Crew Episode 240 focusing on what it takes to be an IT co-ordinator, +Ashley Proud spoke about the demise in tinkering amongst students. Although +Mel Cashen and +Roland Gesthuizen mentioned about taking things a part, giving the conversation a more mechanical theme, I feel that tinkering is best understood as a wider curiosity into the way things work."
Aaron Davis

Convergent cities - Future Tense Podcast - 0 views

    A discussion about the place of convergence within modern cities as a part of Radio National's 'Future Tense' program
Ian Guest

Learning in a small, task-oriented, connectivist MOOC (IRRODL) - 0 views

    "Learning in a Small, Task-Oriented, Connectivist MOOC: Pedagogical Issues and Implication"
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