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Darrel Branson

Ad-Free Education Wikis - Wikis in Education - 0 views

    " It's with much regret that we're announcing the end of the "Ad Free for Education Sites" program here at Wetpaint. While the program has been a tremendous success and has been used by educators around the world, it comes at a high cost to Wetpaint. With the company's resources stretched thin, we can no longer effectively support the program going forward."
Darrel Branson

Web 2.0 in Education (UK) Home - Web 2.0 in Education (UK) - 0 views

    This site is a wiki designed to provide teachers with a directory of free webtools along with some suggestions as to how they may be used in the classroom.
    This site is designed to provide teachers with a directory of free webtools along with some suggestions as to how they may be used in the classroom. I have searched over 2000 websites and listed 194 tools, that's 194 opportunities for you to use ICT in your classroom and all for free!
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