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How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Magento eCommerce stores - TI Technologies - 0 views

    As digital transactions become the definitive method of purchasing goods and services, leading eCommerce firms are exploring how AI can enhance brand competitiveness and customer loyalty. Artificial Intelligence is set to be a game-changer to shape the next stage of the e-commerce evolution. Artificial intelligence provides passel of opportunities to the e-commerce industry where retailers compete to provide the maximum customer convenience, by providing the ultimate shopping experience. With continuous advances in digital voice technology, AI tools such as Alexa, Cortana, and Watson, are gracing headlines almost daily, hinting at the wide scope of opportunities it has to revolutionize eCommerce stores. Here we show 6 amazing applications to use Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce. * Create customer-centric search- By implementing Artificial intelligence in Magento creates purchase assistants that target the right users, with the right messages at the right time.AI programs can rely on self-learning algorithms to deconstruct Bigdata of thousands of customers and create targeted user experiences, hence ruling out any human-bias or error. * Context-based search- Product Search functionality is an integral part of a Magento store as the shopping process begins with the search for relevant products. If Magento individualizes some impressive extensions, they might be nothing as compared to the effectiveness of AI-powered searches. Here usual searches rely on the Keywords entered by the user and only when there is a correct match, your searches will dish out the right search results. But AI-powered product searches will look for the context of the search, utilize the capability of Natural Language Process to generate context-based search terms rather than typical keywords. * Facilitate Purchase Decisions- Purchase Assistants are something that is still not fully released. Using the concept of virtual Purchase assistant we can cut down the time spent by shoppers

Reasons why React Native Is the Future of Hybrid App Development - TI Technologies - 0 views

    As the world of mobile apps is expanding beyond comprehension, demand for better and faster apps shoot up. We need applications that perform easily, have a magnificent look, simple to create, and can be implemented rapidly. All these necessities are difficult to satisfy as high performance, related to native apps, set aside enough time for the advancement. Then again, faster deployment, related with cross-platform applications, trade-off, no less than a bit, on performance. Therefore, aching for better languages, tools that help top-notch hybrid apps development, and frameworks keep developers on their toes. One such resolution, which quickly changing the universe of versatile applications is Facebook's React Native. It is a JavaScript library to assemble a UI that enables you to make versatile mobile applications and work easily as native apps. It even gives you a chance to reuse the code over the web and mobile platforms. You don't have to develop for Android and iOS, independently, as one code is sufficient for both the platforms, saving money and time. Let's look at some reasons that point towards React Native taking the center stage in the future. Supports Both iOS & Android - 'Supportive' Because of the two different operating systems which are majorly being used by the customers across the world, the primary challenge for the mobile app development companies is to choose one ahead of the other. But Facebook made it easy by introducing React Native. It supports both iOS and Android making it convenient for the app developers to use the same code for both the platforms without writing it from the scratch. Reusability for better development What makes us to state that REACTS is the eventual fate of application development? It is the reusability of the components. You don't have the Web view components anymore for hybrid apps with React native. The essential code for this framework will easily be reused within the native apps, and you'll easily compile it
Roland Gesthuizen

App Store - Discovr Apps - discover new apps - 2 views

  • Discovr Apps was developed by Australian startup Filter Squad - the team that brought you Discovr Music.
    "Discovr Apps is an interactive map of the App Store and makes it easy to discover new apps for your iPhone & iPad. Simply search for an app that you like or choose from one of our featured apps. We'll show you how the apps you choose are connected in a massive, never-ending map of the App Store, and we'll give you great recommendations for other apps to download."
John Pearce

Why basic 3D printers are crazy cheap now | Ars Technica - 2 views

    "Last fall, Ars reported on the opening of a Southern California shop that was selling a $600 3D printer. The brick-and-mortar store seemed to bring the total number of 3D printer retail stores in America (and possibly the world) to two. For these printers to truly come into the mainstream, however, manufacturers need to first make it easy for consumers to buy them. That goal came one step closer to realization in early May 2013, when office supply retailer Staples announced that it would be selling a $1,300 printer from 3D Systems, making it the first major retailer to do so."
John Pearce

In the clouds… | Mr Duncan's Blog - 4 views

    Many of our staff have access to iPads and are keen to use these as part of their teaching. Some are exploring the use of Google Docs, some are exploring the Ultranet and some are exploring other options. The question of privacy and security of information was raised with regards to access to information that is stored within 'the cloud'. This lead to me completing a bit of an investigation of DEECD and Victorian Government policies on where we stand with regards to storing information online using Google Docs, Evernote and other web based applications.
John Pearce

INFOGRAPHIC: iOS and Google Play locked in a Game of Phones - 2 views

    The battle for supremacy in the app store ecosystem between Apple and Google rages on, and we've decided to give you an update on the state of affairs between the two dominant app stores. Keep reading to see where the battles are being fought. Android's proliferation as a platform is widespread news, but has Google Play been able to gain ground on iOS as the main source of commerce for app publishers?
John Pearce

How to Create a U.S iTunes account without a credit card - Nets@Life - 1 views

    "This guide shows you how to get a US iTunes account, and get all the free apps from the US store. Getting paid apps is a bit tricky, as you'll need to find a way to add credits to your US iTunes account without a US credit card (or a US PayPal account).  The steps in this guide will also work for signing up to the U.K iTunes store."
John Pearce

Phil Bradley's weblog: Search privately using your favorite search engine. - 1 views

    "As we all know, search engines like tracking you - your IP address, your search terms and so on. They use this to build up profiles, store the data and so on. It can be a real pain trying to search without this information being stored, but you can try Disconnect Private Search. This routes your search queries through their proxy servers before they go to the popular search engines, including Google, Bing and Yahoo."
Roland Gesthuizen

Schools: Get your discount at the App Store (some day) - 0 views

    An amendment enables developers to offer a 50% discount to educational institutions on multiple copies of apps. They can apply it to individual app titles, or to all apps that they currently offer in the App Store. As of yet, Apple hasn't noted when the discounts will be available for educational institutions, but this could be a nice treat for budget-strapped school systems in the near future.
John Pearce - Your guide to iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch Apps! - 0 views

    "Searching the app store is clunky. Here at iAppGuide we give you an easy way to search and preview the app store from one screen. We provide you specialized sorting and innovative previews to make finding awesome apps easier!"
John Pearce

Google Ads Preferences - 0 views

    "Many websites, such as news sites and blogs, partner with us to show ads to their visitors. To see ads that are more related to you and your interests, edit the categories below, which are based on sites you have recently visited. Learn more Your interests are associated with an advertising cookie that's stored in your browser. If you don't want us to store your interests, you can opt out below."

ryver-slack - 0 views

shared by dishari on 17 Jul 19 - No Cached
    Find out which tool is better with a detailed comparison of ryver vs slack. Use an easy side-by-side layout to quickly compare their features. We knew that you have already read few articles from our Troop Messenger blog-store on Slack alternatives. So far we have made comparison blogs on Slack vs Microsoft Teams, Slack vs Yammer, Slack vs Discord, etc., to make you understand the insights of both the tools. Having said that, we have added one more to our store, and that is Slack vs Ryver.

Buy Verified Coinbase Account - 100% Fully Verified & Safe - 0 views

    Buy Verified Coinbase Account Introduction A digital asset trading company called Coinbase was established in 2012. The company's headquarters are in San Francisco. Customers can purchase, sell, and store digital currencies with Coinbase. Additionally, it provides an API so that programmers and business owners may create applications and take payments in different digital currencies. What Is Coinbase ? A digital asset trading company called Coinbase was established in 2012. The company's headquarters are in San Francisco. Customers can purchase, sell, and store digital currencies with Coinbase. Additionally, it provides an API so that programmers and business owners may create applications and take payments in different digital currencies. Buy Verified Coinbase Account One of the top cryptocurrency exchanges online, Coinbase has been compared to a bank. In 2019, there were over 13 million users of Coinbase. It facilitates the buying and selling of more than 30 digital assets and is accessible in 32 countries.
    Buy Verified Coinbase Account Introduction A digital asset trading company called Coinbase was established in 2012. The company's headquarters are in San Francisco. Customers can purchase, sell, and store digital currencies with Coinbase. Additionally, it provides an API so that programmers and business owners may create applications and take payments in different digital currencies. What Is Coinbase ? A digital asset trading company called Coinbase was established in 2012. The company's headquarters are in San Francisco. Customers can purchase, sell, and store digital currencies with Coinbase. Additionally, it provides an API so that programmers and business owners may create applications and take payments in different digital currencies. Buy Verified Coinbase Account
Roland Gesthuizen

Rough Science for iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + ... - 1 views

    "Presented by well known science educator, Sean M Elliott, Rough Science is a digital learning environment that explores three exciting Australian Curriculum Year 5 & 6 science topics: Layers of the Earth; Solid, Liquid & Gas; and Adaptation & Evolution. Each unit is comprised of a short video and a creative challenge. The App is accompanied by a free Rough Science Teacher Handbook, available from the iTunes store. "
Shelly Terrell

SocialFolders - 2 views

  • Discover a new, simpler way to access your photos, documents and any files stored on your favorite websites.
    Discover a new, simpler way to access your photos, documents and any files stored on your favorite websites.
John Pearce

Experience the App Store and iTunes Anywhere | fnd - 1 views

    By hooking into Apple's iTunes Store APIs, the developers behind fnd have created a free website with a responsive design for any device you're on. I find fnd to be particularly useful on the desktop.
Tony Richards

GeekTool Now Available in the Mac App Store | Cult of Mac - 4 views

John Pearce

Free Password Manager - Store passwords - Desktop or Online - 0 views

    "Free Password Manager. Works in your browser and with our free desktop application HyperSafe. Works on Windows/Mac/Linux any modern browser Fast and easy to use. Secure SSL connections, all data encrypted. No advertising, no spam. Convenient, on the web or your desktop. Store Passwords & memos too... Never forget a password again!"
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