Established in late 2004, e-Learning for Kids is a global, nonprofit foundation dedicated to fun and free learning on the Internet for children ages 5 - 12. We offer free, best-in-class courseware in math, science, reading and keyboarding; and we're building a community for parents and educators to share innovations and insights in childhood education.
As long as the staff member can show a detailed educational plan for the use of Twitter/Skype/etc., there should be little problem with unblocking.
It’s essential that the teacher emphasize responsible use by students. Probably the most important piece is close monitoring of students by the teacher,
My hope is that as a result of this unit, the growing number of students who are involved in social networking will make more informed choices about what they choose to share and may even consider the educational uses of these sites, perhaps setting up online study groups or book clubs.
After consideration by district technology coordinator John Haubner and other administrators, and @MessnerEnglish became our class Twitter account. It's essential that the teacher emphasize responsible use by students. Probably the most important piece is close monitoring of students by the teacher.