Very inspiring speech by the president of Schumacher Collage which is a holistic education school focus on ecological and spiritual issues.
"SOIL, SOUL AND SOCIETY" Satish Kumar introduces the trinity that captures the essence of an eco-philosophy that cares about all life.
"Green rooftops have many benefits in society; they reduce stormwater runoff, keep a building cool in the summer, warm in the water and are simply absolutely beautiful! "
"In Transition 2.0 is an inspirational immersion in the Transition movement, gathering stories from around the world of ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
You'll hear about communities printing their own money, growing food, localising their economies and setting up community power stations. It's an idea that has gone viral, a social experiment that is about responding to uncertain times with solutions and optimism. In a world of increasing uncertainty, here is a story of hope, ingenuity and the power of growing vegetables in unexpected places"
The Ecovillage Design Education programme (EDE) was born out of the experiences of long existing communities and cutting edge educators or transformative and particpatory learning in order to share how to create a new way of living with low environmental impact and high quality of life, bringing together the four areas of regeneration: social, ecological, economic, and culture/worldview.
These programmes are well known to be life changing. Previous participants have become change agents in their communities, cities and regions, capable of playing active roles in transitioning their communities, organisations and neighbourhoods, to more sustainable and regenerative practices, lifestyles and infrastructure, as well as leading more meaningful, joyful and healthier lives.
This Ecovillage Design Course covers:
Creating Community & Embracing Diversity
Skill & Conflict Management
Dragon Dreaming: Co-creating collaborative projects
Social & Personal Transformation
Leadership & Participatory Decision Making Processes
Permaculture Design & Green Building
Renewable Energy, Water Management, Waste Management
Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security
Climate Change & How Ecovillages are tackling EmerGENcies
Shifting from Global Economy to Sustainability
Exploring Community Economies
Social Currencies, Community Banks & Exchange Trade Systems
Intrapreneurship, Edge Work & Living Systems
Holistic Worldview & Reconnection with Nature
Transformation of Consciousness & Trauma Work
Designing Regenerative Cultures
Evolutionary Approaches to Education
Ecovillages and the Sustainable Development Goals
And more…
Nom : Global ecovillage network // Maturité : Concurrent numéro 1 sur le marché // Langue : Anglais // Durée : 5 mois // Tarif : 900 dollars // Durée : 5 mois // Public cible : Etudiant, Amateur, professionnel, expert // Type : Cours en ligne // Contenu de la formation : Explorez la régénération sociale, écologique, économique et culturelle et la conception de projets à travers des cours, des groupes de pratique, des partages et des exercices dans un voyage d'apprentissage transformateur de 5 mois. // But de la formation : Création écolieu + initiation à de nouvelle perspective écologique // Extrait :
« En partageant les meilleures pratiques et les solutions innovantes et en honorant les connaissances traditionnelles et les cultures locales profondément enracinées, GEN jette des ponts entre les décideurs politiques, les universitaires, les entrepreneurs et les réseaux de communautés durables à travers le monde afin de développer des stratégies pour une transition globale vers des communautés et des cultures résilientes.
C'est une formation qui se passe en anglais réalisé par une entreprise existant depuis déjà de nombreuses années. Ils sont implantés sur chaque continent avec une antenne sur chacun d'entre eux. GEN a un statut consultatif au sein de l'UN-ECOSOC (Conseil économique et social) et est partenaire de l'initiative UNITAR-CIFAL, qui sont des organismes travaillant avec les gouvernants du monde entier. »