03 | TEDxUCP Porto 2015 | Theo Bondolfi - YouTube - 0 views
Théo Bondolfi speaks about a solution for todays human challenges : the awareness of netizenship, alias "responsible behaviour at digital age". He explains the socio-technical properties of todays digital environments, and how we can apply them in our everyday life, with coopetitive behaviours for example. He shares his vision of a society were digitally-supported cooperation becomes the rule, simply due to the necessity of respecting these natural digital properties to survive socially and economically. He connects netizenship with his vision of new cities built from scratch, inspired by netizenship culture, through wiki-culture and free licensing, that internauts can also find in TED and TEDx culture with its thousands of contributors worldwide.
CYPRIEN - MON ANNÉE 2014 - YouTube - 0 views
Absolute Power 1x01 Part 1 - YouTube - 1 views
Killing Us Softly 3: Advertising's Image of Women - YouTube - 2 views
Jean Kilbourne's pioneering work helped develop and popularize the study of gender representation in advertising. Her award-winning Killing us Softly films have influenced millions of college and high school students across two generations and on an international scale. In this important new film, Kilbourne reviews if and how the image of women in advertising has changed over the last 20 years. With wit and warmth, Kilbourne uses over 160 ads and TV commercials to critique advertising's image of women. By fostering creative and productive dialogue, she invites viewers to look at familiar images in a new way, that moves and empowers them to take action."
Le Roman de l'Euro - YouTube - 1 views
Un film dans un registre classique, qui montre l'état de la culture économique européenne. L'intérêt du film : montrer la faiblesse des états et rappeler à quel point l'initiative privée reste la clé du succès pour contrer les manipulations des multinationales (dans ce cas, les multinationales de la finance).
Church Of The Earth Series .02 - YouTube - 1 views
Marie-Monique Robin - Le monde selon Monsanto - YouTube - 1 views
"Fruit d'une enquête exceptionnelle de trois ans sur trois continents, le film et le livre reconstituent la genèse d'un empire industriel, qui, à grand renfort de rapports mensongers, de collusion avec l'administration nord-américaine, de pressions et tentatives de corruption, est devenu l'un des premiers semenciers de la planète."
ecosophy T- v01tron - YouTube - 1 views
The Corporation - YouTube - 1 views
DOCU - Vers une transition citoyenne (VL) - YouTube - 0 views
Préparez quelques douceurs. , du thé , du café et invitez votre famille, les amis à s'asseoir confortablement - peut être pas à l'heure de la sieste , plutot à l'heure de l'apero en fin de matinée où l'esprit est encore en plein eveill - et proposez de visionner ce docu jusqu'au bout , sans commentaires...