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Home/ Groups/ ARRA/Economic Stimulus Plan for Education
Anne Bubnic - 0 views

    The goal of this site is to provide information and access to events, information, and discussion areas relating to the educational portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), with the specific goal of helping to facilitate a dialog that will promote the best long-term uses of the funds.
Anne Bubnic

ISTE Community Blog: Economic Stimulus and EdTech - 0 views

    ISTE Community updates on the Economic Stimulus package and what it means for technology in education.
Anne Bubnic

Stimulus money may fund summer school, teacher pay - 0 views

  • You can identify your best teachers and pay them to coach their colleagues who are having trouble," Duncan said in prepared remarks. "You may have to scale this down after two years, but it can really help your younger teachers get up to speed."Duncan also recommended adding afternoons, weekends and summer days to the school calendar: "Our school day, week and year is too short as it is. Many kids just need more time on task," he said.
    Education Secretary Arne Duncan has some suggestions for how schools can spend their windfall from the economic stimulus law, including summer school and extra pay for teachers to coach struggling colleagues. The nation's schools will get an unprecedented amount of money - about $100 billion, double the amount of education spending under President George W. Bush - over the two-year life of the new stimulus law.
Anne Bubnic

School Reform and Improvement Literature Database Search - 0 views

    Includes over 5,000 citations and abstracts of screened, high-quality research reports on school reform and improvement from scholars throughout the US
Anne Bubnic

ISTE's ARRA Survey - 0 views

    ISTE wants to hear from you about how your school or district is using the funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) toward technology and technology professional development purchases. This information is important to gather and to share with policymakers at the state and federal levels to illustrate how our community is investing these funds wisely to promote school innovation and reform. Please complete the following survey with an eye toward sharing how this one-time investment will be used for long-term benefit.
Anne Bubnic

Stimulus Watch: Keep an Eye on Economic Recovery Spending in Education - 0 views

    Awesome Stimulus Funding web site. Find descriptions of educational projects covered by city and state, cost of the project and number of jobs created as a result. Includes all categories of economic stimulus.
Anne Bubnic

Webinar Archive: Leveraging Stimulus Funds for Lasting Change - 0 views

    Archive of a comprehensive 90-minute webinar covering all aspects of ARRA funds for education, including timelines, known requirements, assurances, big-picture goals, how to spend the money, etc.
Anne Bubnic

Stimulus money puts teachers in layoff limbo - 0 views

    An unprecedented $100 billion in federal stimulus money is starting to flow to school districts. Educators welcome the aid, but with most districts just starting to get estimates of how much they'll receive, it's adding complexity to an already confusing budget cycle. Particularly challenging - and emotional - are decisions about how many teachers' jobs to fund for next year. Deadlines have been coming up for renewing contracts, yet many state and local education budgets are in flux. That's putting tens of thousands of teachers into layoff limbo.
Anne Bubnic

Will Title I Set-Aside Dilute Immediate Impact of Stimulus? - 0 views

    What will happen with the Title I set-asides? The answer will have big implications on how quickly $2 billion in stimulus money is spent. State and officials are waiting for guidance from the Department of Education, which is expected soon.
Anne Bubnic

ARRA Education Fund Finder - 0 views

    Find your state's recently released allocations for ESEA Title I Grants to LEAs, IDEA Parts B and C, Rehabilitation Act State Grants, Independent Living State Grants, and Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind, as well as your school district's allocations for Title I, Part A, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
Anne Bubnic

An Explanation of Education Recovery (ARRA) Funds - 0 views

    There are great diagrams on this site, explaining all of the pots of ARRA funding for education, when they will be distributed, and the criteria for their distribution.\n\nMuch has been made about the influx of investment in education by the new Federal Administration. It is surely likely to be impactful, but in order to take advantage of it, it's necessary to understand the bits and pieces, the nuances in detail, the specifics of the who, what and when that will be a part of the process.\n
Anne Bubnic

Assistive Technology and Turn-key Computer Systems for People with Disabilities. - 0 views

    Technology companies are gearing up to take their fair share of economic stimulus funding. Web sites have been updated to reflect ARRA opportunities. This page links to Dell's technology solutions specifically designed for people who are visually, physically, hearing or learning disabled.
Anne Bubnic

Dell - Economic Stimulus - Education - 0 views

    Dell Computers - Economic Stimulus Learning Center. Current focus is on the ARRA funding distribution. Later the site will highlight funds available for technology and related investments. As details become available, they plan to update this site with eligibility criteria, grant resource tools, news alerts and more.
Anne Bubnic

State Fiscal Stabilization Fund - 0 views

    The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program is a new one-time appropriation of $53.6 billion under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Of the amount appropriated, the U. S. Department of Education will award governors approximately $48.6 billion by formula under the SFSF program in exchange for a commitment to advance essential education reforms to benefit students from early learning through post-secondary education, including: college- and career- ready standards and high-quality, valid and reliable assessments for all students; development and use of pre-K through post-secondary and career data systems; increasing teacher effectiveness and ensuring an equitable distribution of qualified teachers; and turning around the lowest-performing schools.
Anne Bubnic

State of California Information Related to ARRA/Education [PDF] - 0 views

    Download a copy of the ARRA charts for Educational programs to be funded in California.
Anne Bubnic

State of California Info Related to ARRA. - 0 views

    Download a copy of the ARRA charts for Educational programs to be funded in California.
Anne Bubnic

ARRA/State of California Economic Recovery Portal - 0 views

    Get the latest news on ARRA programs in California
Anne Bubnic

Spending the Stimulus Bill Money Wisely - 0 views

  • My big fear is we will spend $80 billion and have no clue what worked. We’ll be at the same place. Whatever we do, I want to urge that we do it in a careful, serious, evaluative framework."
  • The codes that every district and school must adhere to constrain opportunity for innovation. This $650 million fund does allow for some creative work and partnership beyond traditional school structures to innovate.
  • This is an opportunity not just to apply for funds for your district, but to engage with mayors, parents and other community members to sustain innovation and change.
    Notes from the Milken Institute Global Conference in Los Angeles panel called: The Stimulus Bill and Education: How Can the Money be Spent Wisely?
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